View Full Version : Lohan's dad vows revenge on drug dealers

01-30-2008, 05:01 AM
Lindsay Lohan's father has vowed to take revenge on his daughter's former drug dealers.

Michael Lohan - himself a former addict who is now involved with youth ministry Teen Challenges - is determined to get even with a man who used to supply 21-year-old Lindsay with cocaine and who is offering his story to the highest bidder.

Michael said: "God is going to get even with this guy. He's destroyed a lot of lives.

"I've been looking for the people who've been selling my daughter and these other kids the drugs. And come hell or high water, one day I'm going to find these guys and I'm going to expose them."

Lindsay was arrested twice last year on driving under the influence (DUI) charges and pleaded guilty in August to misdemeanour DUI and cocaine possession.

She was sentenced to serve 24 hours in jail and was placed on probation for three years. She was also ordered to complete an 18-month alcohol education programme and perform 10 days of community service.

Lindsay fulfilled two days of community service at a Los Angeles American Red Cross blood services facility in November, and will do two more days working in a mortuary.

After serving just 84 minutes in jail, she was released early due to overcrowding and spent two months in rehab at Utah's Cirque Lodge last year.

Meanwhile, Lindsay has been spotted canoodling with 24-year-old Brody Jenner, star of US reality TV show The Hills.

The pair were seen out at New York's Beatrice Inn on Friday before moving on to The Box nightclub where they partied until 3.30am.

A fellow clubber said: "They were all over each other."

A source close to Lindsay said: "She likes him. It's early, but they are more than friends. He seems to like her back. They're actually sweet together, it would be nice if she kept him around."

Bang! Showbiz