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View Full Version : RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion Thread - 4th Feb, 2008

02-02-2008, 02:07 PM

It’s often said that everything is bigger in Texas. That adage will certainly hold true when Raw sweeps into the state’s capital of Austin Monday night.

The tremors from John Cena’s surprise return at Royal Rumble are still being felt. After shaking things up last week by striking the first blow against Randy Orton, the former WWE Champion shows no signs of relenting. For Orton, the man responsible for putting Cena on the shelf, the idea of his WWE Championship run being jeopardized must be unsettling. Can Cena’s ferocity really be deterred until the two face off in a title match at No Way Out? And just how far is Orton willing to go to hang on to his most prized possession?

There’s also the matter of Jeff Hardy, who made it perfectly clear he has no intention of turning tail and running after having come so close to WWE gold. Just how he will make his presence felt is yet to be seen, especially since he will be one of six competitors in the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out. And how will the rest of the Superstars involved in the Chamber – Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, JBL and Umaga – seek to get an advantage with an opportunity to face the WWE Champion at WrestleMania at stake?

And with another frustratingly close loss to Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix, Mickie James appears to be at her boiling point. What will it take for the Diva to finally score a victory over The Glamazon? And is she prepared to do whatever it takes?

To find out the answers to these questions, tune in to Raw live 9/8 CT on the USA Network.


Please feel free to discuss RAW here. No need to wait for updates!


RAW Results - 4th Feb, 2008
Location - Frank Erwin Center in Austin, Texas.
Announcers - Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler

Randy Orton is in the center of the ring for the official contract signing ceremony and there appear to be some legal representatives in the ring with Orton, the official contract signing carpet, and the official contract signing table. Orton holds the contract and he says that what he has in his hand is an official WWE Championship contract. Last week, John Cena accepted his challenge to put up his Royal Rumble victory at No Way Out. Orton says that Cena’s word means nothing to him and that is why he wants it in writing so there is no way that Cena can back out in two weeks. He does not want Cena to claim that he is not fully recovered. Orton says that he wants this contract signed so there is no way out for Cena. Orton says that he has already signed the contract. Orton tells Cena to come out, have a seat and sign the contract. Orton says that he could wait until Wrestlemania but we see Cena walking in the back as he comes to the ring.

Orton sits down at the table and waits for Cena’s music to play. Cena comes to the ring and Orton continues to recline in his chair. Cena takes a seat at the table after knocking Orton’s feet off the table. Orton and Cena now sit face to face and Orton reminds Cena that their attorneys have reviewed the contract and he wants Cena to sign. Cena does not hesitate to sign the contract. Orton gives the contract to his lawyer and he tells Cena that he will see him in two weeks. Orton tells Cena that if something happens during his arm wrestling match tonight with Mark Henry, they are still on at No Way Out.

Mark Henry lumbers to the ring and Cena waits for him to enter the ring. Henry is only a diversion and Orton hits the RKO on Cena and Cena is down in the ring.

We are back and Randy Orton is with Mark Henry and Todd Grisham tries to get a word from both men to explain why they set up John Cena. Orton points out that William Regal set up the arm wrestling match. Orton says that he did not need Mark Henry’s help, but he took advantage of it. Mark Henry says that he is going to enjoy ripping John Cena’s arm out of the socket.

We see footage of Victoria defeating Kelly last week on ECW

Kelly and Mickie James versus Beth Phoenix and Victoria

Victoria and Kelly start things off and Victoria with a side head lock take down. Kelly with a head scissors but Victoria with a cover but Kelly with a bridge into a backslide. Kelly with a rollup for a near fall, but Victoria with a clothesline. Victoria holds Kelly on her back by Kelly’s hair and just lets go. Mickie tags in and Mickie with a forearm to Victoria followed by a head scissors and flying clothesline. Mickie with a neck breaker and then Mickie goes up top but Beth shakes the ropes while Victoria deals with the referee. Beth tries for a cover while Mickie is still down. Mickie with a rollup for a near fall. Mickie with a guillotine choke but Beth backs Mickie into the corner. Mickie and Beth collide head first and Victoria tags in and knocks Kelly off the apron. Mickie with a tornado DDT to Victoria for the three count.

Winners: Mickie James and Kelly

William Regal is in the locker room with Hornswoggle and he tells Hornswoggle to do what his father tells him. Regal reminds Hornswoggle that he is in the club too and wonders if Hornswoggle is too proud. We go to commercial.

We are back and Shawn Michaels comes to the ring and he has something to say. Shawn points out that last year at the Royal Rumble he came ‘this close’ to beating the Undertaker and making it to the main event of Wrestlemania. He still got to the main event, where he came ‘this close’ to beating John Cena for the WWE Championship. Shawn says that it is good, but it is still second place. Anyone who likes finishing second is a liar. Shawn talks about what he has done in the WWE and points out that he sing his own theme song, but he still feels unsatisfied. Shawn puts everybody in the Elimination Chamber on notice, whether it is friend, foe, or Umaga.

Shawn is interrupted by Chris Jericho who comes to the ring and Jericho has a mic. Jericho says that he does not need to come out and tell Shawn about how much he respects him and then he mentions their match at Wrestlemania 19. Chris says that Shawn was wrong about how he was going to win the Elimination Chamber. Jericho says that he has been in three Elimination Chamber Matches and he says that he has main evented Wrestlemania before. He says that it will be his destiny to win the Elimination Chamber . . .

Jericho is interrupted by Jeff Hardy who comes to the ring and he has something to say. Jeff says that it is great that they want to get back to the main event at Wrestlemania but Jeff says that he has never been in a Wrestlemania main event. Hardy says that he is so close that he will sacrifice his body to whatever level necessary. He does not care if he has to take five of Raw’s top superstars down . . .

Bradshaw’s music plays and he comes to the ring. Bradshaw points out that he had to move out of Texas to live in the city of a champion. Bradshaw says that he always gets what he wants whether he buys it or he takes it. Bradshaw points out that Umaga might not speak English that well, but he speaks the language of money. He says that Umaga will guarantee his safe passage back to his Wrestlemania main event. . .

Umaga comes out and he backs Bradshaw into the corner after Bradshaw thinks he has things under control with Umaga.

Gene Snitsky comes to the ring and he says that the only thing that is for certain is that everyone has had their chance already. Snitsky says that he deserves to be in the Elimination Chamber Match. Snitsky says that if he does not get a spot in the match, he will take it.

Shawn Michaels says that they can all agree that Snitsky does not deserve squat, but then Michaels says that Snitsky could use a good dental hygienist. Michaels punches Snitsky and then everyone else starts fighting. Michaels sends Snitsky over the top rope and then Jericho sends Bradshaw out of the ring. Hardy takes care of Umaga.

William Regal comes out and he says that there will be a preview tonight as Snitsky will team with Bradshaw and Umaga against Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, and Jeff Hardy. We go to commercial.

Ken Kennedy versus Super Crazy

They lock up and Kennedy backs Crazy into the corner and Kennedy with a clean break but when Crazy comes out of the corner, Kennedy with a drop kick. Kennedy works on Crazy’s leg and then he punches Crazy. Crazy with a forearm but Kennedy with a drop toe hold and then he works on the knee. Kennedy is kicked off by Crazy but Kennedy returns to the leg. Kennedy pulls Crazy towards the ring post and then he wrings the leg around the post. Kennedy returns to the ring and he drops an elbow on the leg. Kennedy gets a two count. Crazy kicks Kennedy in the head to get out of the hold. Kennedy blocks an enzuigiri and he puts Crazy in a modified figure four to get Super Crazy to tap out.

Winner: Ken Kennedy

After the match
Kennedy summons his mic from the ceiling and he direct everyone’s attention to the TitanTron where we will see footage from Montel Vontavious Porter versus Ric Flair from Smackdown. We then see Porter’s post-match attack on Flair. Kennedy tries to fake some sympathy for Flair. Kennedy says that he knows that Flair is in a lot of pain and then he mock Flair. Kennedy says that Flair knows that he does not want to end up like Super Crazy did tonight at No Way Out. Kennedy says that he will give Flair a chance to forfeit the match on next week’s Raw. Kennedy says that if Flair wants to go through with this match, not only will he end Flair’s career; but Flair will limp for the rest of his natural born life. We go to commercial.

We are back and Mike Adamle is in the crowd and he talks about the Elimination Chamber at Against All Odds. Time for the Elimination Chamber video package.

Santino Marella with Maria and Carlito versus Brian Kendrick and Paul London

Kendrick and Carlito start off and Kendrick with kicks to the leg followed by a drop kick for a near fall. Kendrick with forearms to Carlito and a flying forearm followed by drop kicks. Santino pulls the ropes apart and Kendrick goes outside the ring. London chases Marella around the ring while Carlito hits the lungblower on Kendrick for the three count.

Winners: Santino Marella and Carlito

Vince McMahon is in his office and he is getting his rear end buffed. Vince wonders if the ‘barber’ brought the ass cream and Vince asks for a dollop. We return to the buffing and Vince thanks the man. Vince talks about his ass in HD and we go to commercial.

We are back and Vince McMahon walks to the ring as if he is going to have someone kiss his rear end. Vince thanks the fans for the warm reception. Vince says that he has made an example of the way that every chairman should treat their employees. He has made his employees kiss his ass. Vince sets an example as a concerned parent tonight. Vince says that some parents do not discipline their children and don’t care about their children. Vince says that if they cared, they would administer tough love. You cannot reason with a child because they are not adults. Nobody does that. Vince talks about parents who put their children in ‘time out’ and he calls them pathetic.

Now it is time to talk about the children. Vince wants all of the children to stand up and be recognized and then he calls all of them spoiled brats. Vince says that the parents made them spoiled. Vince tells the parents that they should have their children kiss their asses. Vince says that is tough love. Vince says that we are going to see His Bastard Son Hornswoggle come out and kiss his ass.

Hornswoggle comes out and he does not look like he is in a good mood because he is about to kiss Vince’s ass. Vince tells Hornswoggle that he should know that his father loves him and that Hornswoggle brought this upon himself. Vince says that this is going to hurt Hornswoggle more. Vince removes his jacket and then the pants come down. Vince assumes the position for Hornswoggle and Hornswoggle refuses.

Before Hornswoggle kisses Vince’s ass, Fit Finlay comes out and Vince wants to know why Finlay is here. Finlay wants to know what is wrong with Vince. Vince reminds Finlay about what happened at the Royal Rumble. Vince reminds Finlay that he signs his paycheck. After Hornswoggle kisses his ass, it is Finlay’s turn. The pants come down but Finlay holds Hornswoggle back. Vince stays in the position and then he tells Finlay that he better not do anything or he will shove the shillelagh up Finlay’s butt. Hornswoggle bites Vince’s ass and then he leaves the ring.

Vince gets back on the mic and he asks the fans if they liked what they saw. Vince says that next week, Mr. McMahon will be in action and he will face his thun Hornswoggle in a No Disqualification Match. Vince tells Finlay that if he interferes in the match next week, Finlay will be FIIIIIIIIIIIRED. We go to commercial.

We are back with a reminder that Wrestlemania is only 55 days away.

World Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes and Bob Holly versus Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade

Holly and Murdoch start things off and Murdoch with forearms to Holly but Holly with a back elbow. Holly sets for the kick to the groin and he connects. Murdoch with a reverse atomic drop followed by a running boot to the head. Cade tags in and he gets a quick cover. Cade with forearms to the back followed by a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Cade with more near falls. Cade with forearms to the back but Holly with a drop kick. Murdoch and Rhodes tag in and Rhodes slams Murdoch’s head into the turnbuckle followed by a double sledge from the top followed by a bulldog. Murdoch with a jaw breaker but he connects with a back body drop. Cade blocks a suplex attempt by Rhodes but Holly gets involved. Rhodes with a DDT to Murdoch for the three count.

Winners: Cody Rhodes and Bob Holly

After the match
Carlito, Santino Marella, and Maria come out and Carlito says that him and Santino are the new number one contenders. Santino says that Rhodes and Holly have as much chance of keeping the title as Maria posing in Playboy. Santino suggests that Holly and Rhodes can pose in ‘Balding Tough Guy with a Little Friend Who has a Name Like a Girl’ magazine. We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the Divas appearance on Project Runway.

It is time to look at the card for No Way Out.

Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, and Shawn Michaels versus Bradshaw, Umaga, and Gene Snitsky

Umaga starts off with Shawn Michaels and Michaels with chops to Umaga. Michaels tries for a sunset flip but Umaga does not go down and Umaga tries to drop down but Umaga misses. Michaels with a drop kick. Jericho tags in and he works on the arm. Umaga with a head butt and he tags in Snitsky. Snitsky with a back elbow in the corner. Jericho charges into an elbow but he misses a big boot and Jericho with a springboard drop kick. Hardy is tagged in and it is time for Poetry in Motion. Snitsky with a knee to the midsection and then he slams Hardy. Bradshaw tags in and he connects with a forearm to the back. Bradshaw with punches in the corner followed by a forearm. Hardy with a mule kick and then he hits a double leg drop for a near fall. Bradshaw with a shoulder tackle and then he tags in Snitsky. Snitsky misses an elbow and then he tags in Michaels who chops Snitsky and then he hits a flying forearm and kips up. Snitsky punches Michaels but he misses a big boot. Michaels with a version of the figure four leg lock with features of an Indian Death Lock. Umaga breaks up the hold but when he charges at Michaels, Umaga misses and goes to the floor. Umaga, Bradshaw, Snitsky are on the floor and Michaels, Hardy, and Jericho all hit pescados onto their opponents and we go to commercial.

We are back and Jericho and Snitsky are down in the ring. Snitsky gets up first as we see Bradshaw punch Jericho on a Lionsault attempt before they return. Snitsky with a slam for a near fall. Umaga is tagged in and he connects with forearms to the back. Umaga distracts the referee to allow for double teaming; but it turns into triple teaming when Hardy and Michaels deal with the referee. Umaga with a bear hug but Jericho with elbows to get out of the hold but Umaga with a Samoan drop. Umaga with a waist lock and then he head butts Jericho in the back. Bradshaw tags in and he connects with a series of elbow drops for a near fall. Jericho blocks a punch and responds with punches and chops. Bradshaw with a big boot to Jericho and he gets a two count. Snitsky tags in and he connects with a big boot. Snitsky with a bear hug on Jericho but Jericho gets out of the hold. Umaga with a kick to Jericho’s back followed by a back elbow from Snitsky. Umaga tags in and he connects with a thrust to the chest. Umaga with kicks to the back and then Jericho and Umaga exchange chops until Umaga with a punch. Umaga tries for a diving head butt on Jericho, but Jericho moves out of the way. Jericho with an enzuigiri and both men are down. Hardy and Snitsky are tagged in and Hardy with a drop kick to the knees followed by a flying body block. Hardy with Whisper in the Wind but Bradshaw interferes. Jericho with the Codebreaker on Bradshaw followed by a Samoan Spike by Umaga to Jericho. Michaels with Sweet Chin Music on Umaga. Snitsky with a big boot to Michaels; but Hardy with a Twist of Fate to Snitsky followed by a Swanton for the three count.

Winners: Jeff Hardy, Shawn Michaels, and Chris Jericho

John Cena is walking in the back and we go to commercial.

We are back for the Arm Wrestling Match between John Cena and Mark Henry. Cena is out first. We have an Earlier Tonight Moment of Randy Orton’s RKO on John Cena after Mark Henry came to the ringside area.

Mark Henry comes out for the match. Before they lock up, Henry claims that Cena has oil in his hand. Henry goes for a quick victory but the referee did not start the match.

The Match officially begins and Henry almost ha Cena down but Cena powers things back to even and then he gets the advantage and almost has the match won but Orton hits Cena from behind. Cena tries for the FU on Orton but Orton gets out of the ring. Mark Henry is not as lucky and Cena with an FU to Henry. We go to credits.

Black Widow
02-04-2008, 10:36 PM
cant wait to see raw tonight hopefully the rumors are true

02-05-2008, 03:31 AM
^ Looks like they're not, but she did go back to her roots with that Stratus-Faction like finisher:) RAW's going good so far, and I've never cheered for Mark Henry like I did at the start of the night:D

PS: Anyone know what JR or whoever meant when they said HHH couldn't be there because of a family emergency?

02-05-2008, 05:00 AM
Family emergency scares me these days... But I figure it can't be too serious if Vince was there...

I want to know how long Hornswoggle has been a minor and why is he continuously treated like one?

I loved the kid in the red 'What you mean spoilt brat!' going all nuts!!

02-05-2008, 08:19 PM
^ I doubt the family emergency is what we all think, it's probably nothing too serious to worry about because Vince was on the show. I hate Hornswoggle, just release him please!

02-06-2008, 02:28 AM
^ I doubt the family emergency is what we all think, it's probably nothing too serious to worry about because Vince was on the show. I hate Hornswoggle, just release him please!

True it just irks me

Vick Diesel
02-10-2008, 01:54 AM
HHH lost a family member...it was his sister's husband and that's why he wasn't at the show...there is another thread in the WWE section of this forum that has all of the details...this was a true family emergency!