View Full Version : Kaz vs Cena Country vs Punisher-Riddle Tournament Finals

02-09-2008, 01:31 AM
Kaz vs Cena Country vs Punisher for the Riddle Tournament Finals! Here's how this triple threat match will work, I'm going to post 10 riddles and you guys PM me the answers(numbered properly) and whoever gets the most correct wins and will be crowned champion(in their minds:P) In the event of a tie, a tie breaker involving nothing but more riddles will be provided to the people who tied so... Let the finals begin!

1. A woman proves in court that her husband was murdered by her sister, but the judge decides that the sister cannot be punished. Why?

2. A man is lying drowned in a dead forest, far from water. How did this happen?

3. A man dies of dehydration in his own home. Why?

4. A pipe, a carrot, and a couple sticks are lying together in a field. Why?

5. A man was just doing his job when his suit was torn. Why did he die three minutes later?

6. A man runs along a hall with a piece of paper. When the lights flicker, he drops to his knees and begins to cry. Why?

7. I bend in 3 places and can beckon or accuse. I'm known to make a very good point. What am I?

8. A man had twelve toothpicks in front of him. He took one away. Now he had nine in front of him. How is this possible?

9. What English word is nine letters long, and can remain an English word at each step as you remove one letter at a time, right down to a single letter. List the letter you remove each time and the words that result at each step.

10. Are you good at math? Complete the last two in this sequence: 1=3, 2=3, 3=5, 4=4, 5=4, 6=3, 7=5, 8=5, 9=4, 10=3, 11=?, 12=?

02-14-2008, 12:34 AM
Kaz is the winner!(let's see if that's the case next time) I know Punisher and Cena Country didn't give me their answers but it's taking too long and the Daily Riddle should be put back in order, so Kaz is the Riddle Queen!:dance: