View Full Version : Fixing Red Ring Of Death (xbox 360)

02-12-2008, 02:20 AM
I dont know is this is posted known or even helpful but if it is the latter its worth posting.

The Dreaded Red Ring of Death.

I'm sure most of you with an Xbox360 have heard or at least experienced of the dreaded Red Ring of Death (aka Three Red Lights). The RRoD (short for Red Ring of Death) is a general hardware failure in the Xbox360. Most likely, if you are experiencing three red lights on the system, that means you must get it repaired as it will not longer boot up to the dashboard or play any of your games. We all know that sending your console to Microsoft takes around a month. You recieve a refurbished console back, but that doesn't mean that it is fixed! Some people's newly returned Xbox360 consoles have RRoD'ed again in the next few days!

Temporarily Fixing RRoD

If you have seen the three red lights on your system (as seen in picture above), then you might want to try the Towel Trick. The Towel Trick involves wrapping 3-4 towels around your Xbox360. Before I explain how to do the Towel Trick, you must first understand why you are doing it. Inside the Xbox360 are "Chips" which are connected by Soldering. Sometimes the soldering cracks. Using the Towel Trick, you are basically "cooking" your Xbox360. Through this cooking process, there is a chance that the soldering will melt and then cool again, forming a connection which will allow you to play your Xbox360 again -- with no RRoD! The only downside is that this is dangerous. Your Xbox360 "might" catch on fire. Keep in mind that all consoles have recieved an extended 3-yr warranty on RRoD. This means you can send your console back to Microsoft with no cost. However, you can still get a bit of gametime before your Xbox360 dies for real. The Towel Trick isn't a permanent solution. It is a temporary solution which allows your Xbox360 to run for 3 hours, 3 days, or even 3 weeks.

How to do the Towel Trick

1. Unplug all cords except the Power Cord. Leave the Power Cord attached to your Xbox360, and put the Power Brick in the Outlet. Your Xbox360 must be turned on for this to work.

2. Turn on the Xbox360. Your Xbox360 should be flashing Three Red Lights (aka RRoD). If it isn't, then it's already working and there is no need to do this "Towel Trick".

3. Place a towel underneath the Xbox360. Cover the sides, back, etc..

4. Place a towel on the top of the Xbox360. Cover the sides, back, etc..

5. Place another towel anywhere and wrap it around the Xbox360. Make sure you DON'T see the Xbox360. You want it to cook inside its own juices.

6. Leave it on for 15 minutes. Set the timer.

7. When 15 minutes is over, take the towels off and turn the console off. Let it cool for 20 minutes. You NEED to let it cool. Don't just turn it off and back on.

8. When the Xbox360 is done cooling, plug all the cords back in, and turn on the Xbox360. The Three Flashing Red Lights should be gone! TA-DA!

Written by Chronotrigga

02-12-2008, 02:48 AM
Thanks for this, would be useful if it happens to me.

Dark Drakan
02-12-2008, 04:46 PM
It can work yes, but it isnt really a reliable permanent fix. Ive watched videos of how to do it before and sometimes it works and others it doesnt. Only useful for out of warranty machines too, most the time it will fix them for a short while but they die again couple of months afterwards.