View Full Version : Gooding jr. tops outrageous oscar moments list

02-12-2008, 01:58 PM
CUBA GOODING JR.'s acceptance speech at the 1997 Academy Awards has topped a list naming the most dramatic, outrageous and unexpected moments in Oscar history.

Gooding Jr. was so overjoyed to collect his Best Supporting Actor prize for Jerry Maguire that he refused to stop his speech when the orchestra began playing, instead screaming "I love you!" to a long list of Hollywood stars, while punching the air with his Oscar and jumping up and down.

In second place on VH1's list of 20 Greatest Oscar Moments is Marlon Brando's Best Actor win for The Godfather in 1973, when he sent up Indian Sacheen Littlefeather to collect the award to protest against the treatment of American Indians.

At three is Adrien Brody for passionately kissing Halle Berry during his 2003 Best Actor acceptance speech for The Pianist.

VH1's 20 Greatest Oscar Moments airs on U.S. TV on Thursday (14Feb08).
