View Full Version : Did Nancy Benoit try to call for help just before her death?

Black Widow
02-14-2008, 07:44 PM
Did Nancy Benoit attempt to make phone calls for help just before being strangled by her husband, pro wrestler Chris Benoit, last June?

In the minutes before investigators believe former pro wrestler Chris Benoit killed his wife Nancy, records show that several phone calls were made from the Benoit’s home phone, according to a final report by Fayette County Sheriff’s investigators into the murder-suicide of the Benoit family.

The report, compiled by Det. Ethon Harper, states that a call was placed to 411 directory assistance from the family’s home phone at 9:25 p.m. on the night Chris Benoit apparently killed his wife, Nancy, June 22, 2007.

“An internet search shows the number given was listed to the Fayetteville Police Department and shows as the non-emergency line,” the report states.

“The number shows that listed address as 105 Johnson Avenue, which is the old address of the Fayetteville Police Department.”

However, according to the report, “none of the phones listed to the Benoit family called the number after receiving it. It appears the number was obtained but apparently never used.”

“I can only assume it was Nancy Benoit who called 411, but I’m confused as to why the call was made to 411 and not 911,” said Scott Ballard, Fayette County District Attorney.

“You can’t help but wonder if the child, Daniel, made the call to 411 instead of 911. But I certainly hope not. I hope he did not see anything.”

The report also states that at 9:32 p.m., a phone call was placed from the Benoit residence to a cell phone belonging to Holly Schrepfer -- a neighbor of the Benoit’s. The call lasted for five seconds.

At 9:33, phone call records show a another phone call being placed Schrepfer.

“These are consistent with statements given by the neighbor,” the report states.

“She said she received a phone call from (she believed) Nancy Benoit on Friday night but did not answer,” the report says.

“It is believed the injuries (to Nancy) and Nancy’s approximate time of death occurred after the phone calls were placed to Directory Assistance and Holly Schrepfer at approximately 9:30 p.m. on June 22, 2007.” the report states.

The home phone does not show another incoming or outgoing call until Saturday, June 23, at 3:01 p.m., according to the report.

The report states that it was from Schrepfer, who said she was returning a call after Chris Benoit left a message that morning.

Officials says the report confirms earlier conclusions the former pro wrestler killed his wife Nancy, Friday night and their son Daniel, “within several hours after Nancy Benoit.”

They say Benoit hung himself in the family basement sometime Sunday.

The report eludes to another phone conversation on June 18 --only days prior to her death -- that Nancy Benoit had with a friend in Tennessee, Pam Clark.

The report states that Nancy Benoit told Clark how she “was concerned that Chris may be having an affair with one of the Divas in the WWE.”

The report says Nancy Benoit also told Clark “she did not feel like she knew Chris anymore... and that he had been acting strange lately and his mood swings had gotten to the point that he would pick fights with her over nothing.”

The report goes on to say that “Clark stated Nancy seemed ready to stand up for herself, but had a very bad feeling something was going to happen to her, and that she kept a record of everything Chris had done to her...”

The report also states that “Clark stated Nancy made her promise that if anything happened to her she would make sure that Chris was investigated.
Clark said in the report she thought Nancy Benoit may have been planning to leave Chris and go live with her family in Florida.

According to the report, Schrepfer also told investigators “she knew the relationship between the Benoits had been rocky and that the couple had frequent fights.”

She also apparently told police that “Nancy Benoit told her she was afraid to go home after Chris slammed her against the wall. Schrepfer advised they became friends after that.”

Schrepfer also “described how Nancy Benoit began abusing alcohol and prescription medication to help cope with her relationship with Chris and the demands of his career.”

The report states that a number of types of prescription drugs were found in master bedroom, bathroom and closet.

“Along with the testosterone prescribed to Chris Benoit, investigators located a bottle labeled Carisoprodol (Soma) 350 mg, which was filled May 12, 2007 and contained 40 of the original 100 pills.”

The prescribing doctor was Phil Astin, of Carrollton, according to the report.

The reports states that three prescription bottles for Nancy Benoit of the narcotic hydrocodone (Lorcet) were also found.

One was filled June 19 at CVS in Peachtree City, and 82 of the original 120 remained, the respot states.

A second bottle of hydrocodone prescribed to Nancy was filled June 9 with 120 pills at Publix in Peachtree City. The bottle was empty, according to the report.

And a third bottle prescribed for Nancy Benoit was filled May 30 at the PTC CVS for 120 pills. The report says this bottle was also empty.

Each bottle had apparently been prescribed by the family’s physician, Dr. Phil Astin of Carrollton, the report says.

Prescription bottles of hydrocodone (Lorcet) for Chris Benoit were also found, according to the report.

One bottle was for 120 pills, and was filled June 22, the reports says, and 85 remained. A second bottle was prescribed to Chris Benoit for 120 pills on June 8 and none remained, and a third bottle, prescribed Dec. 1, 2006, and of the 150, 81 remained, the report says.

Again, the report says each bottle had apparently been prescribed by Dr. Astin.

When interviewed by investigators, the report says Dr. Astin stated that he saw Chris Benoit in his Carrollton office Friday, June 22 -- the day investigators say he killed his wife.

“Dr. Astin advised that Chris Benoit did not appear outwardly depressed or anxious... and had no outstanding complaints other than his usual pain and muscular spasms.”

Fayette County Deputies went to the Benoit house Monday, June 25, after receiving a call that Chris Benoit missed a wrestling match over the weekend.

According to the report, the bodies of Daniel, Nancy and Chris Benoit were discovered after Schrepfer had taken the Benoit family dogs inside to place them in their kennel so investigators could enter the house.

“A short time later she exited the residence screaming that the family was dead.”

The report states that “Benoit continued to tell friends how would be at his event, but may be a little late..

“On Saturday June 23, Chris Benoit changed his Delta flight to a later arrival for a wrestling event,” the report says.

“It was apparent that Chris Benoit planned to leave the home after his wife and child were deceased and continue on with his planned wrestling event when he changed his airline flight,” the report says.

“At some point, Chris Benoit made the decision to stay in his home and to take his own life. Chris Benoit put his dogs outside and made his way to his home gym.”

The report says Chris Benoit then “sent text messages to two of his best friends to let them know the dogs were outside and what the street address was of his home.”


02-14-2008, 09:57 PM
Thanks for this. Sad to read over the whole story again...

Vick Diesel
02-14-2008, 11:57 PM
Thanks for this update....Makes me wonder now how come the friend (that Nancy Benoit confided in) didn't report the abuse on Nancy to the police or to someone after Nancy told her...I'm not tryin to lay blame on the friend for this tragedy in anyway...I'm just wonderin that if she had reported it....maybe Nancy and Daniel would still be here, and Chris could be getting the help he truly needed.

I also have to wonder why the sheriff's office didn't investigate the 411 calls or try to call the Benoit home after the calls were made that night?

As they say Hindsight is 20/20..just really really sad that this event happened

02-15-2008, 03:26 AM
well, what we can do is just pray that something like this doesn't happen again