View Full Version : Delaney Signs WWE Contract, McAllister Baby Pics, Maryse

02-25-2008, 08:55 PM
I can now officially confirm that Colin Delaney has signed a contract with WWE. The contract was signed at some point last week.

Celebrity Baby Blog ran a news bit about Rory McAllister's newborn son. The story mentioned that McAllister, 31, has posted pictures of his and girlfriend Gina's new son, Ian. You can view the article and pictures of their newborn son at www.celebrity-babies.com/2008/02/introducing-ian.html (Thanks to Cecilia)

Marisa Tomei and Evan Rachel Wood have joined the cast of The Wrestler, starring Mickey Rourke. The film is the story of a retired professional wrestler trying to get back in the game for one final showdown with his former rival. It is directed by Darren Aronofsky, who has also directed The Fountain and Requiem for a Dream and also stars Ernest 'The Cat' Miller.

Maryse made her return to WWE programming Friday night on SmackDown, taking part in a backstage segment with Teddy Long. I've heard that WWE has wanted to bring Maryse to TV for some time now, but one of the things holding her back was her use of the English language. I believe Maryse just came to the United States early last year, and her native language is French. She had been down at WWE's developmental system in Tampa after having a few brief appearances on WWE TV last year. It looks like they're going to put her into some sort of racy angle with Teddy Long, possibly the storyline that Kristal Marshall turned down shortly before her release.

It appears WWE Films failed to land any big names, again, for their next release - 12 Rounds. There were rumors coming out of New Orleans and the entertainment industry last month that big names like Al Pacino, Method Man and Lou Diamond Phillips were going to be involved with the project. The latest report coming out of the industry is that the only notable names involved with the movie are Brian J. White from Stomp the Yard and The Game Plan fame as well as Aiden Gillen from HBO's The Wire. Kyle Russell Clemens from The Staircase Murders will also be in the movie, playing John Cena's brother. Filming for the movie begins tomorrow (Monday) so Cena will be a busy man and working double duty in the coming months. That guy is a freakin' workhorse.

Source: Wrestlezone

02-26-2008, 12:28 AM
colin delaney is a glorified jobber and thats all hes probably ever gonna be

02-26-2008, 03:02 AM
can any one say mickey whipwreck 2