View Full Version : Men Ogle at Women One Year of Their Lifetime!

02-26-2008, 10:17 AM
Women just 2.5 months

This is another investigation that will make women call men as being pigs. But this is the naked truth: men spend about one year of their lives staring at women. And not their women. On average, men look at 11 different women daily (they found them attractive) and each of them receives about two minutes of their attention. This translates into an overall 5.5 days annually of gazing at women and on a lifetime this goes to 350 days.

But let's not be stereotypical and naïve: women do this as well! Only that
they are more selective: on average, their attention is caught up by about two men daily and they ogle at each one for 90 seconds. This means only 2.5 months of their lives.

"It’s clear from these results how much importance we place on how other people look. If we just have 90 seconds to impress a woman, we’d better get it right first time. It seems eying up the opposite sex is a vital part of the dating game," John Sewell, of the global market research firm www.onepoll.com, that carried out the poll, told Daily Express.

About 50% of the women recognized they were first attracted by a man’s eyes, then they took a short look at his backside, then they verified his perfume. About 30% of the women said they had begun a relationship after eying up their future partner.

Over 50% of men did not see anything wrong in looking at other women while out with their life partners. But 50% had been caught in the act and, in 30% of the situations, this ended with tensions in their relationship. In the case of the women, 33% had been caught by their partners while looking at other men.

The poll made in UK on 2,000 subjects pointed that the most popular locations for ogling at attractive individuals of the opposite sex were pubs, clubs, shops and public transport.

Most of the women appeared to enjoy being gazed by men, but 30% found this uncomfortable. Instead, 80% of the men enjoyed the attention of strange women and this even increased their self esteem.


02-26-2008, 08:59 PM
LOL, thanks for this.