View Full Version : Transcript Of Cena's Rock Comments, No Way Out Update

03-04-2008, 09:33 PM
The Sun has put a full transcript up of their interview with John Cena where Cena has some harsh words for Hollywood star: "This is my take on The Rock, and he’s a genuinely nice guy. I’ve met him; he’s a fantastic human being. What I kind of get peeved about, and I guess this is my flaw, my Achilles heel, I hear it every day with young talent, with midcard talent, with people aspiring to make it in this business; I hear “I’ve wanted to do this my whole life. Rock falls into that category. He, at one point, loved wrestling and wanted to do this all of his life. Explain to me why he can’t come back for a 15th Anniversary show or why he can’t make an appearance at Wrestlemania. Simply put it’s because he wants to be an actor. There’s nothing wrong with that, there’s nothing wrong with that. He’s a very good actor, he’s very successful, he’s done very well for himself and associating with sports entertainment doesn’t do much for his acting career. It only helps out the sports entertainment audience so I get why he doesn’t come back. Just don’t f*** me around and tell me that you love this when you are just doing this to do something else. That’s the only thing that gets me really pissed off."

The 2/17 No Way Out gate topped $800,000 with a legitimate sellout crowd of nearly 13,000.

Source: Wrestlezone