View Full Version : WWE SmackDown/ECW House Show Results (03/09/08) - Dubuque, Iowa

Black Widow
03-10-2008, 03:54 PM
Chavo Guerrero defeated CM Punk by pinfall while holding the ropes.

Jesse and Festus defeated Chuck Palumbo and Kevin Thorn with Festus
getting the fall on Thorn.

Jamie Noble defeated Zack Ryder by pinfall.

Tommy Dreamer and Kofi Kingston defeated Big Daddy V and Shelton
Benjamin w/Matt Striker when Kingston pinned Benjamin.

Matt Hardy defeated MVP by DQ when MVP hit Hardy's knee with a chair.

Kelly Kelly defeated Victoria by pinfall after hitting the Burning
Hammer. No, I'm sorry. It was a roll-up.

Fit Finlay defeated JBL by pinfall. The fans got to choose between
between 2-out-of-3 Falls, Falls Count Anywhere, and a Street Fight via
text message. All three fans that voted picked Street Fight. Finlay
with the Shillelagh for the win.

Batista and Kane defeated Edge and the Big Show. Batista hit the
Batista Bomb on Edge for the pin.

The show was okay, and the crowd was about 50% children. Not much more to say; the show really left no impression whatsoever.
