View Full Version : Interview with Lauren Jones, Former WWE Diva and Baywatch Workout Model

Black Widow
03-13-2008, 03:46 PM

Hey Lauren! Thanks for taking time to conduct this interview with me I hope to provide the readers with an inside look of what the world looks like through the eyes of Lauren Jones. Ready?

Ha! Well thanks Dave! You crack me up. As a little girl, still living in Mississippi, I always had a passion for music, entertainment and the performing arts. That has remained a constant. The school I attended in Mississippi, St. Andrew’s, always fostered its student’s talents, and so I credit a lot of my success to my education and upbringing first. Moving to New York subsequently provided the location and job opportunities that conveniently met my eagerness and preparedness for the land of TV, Film, and Professional Modeling. Thus, I was quickly shooting for magazine covers and it just worked and the jobs came naturally.

You were the star of the partially scripted reality TV show called Anchorwomen that was on Fox. It put you, Lauren Jones – someone with no broadcasting experience behind the anchor desk at television station KYTX in Tyler, Texas. Honestly I watched a few clips of it and I genuinely thought it was funny. Why do you think that this didn’t work out and what did you learn from it?

Well, nothing in entertainment is guaranteed, even with a big name like FOX behind it. I don’t know all the details, but I do know that it was something internal. There was so much press speculating the reasons behind Anchorwoman getting canceled, but none of it was accurate. We don’t know everything about it, no one ever will.

What I learned from my experience, however, was that you win some and you lose some. You can’t be heart broken over some projects not working out the way you had hoped and envisioned. That’s just life. The greatest thing I took away from it was to roll with the punches of Hollywood, or any career or even relationship for that matter. Most importantly, enjoy the journey. I had an absolute blast filming Anchorwoman. I have never laughed so hard in my entire life. I had abs for once. I also walked away with great, life-long friends.

Yes you did have abs. Yes you did...Much of your initial work was for the WWE, any experience that you particularly enjoyed?

I had a blast working for them. It was more fun than serious for me. I love to experience all that life has to offer & that was definitely an experience I won't soon forget. I really enjoyed performing in front of an audience of about 8,000 people. Talk about an adrenaline rush! Wow! But now I'm on to more serious ventures like film & TV.

What was the reason why you are not with the WWE anymore? A bunch of haters over there or something?

Hah! Well, there weren't any haters that i knew of, or anything like that. There was just a mutual desire to part ways for a while. I wanted to pursue bigger opportunities & WWE wanted me to become a full time wrestler. I decided to leave for career related reasons. Nothing personal.

Speaking of things that are personal, one of my top favorite 125 movies of MY ENTIRE LIFE is Spiderman 3. You were played that a reporter in that film. How was that?

Filming Spiderman 3 was so much fun. Tobey is very talented. We filmed in the rain actually! Even with the circumstances and bad weather, I had a great time. I made a great friend on set. I may have laughed harder than I worked while on set. Overall, it was a great experience.

One of the reasons that you granted me this interview was that we went to high school together. I’d like to think that if I tried hard enough that you would have banged me in high school, am I accurate in saying that?

Nah… I was in love at the time. Nice try with that question though.

Oh you'd know if i was trying (giggity) What, if any, memory do you have of us hanging out in high school first comes to mind?

Dave, I remember you being absolutely wild and crazy: smoking cigarettes in the bathrooms at school and drinking beer at lunch break. I think you got in trouble more than you actually learned if that’s possible. You were always a lot of fun though, that’s for sure. Whenever we hung out, we were always laughing and cracking up about something.

Drinking beer at lunch? Only when I had basketball practice later that day...You have appeared on television with celebrities such as Jeff Foxworthy and Carson Daly. I mean its no Making the Band 4 but nevertheless cool. Did these or any other famous people hit on you? Can you share with the readers any of these experiences?

Jeff Foxworthy has actually been fairly influential in my career thus far. I met him while filming the CMT Music Awards in 2006. Our dressing rooms were right next to each other and we had the same make up artist, so we would chat before work. He is happily married with kids, so no; he did not hit on me; even when I was in nothing but a string bikini and a robe. (:o) But he did offer great advice when he told me to move to LA. I had been living in NYC for about ten years at the time and was ready for a career bump. The move proved very successful and I truly accredit Jeff for that. But I try to keep a bit of a distance from the inner circles of Hollywood courtship. It’s just not my style.

Hmm Jeff Foxworthy, not only a redneck perpetuating a stereotype but also a genuinely nice fellow. No I'm just kidding i wouldn't make fun of your boy like that...Ok so be honest what is it in a guy that you find attractive? And don’t give the readers some generic, prosaic answer please.

I am attracted to a guy that is real and down to Earth. A sense of humor is a huge plus. I am not attracted to the models, actors, producers, directors, or any other Hollywood types. They are stereotypically only attracted to fame and looks, both of which are superficial and fade over time. That is just a huge turn off for me. Don’t get me wrong, strong jaw lines and chiseled bodies are hot, but if there’s no brain or personality to back it up, it’s a gigantic waste.

OMG I have a very similar outlook for women! Beautiful faces and apple bottom buttocks are great especially while drinking beer at lunch, but there is more to a ya know, a "relationship". Are you sure that you aren’t just into guys who install patio furniture?

HAH! I love it… Yeah, I have to admit… he was pretty hot. But no, I need substance for longevity, regardless of sex appeal.

So at this point in time you are promoting your Baywatch Beach Body Workout, and let me tell ya, my buns went from a flabby mess to rock hard in a matter of days, tell me a little more about this project?

“Baywatch Beach Body Workout” is a great cardiovascular routine that is fun, easy, and that will get you into great shape. I loved working on it because I got so toned just by practicing the routines in preparation for filming. We shot in Malibu, CA, on Zuma Beach, which was gorgeous, so the scenery during the workout is great. The DVD truly has some terrific tips for keeping toned and tight, especially some great tricks for the derriere! I do the workout at home all the time. It’s just really easy and a lot of fun, not so serious, so you actually enjoy your workout. You can purchase it at Amazon.com or in your local stores, such as Wal-Mart, among others.

What are your short and long term career as well as personal goals?

Right now I am focused on writing and producing my first feature film, which is a lot of work. I hope to see it surface in the next year or so. I see film as a next step and something to focus on long term. In the mean time, I’m always doing something fun on some TV show! Just keep updated at LaurenJones.net.

How can someone learn more about you?

I recommend staying updated at LaurenJones.net, which is about to be a totally brand new site, or through my blog at www.myspace.com also Googling me is a great way to search for updates, photos and news also Thanks Dave! It’s been a pleasure catching up!

Thanks for coming by to chat, your welcome on the NYSS anytime m'lady!


03-13-2008, 06:12 PM
Thanks for this.