View Full Version : Gran's handbag full of grenades

03-16-2008, 12:48 PM
Police officers, secretaries and criminals were evacuated from a Russian police station after a granny walked in with a handbag filled with hand grenades.

Irene Fedorova, 67, walked into the station in the Orenburg Region in the Urals and said she wanted to take advantage of an arms amnesty.

She said she wanted to get rid of some old weapons that her late husband Boris had kept under their bed.

Officers who opened the bag found it contained several hand grenades including two that had faulty pins and could have gone off at any moment.

She said: "I read they were disposing of old weapons and thought it was a good idea. I bought them in on the bus in my handbag. I was sorry to have caused such a fuss - perhaps next time they should offer a collection service."

After the building was cleared bomb squad experts were called in to remove the F-1 and RGD-5 grenades.

A spokesman said: "These were fragmentation grenades which explode into hundreds of fragments and inflict serious injuries to people up to 50 feet away. Anyone within ten feet will be killed if they go off."


Dark Drakan
03-16-2008, 08:23 PM
Wow thats insane, lucky at her age that her bed saw no action.

03-17-2008, 01:23 AM
Wow... they could have gone off at anytime... she's sure lucky that they didn't.

03-18-2008, 01:45 PM
wow she had a guardian angel looking out for her :shock: