View Full Version : Steve-o 'accepts himself' in rehab

03-21-2008, 01:22 PM
Troubled JACKASS star STEVE-O has credited his time in rehab with allowing him to accept his "imperfections and all".

The stuntman is currently being held at Los Angeles Ceders-Sinai Medical Center, where he has been placed on a 14-day hold, while medics observe his condition and behaviour.

But the star admits he has found a new lease on life at the centre.

In his latest blog from what he calls the "nut house", he writes: "There is more to me than the act of scrotum-stapling.

"I had never seen the tolls that my years have taken on my flesh so vividly. Pretty wild to wait until you're hidden away in the 'nut house' to become self-conscious about the way you look.

"I am, indeed, very proud to be exactly how I am, imperfections and all. As a matter of fact, I look forward to the deterioration of my appearance over future years, with hopes of giggling, in old age, at the thought of how truly ugly I will have become."
