View Full Version : Via starts sampling faster x86 chip for laptops

03-26-2008, 12:18 PM
The 65nm chips are based on new Isaiah architecture and will ship this summer
Via Technologies Inc. is sampling what it's calling a faster x86 microprocessor for laptops and mobile Internet devices. The new chips are based on the company's new Isaiah architecture.

The company has sent early-release versions of the processors to vendors to try, according to Glenn Henry, president of Centaur Technology Inc., Via's chip design arm. The new x86 chip should go into production this summer, he added.

"It's a totally new design," he said. "We started with a clean sheet of paper and designed it to be faster." Henry added that the chip is two to four times faster than Via's current C7 microprocessor.

The new chips will be built with the 65-nanometer manufacturing process.

The Isaiah architecture, which has been in development for about four years, has "a 64-bit, superscalar, speculative, out-of-order micro-architecture," according to a company statement. It also offers high-performance multimedia computation and features a new virtual machine architecture, the statement said. Out-of-order execution is a form of data flow computation that enables the processor to execute instructions more efficiently, according to Henry.

Henry also noted that the first x86 chips based on the Isaiah architecture will be pin-compatible with the C7 processors.
