View Full Version : Phillippe's pain at pap pics of loved-up witherspoon

03-26-2008, 09:54 PM
RYAN PHILLIPPE hates seeing his ex-wife REESE WITHERSPOON in celebrity magazines - because she is often pictured with new boyfriend JAKE GYLLENHAAL.

Crash star Phillippe split from the Legally Blonde beauty in 2006 citing irreconcilable differences, and their divorce was finalised in October 2007.

And even though Phillippe has had nearly two years to come to terms with the end of his wedded bliss, he admits seeing pictures of his former love dating the Brokeback Mountain star is "bizarre".

He tells newspaper USA Today, "It's bizarre. There's plenty of times when I say, 'What a strange situation I've found myself in.' But at a certain point you know it's going to happen, so you are prepared."

But the failed union hasn't put Phillippe off the idea of marriage altogether, and the actor - who is now dating Australian actress Abbie Cornish - insists he would like to add to the two kids he already has with Witherspoon.

He says, "I can certainly see possibly having children again. I'm pretty young, and there are many beautiful things about that idea of marriage and family. It just doesn't always work out perfect for everybody.


03-27-2008, 09:06 PM
Thanks for the read.