View Full Version : Default Steve Austin vs. The Rock (Their best WM match?)

03-27-2008, 12:42 PM
Which is their best WrestleMania match?

WrestleMania 15, WrestleMania 17 or WrestleMania 19

15 was an allright match, underrated in some way, but nothing too special imo.

17 by far is my favourite, this was sort of the culmination of the attitude era if you like, and what better way to end it with its greatest successors, Steve Austin and The Rock. The match was built up well, 2 of the greatest entertainers in the ring, their was just so much storyline behind it, unfinished business and what not it definately gets a 5* out of me.

19 was a really good match as well but there just wasn't enough energy and passion going into is as in 17, by this time Austin/Rock weren't the top stars of the company, so it meant alot less, also, the Austin psycology at the end, where had no offense ruined a great part of the match.

Both matches were great, but 17 meant a lot more for me, storyline wise.

06-29-2008, 08:33 PM
mania 17

07-13-2008, 02:45 AM
Wrestlemania 19. After watching the back story to it all I just love that match even more. And since it was Austin's last match and offically ended the Rock and Austin fued you could say.