View Full Version : How Bitchy Are You?(females only)

04-01-2008, 07:12 AM
You Are 0% Bitchy
You are practically an angel - both on the inside and outside.
You try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and you're even tolerant of bitchiness in others!

How Bitchy Are You?

I realized that this was a woman's quiz by the second question so I just hit "never" for all the responses so I could post the link to the quiz for all the women.

04-02-2008, 11:09 PM
LOL EeL i already know the answer to this :shifty: but i will take the quiz anyways.

You Are 100% Bitchy


Ouch, you've got a heart of steel, and you don't mind throwing out cutting insults to whomever you hate.
Those who know you well know not to mess with you. And those who don't know you well are plain scared of you!