View Full Version : Zenwalk Live 5.0 Launched

04-01-2008, 11:55 AM
Zenwalk Live 5.0, a Live CD distribution based on Zenwalk's 'Current' repository, was released yesterday, featuring the latest stable and secure standard packages from Zenwalk 5.0.

This release brings a new feature, the Zen Installer, that enables a user to set up a standard Zenwalk system on the hard drive. The Zen Installer is located with other native Zenwalk system configuration tools in Menu -> System -> Zenpanel. For administrative tasks, you will use the root password, which is 'ZenLive'.

Another fresh thing in this edition is the Live Clone software that lets you remaster the Live CD depending on your needs, then execute the Zen Installer from the remastered Live CD and install the customized version of Zenwalk rather than the Standard one. This suits best persons who need to set up a Linux distro in different environments, like a cybercafe, school or office.

Besides the forementioned features, Zenwalk Live sports extended multilingual, WiFi and multimedia support. To connect to a wireless network, you will have to run the Wicd network manager from Menu -> Network and configure the passwords you might need for connecting. Wicd is a much more powerful tool than the old Wifi-radar and the Intel wireless device firmware is also provided out of the box.

The standard edition of Zenwalk 5.0 introduces the Freedesktop HAL system, replacing the in-house developed hotplug system. Also, it has a lot of software updates like the latest Xorg 7.3 suite of X servers, drivers fonts and other apps packed up to be as modular as possible. To browse the web, you have the latest version of Iceweasel at your disposal.

As a bonus, you now have fresh new artwork that makes the distribution much more sober and elegant from a visual and functional point of view. The "summer-beach-blue-orange" color scheme was adopted in Zenwalk 5.0, making the distro much more pleasant to the eye.
