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View Full Version : RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion Thread - 7th Apr, 2008

04-07-2008, 04:34 AM

Randy Orton has reigned as WWE Champion since October 2007. Nonetheless, his victory in the Triple Threat Match at WrestleMania XXIV over John Cena and Triple H was nothing if not surprising.

Pundits had dismissed his chances of emerging victorious as less than 1-in-5. Yet there he was on Raw last Monday night holding the title aloft for all to see. While there’s little doubt that both Cena and The Game have designs to recapture the gold from the Legend Killer, Orton also seems to have picked up another two more possible contenders for the throne: JBL and a resurgent Matt Hardy.

JBL confronted the reigning WWE Champion and, in typical Layfield fashion, made no bones about his intentions to gun for the title. For his part, Hardy returned to Raw last Monday seeking revenge for a punt to the head that Orton delivered to him shortly after his appendix surgery. In a match between Orton and Hardy, the Legend Killer came out on top that night, but it’s unlikely that anyone has heard the last of Hardy.

Can Orton really fend off every Superstar he has gunning for him? Is the “Age of Orton” on borrowed time?

And how exactly will Shawn Michaels respond after the roller coaster ride of emotion he’s been on recently? First, he ends the career of his dear friend, Ric Flair, at WrestleMania, then, the following night, Flair forgives him for sending him into retirement.

Exactly how spent is The Showstopper, and how much will it affect him in the ring?

In other Raw action, Santino Marella just can’t seem to let go of his ex-girlfriend, Maria. The Italian Stallion felt the need last Monday night to challenge Maria to an Anything Goes Match, thinking he could exact some measure of revenge for their split. Unfortunately for Marella, the Playboy cover girl was fueled by anger, and with the rest of WWE’s gorgeous Divas fueled by Santino’s big mouth, it was the Italian export who found himself on the losing end of a bunny beat down.

After suffering the ultimate humiliation at the manicured hands of Maria and the Divas, have we heard the last of the jealous ex, or will the Italian Stallion be back for more?

Don’t miss Raw Monday night at 9/8 CT on USA Network to see what happens.


Please feel free to discuss RAW here. No need to wait for updates!


RAW Results - 7th Apr, 2008
Location - Albany, New York
Announcers - Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler

Last week on Raw we saw the official sendoff for Ric Flair after losing his match at Wrestlemania against Shawn Michaels. While it appeared that Flair had forgiven Michaels for beating him, Batista was not so forgiving. What will happen between Michaels and Batista on tonight's show? Who will emerge as the next challenger for Randy Orton's WWE Title? Will it be John Cena or Triple H, who wrestled for the title at Wrestlemania; Chris Jericho, the unofficial number one contender because he is the Intercontinental Champion; or will it be Bradshaw because he called it first? What is next for Santino Marella since his allies among the Divas appear to have turned on him? What is next for the tag team division . . . I can't even finish that thought. What other matches will be announced for Backlash?

We are live from Albany, New York and your announcers are Jim ‘Pepsi goes well with BBQ’ Ross and Jerry ‘Client Number 9’ Lawler.

We begin with William Regal in the ring and he is going to talk about hair care and mispronounce names. Regal says that the title match at Backlash will be between the following two men. He says that the first man proved that it was the Age of Orton at Wrestlemania, the Legend Killer (that is Rellik spelled backwards) Randy Orton. The man who will face Randy Orton at Backlash is the most deserving Number One Contender in WWE history (if the WWE was just formed), John Bradshaw Layfield.

Regal tells them that it will be one of the most fiercely competitive matches, but we are interrupted by Triple Haitch before Regal can continue to speak. Hunter has a mic and he tells Regal to wait a second. Hunter wants some clarification. Hunter says that he has respect for Orton but he wants to know if Regal is out of his fricken mind. Hunter says that he was busy with Flair’s retirement last week, but he must have missed something on the way. While Orton said that he was finished with Hunter because he won the match, he did not beat anybody. Orton points out that he beat John Cena. Hunter wonders what the big move he used to get the pin on Cena and Hunter tells Orton that he did not do anything. Hunter says that Orton took advantage of the situation, took a cheap shot, and got the cover by falling on Cena. Hunter wonders how a guy who was retired for the last two years on Smackdown and the biggest claim to fame since he came back was slapping around a midget. Hunter says that he found that funny but that does not put you in line for a title shot.

Regal says that he might have a solution. If Triple Haitch wants to be a part of the main event at Backlash, he will have to earn it in a handicap match against Randy Orton and Bradshaw. If Hunter wins, it will be a Triple Threat Match. Bradshaw and Orton are not happy. We go to commercial.

Youmanga versus Val Venis

Umaga with forearms to Venis followed by a back elbow. Venis with kicks but Umaga sends Venis into the corner. Venis charges into an uppercut and then Venis goes shoulder first into the post. Umaga throws Venis to the mat and then he kicks Val in the back and it is time for the nerve hold. Umaga with a double chop to Venis and he returns to the neck. Val punches Umaga and connects with forearms but Umaga with a Samoan drop to Venis. Umaga pulls Venis into the corner and it is time for the running butt splash. Umaga sets for the Samoan Spike and he connects and gets the three count.

Winner: YouManga

It is time to take a poll (not the TNA type) and text in if you thought Shawn Michaels did the right thing at Wrestlemania. We go to commercial.

Melina and Jillian Hall (that is Brooke Hogan spelled backwards) versus Mickie James and Ashley Massaro

Ashley and Jillian start things off and Jillian with a knee and forearm. Ashley with a gingerly placed rana for a two. Ashley goes up for punches in the corner and Melina pulls Ashley to the mat. Melina tags in and they hit a double team move on Ashley and get a two count but Mickie breaks it up. Melina with an Irish whip and Ashley moves out of the way before gingerly making the tag. Mickie with a clothesline and flying double sledge. Mickie knocks Jillian off the apron but Melina works on Mickie in the corner. Melina with knees to Mickie, but when Melina tries again and Mickie gets her knee up. Mickie with a neck breaker and Ashley takes care of Jillian’s interference. Mickie hits an Impaler DDT for the three count

Winners: Mickie James featuring Ashley Massaro

We go to commercial and if you missed the Ric Flair ceremony, or the recap on ECW, or the recap on Smackdown, or the recap on AM Raw, or the replay on Univision, we will see footage next.

We are back and Batista will get to complain about Shawn Michaels beating Ric Flair on the Highlight Reel, but before we get there, it is time to take a look back at the end of the road for Ric Flair in Orlando.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Wrestlemania 25 is coming in April 2009, so get your tickets sometime in the future when they eventually go on sale.

Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch versus Paul London and Brian Kendrick

London and Kendrick attack Cade and Murdoch as the bell rings and Kendrick is sent out of the ring while Cade slams London. Cade misses an elbow drop and London hits a dropsault on Murdoch and then gets a near fall on Cade. Murdoch trips London and then Cade kicks London. Cade with a reverse atomic drop followed by a clothesline for a two count. Murdoch is tagged in and Cade gets Murdoch up for a leg drop on London for a near fall. Murdoch with a forearm to the back followed by a kick and then he connects with an elbow for a near fall. Cade tags back in and he chops London. Cade with a knee to London’s back and then he works on London’s neck. Cade slams London’s head into the turnbuckles. Cade charges into the corner and he gets an elbow fro his troubles. Kendrick with a drop kick as he comes into the ring and then he hits some more drop kicks on Cade. Kendrick with a kick and drop kick. Cade with a sit out spinebuster on Cade. Murdoch takes too long to make the cover and Kendrick with an inside cradle for the three count.

Winners: Brian Kendrick and Paul London

Randy Orton tells Bradshaw that he did the impossible by walking into and out of Wrestlemania as champion. Orton tells Bradshaw that he beat Hunter before so Bradshaw should stay out of the way. We go to commercial.

Triple Haitch with GameFountain versus Bradshaw and Randy Orton without ring entrances in a Handicap Match

Hunter starts off the match against Orton and Orton tries to punch Hunter but Hunter blocks it and he punches Orton. Hunter with a clothesline as he comes out of the corner on an Irish whip. Orton with knees to Hunter followed by a European uppercut. Hunter fights his way out of the corner and then we get an HD shot of nothing in the ring. William Regal is at ringside watching the match.

Bradshaw tags in and Bradshaw backs Hunter into the corner using his size advantage. Bradshaw has some words for Hunter when he breaks and then they pause before Bradshaw backs away. Hunter with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Hunter with a side head lock take down. Orton tags in and he punches Hunter in the corner and then when Orton was with the referee, Bradshaw kicks Hunter. Orton with more punches and kicks in the corner. Orton is pulled back by the referee but Mike Chioda is no Earl Hebner and he sees Bradshaw cheating and he admonishes Bradshaw. Orton with a drop kick for a near fall. Orton with the Garvin (you know, he beat Andre) Stomp. Orton finishes it off with a leaping knee drop for a near fall. Bradshaw is tagged in and he punches Hunter. Bradshaw with a swinging neck breaker and elbow drops for a near fall. Orton tags in and he kicks Hunter and then he punches the potential challenger at Backlash in the corner. Hunter punches back and he gains control. Orton with a snap power slam for a two count. Bradshaw tags in and he kicks Hunter followed by a forearm to the back. Hunter and Bradshaw get to exchange punches. Bradshaw with a sleeper to Hunter. Hunter gets out and he hits the facebuster. Hunter punches Bradshaw but Orton tags himself in. Orton tries for the RKO but Hunter sends Orton into Bradshaw and then Hunter hits the Pedigree for the three count.

Winner: Triple Threat Haitch

After the match
William Regal and his magical hair enter the ring. Regal announces that it will be a Triple Threat . . . until we are interrupted by John Cena’s music (without the Dave Scherer Mouth Orchestra). Cena congratulates Triple H for being part of the main event at Backlash. Cena has an idea and he remembers what Hunter said earlier about losing because of the Pedigree at Wrestlemania. Cena points out that he beat Hunter twice and that he beat Bradshaw to win his first World Title and then he made Bradshaw quit. Cena points out that he beat Orton last year at Backlash. Cena has a proposition. They have four of the biggest dogs in the ring. Cena proposes that there be a Fatal Four Way at Backlash for the WWE Title.

Regal says that Cena gave him a great idea. It is his duty to make the main event at Backlash the biggest it can be, John Cena gets the same deal as Triple Haitch. Regal tells Cena that he needs to face Bradshaw and Triple Haitch in a handicap match tonight.

We go to commercial.

Bob Holly and Cody MAH THUN Rhodes versus Carlito and Santino Marella

Carlito and Cody start things off and Carlito works on the arm but Cody with a drop toe hold into a side head lock. Cody with a wrist lock. Holly tags in and they hit a double hip toss on Carlito. Holly punches Carlito but Carlito punches back. Santino tags in and he runs into an elbow. Carlito hits Holly on the apron but Santino interferes. Holly sets for the Alabama Slam but Carlito with a kick and DDT. The referee sends Carlito to the apron but Santino tags in. Holly punches Santino but Santino with shoulders. Carlito tags in and he kicks and punches Holly. Santino tags in and then he poses for Cody. Santino with a forearm to the back and then he covers Holly but only gets a near fall. Carlito tags in and he hits a suplex for a near fall. Carlito with a rear chin lock. Carlito with a leaping leg drop for a near fall. Carlito punches Holly but Holly with a half nelson slam and both men are down. Holly rolls to Cody but Santino tags in and he keeps Holly from making the tag until Holly hits an enzuigiri. Rhodes with a drop toe hold into the corner followed by a slam and knee drop. Rhodes charges into boots from Marella, but Rhodes crotches Marella. Marella pushes Rhodes off the turnbuckles and Santino with a diving head butt for the three count.

Winners: Santino Marella and Carlito

We go to commercial.

We are back and Cryme Tyme is back and it is time for their Wrestlemania Clearance Sale. They have a shaker of soul from Rocky Johnson. Shad has an autographed copy of Maria and they look at the photos and the magazine is not for sale. JTG has a pair of Kim Kardashian’s panties from the Hall of Fame. Shad points out that Kim was not at the Hall of Fame and JTG went into Mae Young’s dressing room.

It is time to take a look at the problems between the two biggest men in sports entertainment, Big Show and Great Khali.

Triple Haitch is wrapping his wrists and Bradshaw enters. He talks very quickly about some strategy for the match and how it is better to have one chance in three than one in four. Bradshaw asks Hunter if he is listening and Hunter pulls out his earphones and asks Bradshaw if he said something. Bradshaw wonders why nobody listens to him and Hunter points out that Bradshaw is an ass.

We go to commercial.

Maria versus Beth Phoenix

They lock up and Beth slaps Maria in the arm but Maria slaps Beth. Maria with a kick and then she tries for a handstand but Beth with a knee to the back. Beth with a slam to Maria and then she kicks Maria in the corner. Beth with a baseball slide and Maria goes into the ring post. Beth rolls Maria back into the ring. Beth sends Maria face first into the mat. Beth with a standing cloverleaf and turns it into a back breaker. Maria with an inside cradle for a two count. Maria with forearms and kicks. Maria with a handstand and kick. Maria with a head scissors and then she goes to the second turnbuckle for a cross body. Beth rolls through and gets Maria on her shoulders but Maria with an inverted DDT for a two count. Beth with a hot shot to Maria and then Beth with the fisherman’s suplex for the three count.

Winner: Beth Phoenix

Batista and Shawn Michaels walk in split screen in the back as we go to commercial. I guess the Highlight Reel is next.

We are back and it is time for the Highlight Reel featuring Chris Jericho and Herman Menderchuk. Jericho brings his title belt to the ring. Chris says that tonight could be one of the most intense and emotional Highlight Reel. Things started on Smackdown. Chris Jericho says that his first guest needs no introduction, but he still introduces Batista. It is time for Chris’s other guest and he points out that the name Heartbreak Kid is appropriate because of the number of hearts he broke on Sunday. That man is Shawn Michaels with his cowboy hat.

Chris tells Shawn about the poll results and 65 percent say that Shawn was right (Batista has a few thousand skulls to crush for their responses). Chris says that none of the tears had to be shed last week if Shawn had lost to Flair. Shawn reminds Jericho that Ric Flair challenged him to have the match at Wrestlemania. We go to the Monkey Monitor for the missed moonsault at Wrestlemania. We see it about as many times as we have seen Ric Flair retrospective video packages. Jericho points out that Shawn’s A Game meant ending Ric Flair’s career. Jericho asks Shawn why he would say that he loved Flair when he put his body through so much. Shawn says that he is sorry, but Batista does not believe him. Batista tells Shawn that his ego made Shawn Michaels end Ric Flair’s career.

Jericho wants to know if Batista would have done the same thing and Batista says that he wouldn’t. Shawn wants to know if Batista would have put his ego aside over a five year friendship. Where was the friendship in the weeks before Wrestlemania. Shawn asks Dave where he was to try to talk Flair out of the match. Isn’t it convenient that he is talking up now. Shawn tells Batista that Flair did not ask him to be the other man to wrestle Flair because Batista did not have the nerve and that there was only one man to give Flair the match that he wanted. Shawn tells Dave to look at his hands because there is so much blood on those hands. He is proud of some of the blood. Wrestlemania was the hardest night of his career.

Batista tells Shawn that it was because of all of the blood on his hands, he expected to see Shawn do the right thing. He will never trust Shawn again. Michaels tells Batista that he is sick of this and if he wants to do something about it, go ahead. Batista says that he already has. Batista goes to the apron and he puts on his sunglasses.

John Cena is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and William Regal is on the phone and Randy Orton enters the office. Regal says that he got off the phone with Vickie Guerrero and the match is on for Backlash as Shawn Michaels will face Batista. Orton likes the idea of one-on-one matches but now he might be in a four-way match. Regal says that Orton will learn about respect next week in London when Randy Orton will face William Regal.

John Cena versus Triple Haitch and Bradshaw

Bradshaw tells Hunter he wants to start and he will as Cena starts for his team. Randy Orton comes out and that distracts Cena and Bradshaw attacks Cena. Bradshaw slams Cena’s head into the turnbuckle and then he kicks Cena. Bradshaw with a forearm and punches for a near fall. Hunter wants the tag but Bradshaw refuses. Cena punches Bradshaw and Bradshaw with a forearm to the back. Hunter wants to tag in but Bradshaw with a DDT for a near fall. Bradshaw with a forearm and punch. Bradshaw still refuses to tag and Hunter is not happy. Bradshaw with a snap mare and diving forearm to the back. Bradshaw with a forearm to Cena but Cena with punches. Cena with an Irish whip but Bradshaw moves and Cena hits the turnbuckles. Hunter wants the tag and Bradshaw refuses. Bradshaw with a running shoulder tackle for a two count. Cena with punches to Bradshaw and Bradshaw goes down but Bradshaw sends Cena through the ropes to the floor. Bradshaw with a short arm clothesline on the floor.

They return to the ring and Bradshaw with a near fall. Bradshaw with Youmanga’s nerve hold. Cena gets back to his feet and the crowd is not happy. Cena with a kick and punch. Cena with a clothesline followed by flying shoulder tackles. Hunter refuses the tag and Cena with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Cena sets for the Five Knuckle Shuffle and he hits it. Cena signals for FU and Hunter gets crocodile arms when Bradshaw wants the tag. Cena tries for the FU but Bradshaw gets out of the hold. Bradshaw with a big boot and then Bradshaw looks at his tag team partner. Hunter and Bradshaw argue and Hunter punches Bradshaw. Hunter and Bradshaw exchange punches and then they fight outside the ring. Orton tries to separate Hunter and Bradshaw but Orton is punched by Bradshaw. Orton gives Bradshaw an RKO and Cena gets the three count.

Winner: John Fatal Four Way Cena

We go to credits wondering who will get involved to make it a Fabulous Five Way or a Super Six Way or a Stupendous Seven Way.

Black Widow
04-07-2008, 09:35 PM
WWE.com has announced that the challenger for Randy Orton's WWE Championship at Backlash will be revealed during the opening segment of tonight's Raw. The website teases that it could be John Cena, Triple H, JBL or Matt Hardy.

Also announced for tonight's Raw is Chris Jericho's "Highlight Reel" with both Batista and Shawn Michaels as guests.

WWE.com is also teasing more in the Santino Marella-Maria feud.

Bad Boy
04-07-2008, 09:46 PM
hmmm, might be an interesting Raw... and I think it will be JBL as the challenger, which sux, as I hate JBL...