View Full Version : Doctors misdiagnosed my cancer - Kylie

04-08-2008, 09:22 AM
BIG ADMISSION: A nervous Kylie Minogue admitted her cancer was misdiagnosed on Ellen DeGenderes' talk show.
A nervous Kylie Minogue revealed on United States television that a doctor had given her the all clear when she actually had breast cancer.
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Minogue, appearing nervous, said she had never spoken publicly about the misdiagnosis.

The Australian pop star was a guest on US comedienne Ellen DeGeneres' TV talkshow today.

Minogue said she was inspired to speak about the misdiagnosis after listening to DeGeneres and her earlier guest, US presidential hopeful Senator Hillary Clinton, discuss the importance of the early detection of breast cancer.

When DeGeneres, unaware of Minogue's misdiagnosis, opened the interview by asking Minogue about her battle with breast cancer two years ago, the Australian stopped her.

"Listen, this is an opportunity for me to say something that I have not said before," a nervous Minogue said.

"I was misdiagnosed initially.

"So my message to all of you and everyone at home is, because someone is in a white coat and using big medical instruments doesn't necessarily mean they are right."

Minogue did not give the date of the misdiagnosis, how long she went before the second check or if the misdiagnosis occurred in Australia or Britain.

But, she said the misdiagnosis happened before she embarked on her Showgirl concert tour.

"I was watching the senator before and I back her up 100 per cent that it's in the diagnosis and the early treatment," Minogue said.

"So yeah, I actually did my Showgirl tour having been for a check and told everything was fine."

Minogue said when she had a second check it was discovered she had breast cancer.

"If you have any doubt, go back again," Minogue told the audience.

DeGeneres also told the audience she had a mammogram and was given the all clear, but then "a couple of weeks later" she found a lump in her breast and had it removed.

"I had no intention of saying that today," Minogue reiterated.

"But with what you were talking about before, I didn't realise it was a subject so close to your heart as well."

Minogue is in the US promoting her album, X, which was released in North America last week.


04-08-2008, 03:41 PM
Thanks for the read.