View Full Version : 'Don't Tase Me Bro' At 'Mania 24, WWE Takes Shot At Masters

04-09-2008, 10:26 PM
When the Undertaker vs. Edge match at WrestleMania started, some witnesses heard an argument with one female staffer yelling on her walkie talkie that the fireworks display planned for the end of the show should be canceled because it was too windy. However, the woman was being told that the plans weren't going to change. Of course, an accident occurred at the conclusion of Undertaker's match when a cable that held the fireworks snapped, shooting rockets into the upper deck. 40 to 45 fans were injured, with more than 30 of them burned, and only three people hospitalized. No one was seriously injured though. It is unclear as to who made the final call to to do the fireworks display, or whether anyone from WWE heard about the woman's warnings. A few people in the upper decks were actually hit a few times from remnants of fireworks. Also, a few people in the upper decks thought that were a few close calls because of how close the shots were to them. From were some people were sitting, more people were scared than awed from the bigger explosions.

There were several fights in the stands during WrestleMania. Also, one man was tasered by security, which led to a "Holy ****!" chant, as well as a "Don't tase me bro!" one.

WWE Magazine's "Ultimate Finishers" issue takes a small jab at former WWE star Chris Masters when profiling his "Masterlock" maneuver. They wrote: "The good ol' Full Nelson was given a new lease on life by Masters, who made a point demonstrating how unbreakable his version was. If only he had one other hold in his repertoire, the Masterpiece might've lasted in WWE."

WWE Hall of Famer Mr. Fuji will be making a rare appearance this weekend in Fairfield, Connecticut for the PGW promotion. Fuji will be holding a wrestling seminar and a BBQ. He will also be appearing on their show on Saturday. Visit www.powerandglorywrestling.com for more information.

Source: Wrestlezone

Ill Will
04-10-2008, 02:21 AM
WWE Magazine's "Ultimate Finishers" issue takes a small jab at former WWE star Chris Masters when profiling his "Masterlock" maneuver. They wrote: "The good ol' Full Nelson was given a new lease on life by Masters, who made a point demonstrating how unbreakable his version was. If only he had one other hold in his repertoire, the Masterpiece might've lasted in WWE."...yes, because THAT'S why he didn't last in the company...

WWE is so hypocritical. We all know why Masters didn't last, and it had nothing to do with his in-ring work. It was obvious from the beginning that, though he wasn't the worst, he wasn't much in the ring, but he was still in line for a push anyway. WWE liked his look and gimmick, and these days, that's pretty much all you need to be a main event superstar in the company (I'm looking in Cena/Khali's direction). It wasn't until the third time he got busted for juicing (more realistically, probably the 6th or 7th) that WWE let him go. It had nothing to do with his repertoire, and whoever it is within WWE who is suggesting otherwise is a boldfaced liar.

04-10-2008, 03:23 AM
wow wwe magizine way to be a dick