View Full Version : Director Moore sued by US soldier

06-01-2006, 11:26 AM
Moore's film won the Palme D'Or in 2004
A US war veteran is suing film-maker Michael Moore for $85m (£45m), alleging TV clips of him were used without his consent in documentary Fahrenheit 9/11.

Sgt Peter Damon, 33, who lost both arms in Iraq, claims Moore never asked if he could use an interview Sgt Damon did with NBC's Nightly News.

Sgt Damon claimed Moore edited the footage to make him appear to "voice a complaint about the war effort".

Award-winning director Moore was not immediately available for comment.

Sgt Damon is asking for damages because of "loss of reputation, emotional distress, embarrassment, and personal humiliation" according to the case filed in Suffolk Superior Court, Massachusetts.


The National Guardsman lost both his arms when a tyre on a Black Hawk helicopter exploded while he and a colleague were servicing the aircraft on the ground in Iraq. Another soldier was killed in the explosion.

In Moore's documentary, Sgt Damon is shown lying on a stretcher with his wounds bandaged. He says he feels like he is "being crushed in a vise".

The clip is screened shortly after US Congressman Jim McDermott is seen speaking about the Bush administration: "You know, they say they're not leaving any veterans behind, but they're leaving all kinds of veterans behind".

The sergeant, from Middleborough, Massachusetts, claims that by putting the news clip of him immediately after the Congressman's comments, director Moore made Sgt Damon appear as if he felt "left behind" by the military and the Bush administration.

Sgt Damon maintains he was complaining about "the excruciating type of pain" that he was suffering as a result of his wounds.

The National Guardsman stated in case papers that he "agrees with and supports the President and the United States' war effort, and he was not left behind".

The soldier is seeking $75m (£40m) in damages. His wife is seeking an additional $10m (£5.3m) because of the mental distress caused to her husband, according to Sgt Damon's lawyer, Dennis Lynch.

The pair are also suing Fahrenheit 9/11's distributor, Miramax.