View Full Version : Quick/ Random jokes.

the madscotsman
06-01-2006, 02:47 PM
This thread if for anybody who wanst to post a quick or a random joke withought having to start their own thread.

I'll start: Why did God create man before woman?

To give him a chance to speak.

What do you call and chicken in a shell suit an egg (oooh that was bad.)
What's the smartest thing to come out of a woman's mouth?

Einstein's cock
My friend called his boss the other day to say that he was to sick to come to work, when the boss asked how sick he was my friend replied: 'I'm in bed with my six year old sister.

feel free to carry on

Give Palestinians a Homeland-Ottawa.
Toronto star, 31july 1982

Babies are what the mothers eat
The Time Herald, 7 Nov 1084

Never withhold herpes from a loved one
Albuquerque journal 26 December 84

Kampala-A hand grenade exploded on board a passenger train Killing a Uganda Army Soldier who was toying with it and two civilian passengers.
The Times 27 march 82

Here’s how you can lick Doberman’s leg sores

How to cobat that feeling of helplessness with illegal drugs
The Royal Gazette 9 May 85

Kickinh baby considered healthy

Woman off to jail for sex with boys
The Record 23 Oct 84

Plot to kill officer had vicious side
The Chicago tribune

Infertility unlikely to be passed on
Montgomery Advertiser

Study finds sex-pregnancy link.
Cornell Daily Sun Dec 7, 1995

Larger kangaroos leap farther , research finds
The Los Angeles Times

Light meals are lower in fat, calories
Huntington Herald-Dispatch

Alcohol ads promote drinking
The Hartford Courant.

Malls try to attract shoppers
The Baltimore Sun

Official: Only rain will cure drought
The Herald-News, Westpost, Massachusetts

Scientist see quakes in L.A future
The Oregonian

Wachtler tell graduates that life is demeaning
Buffalo News

Teenage girls often have babies fathred by men
The Sunday Oregonian

Low wages said to key to poverty

Man shoots neighbour with machete
The Miami Herald

Biting nails can be a sign of tenseness in a person
The daily Gazette of Schenectady, New York

Lack of brains hinders research
The Columbus Dispatch

How we feel about ourselves is the core of self-esteem, says author Louise hart
Boulder, Colorado, Sunday Camera.

Fish lurk in streams
Rochester, new York, democrat and chronicle

Include your children when baking cookies

Something went wrong in jet plane crash, expert says

Police begin campaign to run down jaywalkers

Safety experts say school bus passengers should be belted.

Drunk gets nine months in violin case

Survivor of Siamese twins joins parents

Farmer Bill dies in house

Iraqi head seeks arms

Is there a ring of debris around Uranus?

Prostitutes appeal to pope

Panda mating fail, veterinarian takes over

Soviet virgin lands short of goal again

the madscotsman
06-08-2006, 04:38 PM

the madscotsman
06-20-2006, 02:29 PM
up dated