View Full Version : Jim Ross Talks About Shawn Michaels Being Used Properly

Black Widow
04-17-2008, 09:10 AM

Jim Ross has posted his latest batch of Q&A. Some highlights from this entry:

On whether Shawn Michaels is being used properly on Raw: Leading into and including Wrestlemania it would seem to me that HBK is utilized very well and is one of the few talents who doesn’t need a title to be considered a major star. With that said, I don’t think we have seen the last of HBK holding gold some day. He’s an amazing talent.

On what Jim Ross does following a Raw broadcast: I am usually with the King and in our car within a half hour or less after the show ends. We are not involved in any post event meetings unless there is a need to address our work.

On who will be in the WWE Hall Of Fame first between Randy Savage, Chris Benoit and Bruno Sammartino: Great question with no concrete answer but if I had to guess I would suggest the great Bruno Sammartino. He would be my choice.

On whether Kennedy or Finlay have a championship in their future: I see Kennedy as a title holder in the future. His career path is still being developed, but he has a noticeable upside. Finlay is amongst the last of a dying breed. A man’s man who can wrestle with anyone and provide a great match. Titles for Finlay? Why not?

On whether Sting is the greatest wrestler to not wrestle for WWE: I think a good argument could be made for Sting. I am sure that there are others but Sting is definitely on the list of which you speak.

On whether we will see an Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels match in the future: That’s a possibility one could assume, but no matter where and when it happens I want to be there to see it.

Note from Buck: This one I am going to reprint in it's entirety, since it mentions this site:

Al: Hi JR, I just want to start off by saying that I think it is great that you answer Q & A’s for fans. It really shows that you are a true fan of the business. On to my question, I was wondering what your thoughts are on the internet wrestling sites that are out there. Do you think they hurt the business, or are good for business? I don’t mean sites ran by 10 year olds, but I mean credible sites such as PWInsider.com. I regularly visit PWInsider.com, and I remember Coach even mentioning the site on one of his Coach Casts on wwe.com years ago. I understand back in the pre-internet era, a lot of the business was more discreet. But now with things being disclosed on the internet before they even happen, one would have to assume that Vinnie Mac can’t be happy about it. What are your thoughts?

J.R. Says: The Internet sites don’t hurt the business. Some of them actually do a really nice job with their sites and work diligently to post accurate info. Each reader has the choice to agree or disagree with their opinions, just like here.

Note from Buck: Thanks to Al for getting us plugged on JR's site!

On when Gregory Helms will be returning: I saw Gregory in Orlando recently at WM24, beard and all, and he is looking good but is still a few months away from returning to the ring. Gregory is a bright young man who loves the business and is one of the more underrated talents I can name.

On who the biggest merchandise sellers in WWE have been: Stone Cold is the unchallenged merchandise king of the WWE, but Cena does sell a helluva lot of goods. Rock did well in this area too but so have others including obviously Hogan, Savage and Warrior.

On WWE.com's list of the greatest tag teams not including the Midnight Express, Rock N' Roll Express and The Dudleys: Without those teams, the list is incomplete to me. Just one guy’s opinion.

On WWE's decision to stop the Cruiserweight division: It is what it is. There is no demand for it internally, so it is shelved. As the King would say, "One can’t grieve forever."

Again, you can check out the full Q&A section at jrsbarbq.com (http://www.jrsbarbq.com/2008/04/15/jrs-qa-17/)

04-17-2008, 02:07 PM
Thanks for the read.