View Full Version : Kevin Nash Compares Tna's Working Environment To Wwe's, Tna Debuting In Ct And More

Black Widow
04-17-2008, 01:59 PM
IGN.com is reporting the TNA Impact video game has been pushed back to a September launch. I'll be attending a Midway Games media presentation later today in Las Vegas and should have more details here on the site.

TNA will debut in the Wallingford, CT on 5/18 at the Chevrolet Theatre. Tickets will be available on livenation.com starting this Friday at 10 AM, ranging from $100 down to $25. This will be the company's official debut in the State. A previous TNA branded house show run by Hermie Sadler's UWF ended up canceled the day of the show several years ago. Thanks to Ryan Morgan.

TNA will be holding a house show at the Broome County Veterans Memorial Arena in Binghamton, New York on May 16th, 2008. Tickets go on sale April 19th, 2008 and will be available for purchase through Ticketmaster's website. Thanks to Devin Cutting.

Kevin Nash was interviewed in the Daytona Beach News-Journal today, which you can read below. In comparing TNA to WWE, Nash commented, "Dixie Carter and the people that run the company have a different philosophy [than WWE]. It's also just the working environment -- there's a lot less pressure. Our boss cares about the guys. She wants us to be healthy. And she feels if it evens the playing field, than nobody has an advantage and guys will live longer."


Kevin Nash: Part 1

Several months ago, I hung out with TNA Wrestling's Kevin Nash for a few hours.

My print story ran March 3, 2008.

Having talked to Hulk Hogan and Nash face-to-face in the last several months, I have now talked to 2/3 of the original NWO. Maybe JAWBreaker should contact Scott Hall to complete the trifecta.

Following are comments Nash made that did not appear in my print story. The next several columns will have more with Nash.

Nash on Wrestling

On his debut: On Sept. 5, 1990, Nash debuted in WCW's "Clash of the Champions XII." As The Master Blasters, he teamed with Cory Pendarvis (Nash said Pendarvis "lasted about five days" in the business) against The Lightning Express (Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner). Nash got the pin.

On his wrestling names: "Once the Diesel thing happened and Vince (McMahon) said we couldn't take the name with us, Eric Bischoff asked, 'What are we going to use for a name?' I said, 'How about the one on my license.' " Wrestlers who use their real names include Kurt Angle, Scott Hall, Brock Lesnar, Goldberg.

On his finishing move: He started jack-knife powerbombing in 1993. The biggest guy he has ever powerbombed is the Giant (560 pounds). The smallest is Rey Mysterio (165 pounds).

Of his two times in WCW and two times in WWF/WWE, what stands out? "The NWO of course, '96-'99, were by far the most -- fan reaction, money. Those three years were ultra-successful. We were the No. 1 promotion. We actually beat the WWE, pounded them. Almost three years. That was good. It was us. We were kind of the nucleus that did that."

On the NWO: "Bischoff came up with that. He gave us a lot of creative freedom. There were a lot of good minds. He was a huge fan of the Japanese-style. They had a lot of different company takeovers. The stars were aligned. The chance to have two guys in the WWF within a month of each other, contracts run out, and show up and do something -- I think it was actually three weeks -- the chances of that . . . if you would have had one guy and not two, it wouldn't have worked. You had to have two guys (Scott Hall being the other) come over. The last time Scott and I worked a Garden show, I was the main event. He was the semi-main event. We were probably two of the top five names in the company at the time. Convincing Hulk it was time to become a heel . . . I think that whole persona, he's more that guy now than he is the vitamin guy."

On whether he'd be a wrestler again: He said "no," only if he "had to do it."

On movies being like wrestling: "People go to the movies and they go see 'The Terminator.' They watch this movie, and they are just completely enthralled with it for two hours. And they leave the movie and they talk about it, how the special effects were. Well guess what, Arnold's not really a robot."

On selling wrestling: "If the guys do pro wrestling correctly and make you believe it . . . it's a male soap opera."

On fake perception: "You still have to train. People say it's fake. The word fake and the word preconceived -- if I tell you to go run 10 yards and turn around and catch a football, and I tell you, oh by the way as soon as you catch it a guy is going to stick a helmet in your back. That makes it fake because you know it's going to happen. But I don't think it hurts any less. I think it actually hurts more because you know it's coming so your body tightens up."

On WWE vs. TNA: "It's (WWE) a miserable existence. It really is. I should say was (now that he's in TNA)."

On Dixie Carter: "Dixie Carter and the people that run the company have a different philosophy. It's also just the working environment -- there's a lot less pressure. Our boss cares about the guys. She wants us to be healthy. And she feels if it evens the playing field, than nobody has an advantage and guys will live longer."

On the 2007 holidays: Nash said he had close to three weeks off -- compared to in WWE when he would work the day after Christmas (although they had about 10 days off in that time in 2007). "That's nice."

Top Five Nash Moments

1. Birth of son, Tristen (1996)

2. Winning the WWF Championship from Bob Backlund (1994)

3. Television debut in WCW in the tag-team the "Master Blasters," sporting an orange mohawk (1990)

4. Formation of the New World Order (NWO) in WCW in Daytona Beach (1996)

5. With wrestler Scott Hall, getting a new five-year contract from Ted Turner and WCW (1996)


04-17-2008, 02:16 PM
Thanks for the read.

04-18-2008, 12:46 AM
thanks for this ryan

04-18-2008, 02:27 PM
The TNA game better be bloody good if they keep pushing back the date. Their just putting more pressure on themselves as people will expect it to be amazing.