View Full Version : Doherty feeds habit behind bars - report

04-18-2008, 01:07 PM
Pete Doherty is reportedly still using heroin despite being in the detox unit of a London prison.

The Babyshambles frontman - who is currently serving time after flouting terms of his suspended sentence - shocked fellow inmates at Wormwood Scrubs jail after shooting up drugs that have been smuggled in.

One inmate is quoted by Britain's The Sun newspaper as saying: "We can't believe how much he's still clucking for it. They put him inside to force him to give up but Pete always needs to feed his habit."

Doctors at the prison are giving Pete heroin substitute methadone in a bid to wean him off the class A drug, but the addled musician is still using the real thing.

The fellow inmate said: "He hasn't received his prison wage yet so he's getting the drugs on credit and writing IOUs."

Pete - the ex-lover of supermodel Kate Moss - is being protected from being mugged by an ex-streetfighter named Ray after rumours circulated the singer had brought a stash of drugs in with him.

A source said: "It wasn't true but it was enough to make people want to find him and rob him. Ray is making sure this doesn't happen."

Last week, Pete was sentenced to three months in prison for flouting his suspended sentence.

The rocker had been ordered to take regular drug tests as part of the original four-month sentence, which had been suspended for two years, after he admitted possession of crack cocaine, heroin, ketamine and cannabis.

But he breached his probation conditions by missing two appointments, turning up late and being abusive to staff.

Bang! Showbiz

04-19-2008, 10:26 PM
Interesting read, thanks.