View Full Version : Val Venis Reveals What Divas He's Had "Relations" With

Black Widow
04-19-2008, 03:42 PM
There is a video on Justin.tv in which a guy has his webcam turned on and is shown talking to Raw wrestlers Val Venis and Hardcore Holly on the phone. The host asks Venis which wrestling women he has had sexual relations with; Venis names Sable, Ryan Shamrock and a pre-Austin Debra McMichael. When talking about Sable, Holly is heard yelling in the background calling Venis a liar.

Venis notes that Austin hates him because he got Debra before he did. Venis also notes "Kat" (Katie Lea Burchill) as the one Diva currently on the WWE roster in which he would like to get with, calling her "a tough egg to crack." Venis then passes the phone over to Holly, but not before he says the name of the show in his trademark Val Venis voice.

The phone call occurred right before the start of WWE's international tour last week, as Holly said he was going on a tour of Europe for two weeks "tomorrow." During the phone chat, the host asks him if he's going to hook up with any European women during the tour, and Holly retorts with insults, calling them nasty, saying they don't bath, generally smell bad, and don't use deodorant. You can witness the whole thing at this link. (http://www.justin.tv/dcigs/92923/Cigs_calls_Val_Venis__Bob_Holly)


04-19-2008, 07:22 PM
Thanks for this.

04-19-2008, 08:25 PM
thanks for the read ryan