View Full Version : Raids break up Pacific music piracy ring

04-25-2008, 01:21 PM
Pirated compact discs (CDs) circulating in New Zealand and Pacific island nations sparked police raids in Sydney today to break up an international music piracy ring.

Thousands of illegal CDs were seized and a Sydney man has been charged after raids carried out by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) on homes and businesses, including on a manufacturing plant and on retail outlets.

Police allege allege an organised gang in Australia had been manufacturing tens of thousands of re-mixed compilation albums and distributing them throughout Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific.

The pirate CDs featured artists such as Justin Timberlake, UB40 and Gnarls Barkley, said the music industry's anti-piracy organisation, Music Industry Piracy Investigations (MIPI).

MIPI says it was alerted to the ring after pirate compilations were found circulating in New Zealand and in Pacific island nations.

Action had also been taken in New Zealand against an importer and a CD manufacturing plant, said MIPI.

"These raids reinforce the undeniable links between piracy and criminal organisations in Australia," said Sabiene Heindl, the general manager of MIPI.

Australian police allege a 36-year-old man from Petersham in Sydney was involved in the manufacture and iinternational distribution of CDs on a commercial scale.

He has been charged with one count of possessing an infringing copy and was bailed to appear at Sydney's Central Local Court on May 13.

The maximum penalty for copyright infringement offences is five years jail and/or fines of up to $60,500 ($NZ72,600)).

AFP acting national manager for economic and special operations Ray Johnson said the AFP was working with the music industry and the public to disrupt intellectual property crimes.

"This type of criminal activity causes a significant financial impact on the affected industry," he said.