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View Full Version : GTA IV Reviews

Dark Drakan
04-29-2008, 07:13 PM
Most anticipated game ever gets massive praise in every review so far.

"It says something that even at the end of a three-day session, with every island and a substantial chunk of the sidequests unlocked, I was still ploughing on because I wanted to see how the story ended.

And I was still finding new stuff: the way a police klaxon goes strangled and gargley if you dent the light bar, the pedestrian who had the original GTA theme as their phone ringtone, the way that headshot drivers can fall on the horn and accelerator so you're run over by a dead man... This sets the standard for what you should expect from a truly next-gen game. You owe it to yourself to play it."10/10

Read the full OXM review (http://www.oxm.co.uk/article.php?id=3993)

"As shamelessly whorish as it sounds, GTA IV is quite possibly the most breathtaking game of the last decade. It outdoes its predecessors in every sense of the word, while at the same time not forgetting its roots, you the fan, and what makes GTA games such an insanely funny and euphoric experience in the first place."10/10

Read the full PSW review (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=187818)

"GTA IV is richer, deeper and more involving than its predecessors. By the time the story threads start to tie up, the mission trees finally shaken out, you're totally invested in the characters and their world. I'm actually jealous of everybody about to experience it for the first time. The greatest testament to GTA IV's brilliance is that I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since putting the pad down." 10/10

"It's particularly hard to score GTA IV - and trust us, we've debated long and hard into the night over those vital final few percent. As a game, it certainly contains its fair share of flaws; yet as an experience it's truly unparalleled, impossibly ahead of its contemporaries in nearly every single department. For that reason, we've decided to bestow our highest ever rating on GTA IV. Put simply, there's no more deserving candidate."98%

Read the full Xbox World 360 review (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=187806&site=xbw)

"I now know how film critics felt after screening The Godfather. It's been days since Grand Theft Auto IV's credits rolled, yet I can't seem to construct a coherent thought without my mind wandering off into a daydream about the game. I just want to drop everything in my life so I can play it again. Experience it again. Live it again...Grand Theft Auto IV doesn't just raise the bar for the storied franchise; it completely changes the landscape of gaming."10/10

"Considering the fact that it's been a target of political and media pundits who keep harping on the infamous Hot Coffee incident, it's understandable to think that Rockstar might tone down the adult themes in GTA IV. But thankfully, that didn't happen. This is a mature game, and a devilishly good one at that."10/10

"Grand Theft Auto IV lives up to its grand expectations by weaving a Hollywood-ready American Dream plotline with a finely-tuned game experience -- taking the tried-and-true GTA formula and plugging it into a living, breathing version of Liberty City."10/10

GTA IV gives us characters and a world with a level of depth previously unseen in gaming and elevates its story from a mere shoot-em-up to an Oscar-caliber drama. Every facet of Rockstar's new masterpiece is worthy of applause. Without question, Grand Theft Auto IV is the best game since Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Watch the people and you'll witness some amazing things. At one point, I saw a woman stopped at a light, looking in the rearview mirror right before she was rear-ended by a man ogling a girl on the street. The man got out of his car and went to the woman, checking to see if she was okay. This had nothing to do with Niko or a single action I took. These were the citizens of Liberty City going about their day. And it was just one moment in a day full of incidents.

That a game with great AI, an awesome physics engine and a detailed open world, runs so well and with such short load times is a technical marvel.

Rockstar's RAGE engine coupled with NaturalMotion's Euphoria engine creates a game world with some stunning physics. Each brand of car handles differently (you can actually see the suspension in action as you make sharp turns). What will really surprise people is that these physics work with characters while in cars. So Niko's weight shifts to one side as he makes a turn and his head snaps forward when he slams the brakes. There is also a full neurological system built into Niko so that his body knows how to react to other objects. At one point I drove an ambulance off a high stunt jump. The cinematic camera swung around to show Niko taking his hands off the wheel and covering his face before impact. 10/10

Read the full IGN review (http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/869/869541p1.html)

In case you haven't guessed already, Grand Theft Auto IV is a game that you simply have to play. The single-player game, which you can still play long after you complete the story, is the series' best by far, and the multiplayer features are good enough that you'll likely have no problem finding people to play with for many months to come. The minor flaws that you'll experience are no more difficult to overlook than those in previous GTA games, and they're greatly outnumbered by the features that will impress and surprise you anytime you think you've already seen everything that the game has to offer. There's lots to see in Liberty City, so you'd best get started. 10/10

Read Full Gamespot Review (http://uk.gamespot.com/ps3/action/grandtheftauto4/review.html?tag=topslot%3Btitle%3B1&om_act=convert&om_clk=topslot&page=2)

04-29-2008, 09:40 PM
Wow, lots of full scores. I'm definitely getting this.

05-01-2008, 01:12 AM
Ive been playing it since launch and I must say this is the most amazing game I have ever seen. The game just seems so real and it is beautiful. My only complaint is that the online multiplayer is a little hard to get used to. I read a review somewhere that said that this game could have been sold for $300 because of the mass amount of value in this game.