View Full Version : WWE Results Hamilton Ontario Canada

That Rob
05-04-2008, 04:45 AM
Okay so I just got back from the live event here in Hamilton and hee are the results of the show:

Cryme Tyme def. Cade&Murdoch
-After the match Cade walked up the ramp and Murdoch proceeded to sing to him, same song as on Raw, he has an even better voice live.

Cody Rhodes(Or Super Nintendo as I call him for his moveset reminding me of a Super Nintento wrestling game) def. 'The Natural' Nick Nemeth.
-Worst match of the night by far. Cody Rhodes won with the DDT. Nemeth seems to have taken a Ravishing Rick Rude type gimmick, saying he was going to steal all the guys girls and for us to be quiet while he takes his shirt offf for the ladies.

Paul London & Brian Kendrick def. Carlito and Santino. (:() dy DQ.
-A good match, Carlito did a backflip from the second rope like Londrick do but ended up falling on his head, giving us a good laugh. Santino was WAAAY over as well. Carlito hit London with a backcracker and the ref DQed them, much to the disappointment to us all.

Paul Birchill&Katie Lea def. Super Crazy.
-Almost identical to Monday's match except this time Paul pinned Crazy.

Mickie James def. Beth Phoenix to retain the title.
-Before the macth Maria brought a lucky fan to ringside, and I must admit up close, even better then on TV :drool: Mickie was fine as well. She won with her Mickie-T.

Regal then came out and demanded that Kennedy apologize for Monday. Kennedy comes out to a HUGE reaction and tells Regal, he is not Sorry but he is MIIIISTER KENNEDY...KENNEDY! Snitsky then hit the ring and beat down Kennedy with Regal who announced the was now a tag match but it didn't look like Kennedy had a partner. The match started and the fans started chanting "Y2J, Y2J!" And low and behold he comes out to make this a tag match

Kennedy and Jericho def. Regal and Snitsky
-Dean Malenko was seen ringside and did not look too happy with the work of Snitsky, I was sitting right there and he was not happy at all. Kennedy and Regal battle to the back and Jericho hit Snitsky with the Code Breaker for the win.

Triple H def. Randy Orton in a Street Fight
-The fans had all night to text what type of match they wanted this to be
a. Last man Standing
b. 2 of 3 falls
c. Street Fight
Good match we seen the sledgehammer come into play at the end for Trips to get the win, they didn't go around the crowd like they did last year but it was a good match nonetheless.

Oh and before I forget I touched the title! Happy about that, and the fact that I shook Trips hand and talked to him for a few mintes as well.

It was a fun experience and well worth the 25 bucks I spent to get in, I wasn't too excited when I bought my ticket but these live events always are better then the actual show.

8.5/10 for the whole thing.

05-04-2008, 04:51 AM
solid shows seems better than an episode of RAW

05-04-2008, 04:52 AM
Wow, Rob happy about a WWE product:o Anyway, sounds good wish I was there. Thanks for the read.

That Rob
05-04-2008, 04:56 AM
I think the best part of the whole show was no ''5 Move Man'' John Cena wasn't there. The kids behind me cried because he never showed up, I lol'd hard. And Chris it was better then an episode of Raw