View Full Version : Wwe Smackdown/ecw Results From St. John

Black Widow
05-05-2008, 03:44 PM
WWE Smackdown / ECW Results
Report from Saint John, N.B.
Sunday, May 4 at 7:30 P.M.

Around 75 percent attendance. Much more than what WWE pulled in last time they were here at Harbour Station. I would guess about 3,000 fans, though this is certainly a guess.

Jamie Noble and Finlay (w / Hornswoggle) def. Zack Ryder and Kurt Hawkins (Edgeheads). Jamie hit a rib-breaker on one of the Edgeheads, with Finlay following with his usual attack with a shillelagh. This was a decent opening match – Hornswoggle can certainly get a crowd going.

Kenny Dykstra def. Ted Dibiase, Jr. Kenny wins with roll-up. Surprisingly, a lot of heat for Kenny; especially when he told several fans to “shut up” as they booed him during the match. Not a bad match, but certainly not a great match.

Kofi Kingston def. Matt Striker. Kingston wins with drop kick to back of the head. No thoughts really – good match.

WWE Tag Team Championship – The Miz and John Morrison def. Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang. The Miz got the pin with a neck breaker on Shannon.

Kelly Kelly wins a best body contest and unlike in Fredericton, she did receive the largest pop from the crowd. In fact, none of the divas even came close.

WWE United States Championship – Matt Hardy def. MVP. Matt Hardy received huge pop from the crowd. “Twist of Fate” caught MVP for the win for Matt. Not a very good match - I expected much better considering the T.V. matches we've seen. Though again, crowd was really into Matt Hardy. Match was 10 minutes and very slow.

Chuck Palumbo def. Mike Knox and CM Punk in a triple threat. Like the other shows here in New Brunswick this weekend, Chuck was added by General Manager Armando Estrada. A quick match, about 5 minutes and it wasn't very impressive. The crowd wasn't really into this match, despite efforts by CM Punk to get the crowd going..

ECW Champion Kane and The Big Show def. Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neeley. A superb match. Crowd was really into this match, the entire time - it was great. Chavo and Bam had very little offense, as expected. Kane and Show both did a choke slam to Chavo and Bam respectively.

Batista def. Edge. Fans chose the no DQ match during the text vote - this was expected I guess. Though I must have sent 20 to 30 texts for a two out of three falls match. In any event, both Edge and Batista had great reactions - with Edge getting some pops from the crowd but mostly heat. During his entrance, Edge took a sign from a fan that said “Edge Sucks”. He then proceeded to rip it in half, then blowing his nose into the pieces of the sign. That was a great example of what a great heel Edge is right now - and the crowd ate it up. After Batista entered the ring, Edge grabbed the mic. I expected an amazing Edge heat promo here and I wasn’t disappointed in the slightest. Edge started off complaining on how he doesn’t understand why “the idiots” here in Saint John boo him when he is a Canadian. Continuing his complaining, he denounces his Canadian citizenship and says that he doesn’t need any of us – pointing to many fans and saying “I don’t need you.”

Now, here is where I want to make a point. For anyone who goes to a wrestling show – house or T.V. show – consider it a great compliment if a heel wrestler calls you out in effort to get heat from the crowd. During Edge’s pre-match promo, I was directly pointed at and told “…and I don’t need the guy with the bowl-cut either.” This made my night and was worth the $65 price of the ticket in this one line. I considered this an honor.

The finish was massively botched by Batista. During the no DQ match, both men went all over the arena and picked up pop-corn bags and soda cups, tossing them at each other during the fight. Eventually, going into the ring and proceeding with a decent no DQ match. Well, 15 minutes into the match, Edge hit a low-blow and followed it up with an “Edgucution” (not sure if they still call it that or how it is spelt). Edge goes for the pin – referee counts, 1, 2… no kick out by Batista, so we all thought he won. Though the referee stopped counting and stood up, with Edge following to confront the referee in an effort to look like Edge was arguing with the referee to cover the fact that Batista forgot to kick-out. Batista then gets up and hits the “Batista Bomb” for the win. I don’t know if this was a planned finish or not, but it sure looked botched as I’m sure Batista did not kick-out after Edge’s finisher. I was in the front row so I’m sure I didn’t “miss” something.

In any event, a fantastic house show overall. Crowd was into the show and made for a great house show atmosphere. I certainly hope they come back sometime in the near future – though I’m off to Toronto tomorrow night for RAW.
