View Full Version : Peaches Geldof 'caught buying drugs'

05-05-2008, 07:44 PM
CAUGHT ON TAPE: Peaches Geldof has been caught on camera allegedly buying drugs, a British tabloid has reported.
Peaches Geldof, the wildchild daughter of Sir Bob Geldof and Paula Yates, has been caught on camera allegedly buying drugs.

The 19-year-old, who last year became "the face" of Australian fashion chain Dotti, reportedly has been filmed handing a drug dealer £190 in cash and saying: "I'm going to need Valium tomorrow after this."

British tabloid News of the World said police would question Peaches, whose mother died of a heroin overdose eight years ago following the death of her lover and INXS frontman Michael Hutchence, about the video.

"She will be interviewed some time this week and asked to explain what is happening in the video and why she is handing over money to the couple," an unnamed police source told the newspaper.

"It is all part of a large investigation into alleged drugs dealing."

Police discovered the footage on a PC memory stick which also contained notorious footage of troubled British singer Amy Winehouse smoking and snorting a range of drugs.

The newspaper said police seized the memory stick from Jonny Blagrove and Cara Burton amid claims the couple were running a celebrity drugs empire.

"The secret camera picks up the couple talking to the beauty (Peaches), who is clutching £140 in her hand," the newspaper said.

"Then Blagrove tells her the deal will cost her £190. Peaches is then seen agreeing to this and then telling the couple she will need Valium the next day."

Blagrove and Burton were arrested by police and have been released on bail. They are expected to face more questioning in coming weeks.


05-05-2008, 08:14 PM
Interesting read, thanks.