View Full Version : Wwe Working On Next Dvd Project, Diva Set To Open New Business And More

Black Widow
05-15-2008, 05:39 PM

WWE is currently conducting interviews for their forthcoming Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig DVD release.

Jim Ross visited WWE developmental Florida Championship Wrestling on Tuesday and Wednesday. Ross attended FCW's Tuesday event then spoke to students at the training center on Wednesday.

The CW Network will be replacing Smackdown with a comedy block and repeats of Next Top Model.

WWE Diva Victoria will officially open her custom car shop in Louisville, Kentucky on 5/22. Black Widow Customs is located at 5763 Preston Highway with the opening taking place from 4-7 PM with Victoria and other WWE personalities in attendance.



May 13: Roddy Piper wants SIN-JIN SMYTH finished

A few years back, we were hearing on a regular basis about an ambitious-sounding fright film called SIN-JIN SMYTH, written and directed by Ethan Dettenmaier (our last item ran here). But after a flurry of exciting cast announcements and the start of filming, the project seemed to vanish into the ether. Fango recently spoke to Roddy Piper (pictured), who starred in the movie with Richard (BIG BAD WOLF) Tyson, Korn’s Jonathan Davis and a number of genre veterans, and he filled us in on what’s been happening with the production…or not.

“SIN-JIN SMYTH ran out of money,” he reveals, “and the thing is half shot; the best part of it needs to be filmed yet. You know, they—the indefinite pronoun, ‘they’—keep hyping it like it’s gonna come out, and it’s just not finished, and I don’t like the fact that they’re using my name. I was talking to Richard Tyson about it, saying, ‘You know, I’m just gonna pull it off the market.’ But he said, ‘Leave it out there, because you never know—they might come around,’ so we decided to see what the director and his people can do to get it back up. They spent all their money, and they didn’t have a completion bond—so I hear, anyway.”

At this point, there has been little indication that SIN-JIN SMYTH (which concerns a pair of federal marshals transporting the titular, evil prisoner on the Day of the Dead) will be resurrected—but not for lack of trying on the part of outside parties, according to Piper. “It’s just sitting there, and that’s a shame,” he says. “There have been other people who’ve said to whoever owns the whole thing, ‘We’ll give you this much money to walk away,’ and have somebody else come in and put up the budget and finish filming, and they won’t do it. They don’t have the money to complete it themselves, but they have kept up the business of advertising it like it’s going to come out any second. If something doesn’t happen in the next couple of months, I might get some people together and say, ‘Let’s finish this thing.’

“Right now, it’s useless to everybody,” he continues. “The fans can’t see it, the investors can’t make their money back, we as actors can’t get the rest of our income. And I’m angry about it, because you know what? It’s got some scenes that are great. That kid from Korn—I didn’t know who he was until later, but he turned me on to the electric bagpipes and we’ve been kicking around doing that, so there’s a lot of good to come out of it. So I hope it pans out, and Dettenmaier gets pressure put on him to finish the movie.” We’ll keep you informed of any further developments. —Michael Gingold

05-15-2008, 09:08 PM
Thanks for the read.