View Full Version : RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion Thread - 19th May, 2008

05-16-2008, 10:26 AM

At Judgment Day, WWE Champion Triple H retained his gold inside the steel cage. It seems like Randy Orton’s attempts to revive the “Age of Orton” and regain the WWE Championship fell short. Will Triple H be looking for a new contender to challenge him? Does Orton have plans of his own to get another title opportunity against The Game?

John Cena may have won at Judgment Day, but as JBL pointed out after the match, it was Cena, not JBL, that needed to be looked over in the trainer’s room after their match. Will Cena have a response to the Self-Made Millionaire’s post-match statement? Or will the punishment JBL inflicted on Cena force the Chain Gang commander to tend to his wounds for another couple of weeks?

Shawn Michaels has been a hot topic ever since retiring Hall of Famer Ric Flair at WrestleMania XXIV. With his controversial win over Batista at Backlash and now another controversial victory over Chris Jericho at Judgment Day, HBK seems to be confirming everything The Animal and Y2J have been saying about him. What will HBK have to say to his critics after his Judgment Day victory? Will Jericho or Batista have any response to HBK’s actions over the past several weeks?

After being interrupted by GM William Regal last week upon his return, Jeff Hardy defeated Umaga. Sunday night, Hardy answered MVP’s open challenge and made it clear that he was back with a purpose. Will Hardy continue his winning ways? Will he attempt to finish what he was saying last week before being interrupted by William Regal? Will Jeff feel any repercussions following his win over Umaga last week?

William Regal has been ruling with an iron fist as of late, much to the disgust of our fans and Superstars alike. From blackouts to 14-on-2 matches, Regal has not been afraid to wield his new sense of power with the utmost authority. One man who has not been afraid to lock horns with the Raw GM is Mr. Kennedy. Will the Green Bay loudmouth fall into line and pay Regal the respect he claims he deserves, or will Kennedy gain some respect of his own from the GM?

Mickie James was able to walk out of Judgment Day with her WWE Women’s Championship after pinning Melina. Unfortunately for her though, Beth Phoenix has been relentless in her pursuit of Mickie and the title – and will not stop until she succeeds. How will The Glamazon go about getting another Women’s Championship opportunity? Will Mickie James be able to fend off Phoenix again?

We’ll find out all the answers to these questions and the fallout from Judgment Day when Monday Night Raw airs live from Kansas City, Mo., at 9/8 CT on USA Network.


Please feel free to discuss RAW here. No need to wait for updates!


RAW Results - 19th May, 2008
Location - Kansas City, Mo
Announcers - Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler

Dark Match:

Carlito pinned Ron Killings.


Cryme Time defeated Charlie Haas & Snitsky.

Super Crazy defeated Highlander Robbie.

Paul London & Brian Kendrick defeated WWE Tag Team champs Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes in a non-title bout.

If you missed last night's Judgment Day pay per view, you did not really miss too much in terms of storyline development. You did miss some interesting wrestling. Triple H was able to retain the WWE Title in the steel cage match to hold off the re-start of the Age of Orton. Shawn Michaels continued his mastery of Chris Jericho, but now he has to look over his shoulder for Batista who told Shawn that he would take care of him for not being honest about his knee. John Cena had an early night defeating Bradshaw with the FU out of nowhere despite Bradshaw's claim that since he inflicted more damage on Cena, he was the winner. Jeff Hardy returned to pay per view with a victory over Montel Vontavious Porter. Mickie James was able to retain the WWE Women's Title despite Beth Phoenix's impressive performance. Will William Regal leave the sky box for tonight's show?

We are live from Kansas City, Missouri and your announcers are Jim 'Is there any good BBQ in this town' Ross and Jerry 'I am the only Royal in this building' Lawler.

Jeff Hardy versus Umaga

Umaga punches Hardy instead of locking up like Hardy expected. Hardy with a sunset flip but Umaga will not go over. He tries to drop down but Hardy moves. Hardy hits a drop kick for a near fall. Hardy punches Umaga but Umaga with a Samoan drop. Umaga with a nerve hold on Hardy. Umaga with a Kane-like uppercut and then he slams Hardy into the turnbuckles and puts him in the tree of woe. Umaga tries for the diving headbutt and he connects. Umaga goes to the second turnbuckle for another head butt but Hardy moves. Umaga grabs Hardy but the hair and Hardy tries for the Twist of Fate but Umaga gets out of the hold. Hardy tries for the Whisper in the Wind but Umaga pushes Hardy away like he was another Samoan. Umaga drags Hardy into the corner and he punches Hardy to set up for the running butt splash. Hardy moves out of the way and Hardy punches Umaga. Hardy with the delayed baseball slide drop kick. Hardy with a mule kick that sends Umaga out of the ring and then he hits a somersault plancha and both men are down. Umaga with a knee and then he tries to send Hardy into the ring steps but Hardy stops short. Umaga charges at Hardy but Hardy moves and Umaga goes into the steps. Hardy tries for a cross body after running the ringside barrier. Umaga with an uranage and the ref makes the ten count.

Winner: Nobody . . . Double Count Out

Where Chris Jericho is in the locker room. Batista tells Jericho that he better not get in his way to deal with Shawn Michaels. Jericho says that he might as well forfeit the match or wait until Batista cheap shots him and hits the Batista Bomb like he did in the Highlight Reel. Batista says that Jericho and Michaels beat the hell out of each other and is not in any condition to wrestle. Each wishes the other luck but will not turn their back on the other. We go to commercial.

We are back and the lights are out. Either Vladimir Kozlov or William Regal will be in this segment. It looks like it is King General Manager William Regal. Regal reminds us that One Night Stand is in two weeks, and that pay per view will have Extreme Rules. Jeff Hardy will face YouManga in a Falls Count Anywhere Match. We go to Bradshaw and Randy Orton in the back on the TitanTron since it is time to talk about rematches. Regal tells Orton and Bradshaw that they will be facing Triple Haitch and John Cena in a tag team match, even though they would like to get rematches. If they win, they will get the rematch in a stipulation of their choice. If Cena and Triple Haitch win, they will meet in an Extreme Rules Match of Regal’s choosing.

Before Regal can continue, he is interrupted by Ken Kennedy. Regal asks Kennedy how many times we have to go through this. Kennedy says that he knows that there will be consequences for this. Kennedy reminds Regal that he has been asking him a question since Regal won King of the Ring. Kennedy wants to face Regal tonight. Regal tells Kennedy that he does not get it because Kennedy is not his equal. He does not take challenges from common wrestlers. Regal says that he will fire the next person who interrupts him.

THERE is NO CHANCE as Vince McMahon walks to the ring as only Vince McMahon can. Vince enters the ring and Kennedy tells Vince that he shouldn’t have done that. Kennedy tells Regal to fire Vince. Vince tells Kennedy to shut up. Vince reminds Regal that he gave Regal his 100 percent endorsement. Vince says that ever since he got the endorsement, due to Regal’s abuse of power and arbitrary complaints, they have received more complaints than ever. Vince says that Regal might not care what the people think about him, but what he cares about is the money. Regal tells Vince you sometimes have to take a half-step back before taking two steps forward. Vince says that he is talking about ratings. When Regal comes on the air, the ratings plummet. The longer that Regal stays on the air, the ratings go lower. In the interest of fairness, Regal wants Kennedy gone and so does Vince. Vince tells Kennedy that he does not like him, but the fans want Regal gone. Tonight there will be a match between Regal and Kennedy and the loser will be gone. Vince clarifies and says that the loser will be FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHRED. We go to commercial

We are back with the Slam of the Week: Mickie James retaining the WWE Women’s Title despite Beth Phoenix’s Feat of Strumph (copyright Mark Henry)

Melina joins Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler at the announce table, but not before she does her entrance for them on the announce table.

Beth Phoenix versus Maria

Maria charges at Beth and has Beth in a waist lock but Beth with a standing switch and she tosses Maria to the mat. Beth runs Maria into the corner and then she presses Maria over her head before dropping Maria behind her. Maria with forearms but Beth with a back breaker and then she stretches Maria over her knee. Maria with knees to the head to get out of the hold. Maria slams Beth’s head into the turnbuckles followed by a bulldog for a two count. Maria with a rollup for a two count, but Beth with a shoulder tackle. Maria kicks Beth but Beth grabs Maria and hits a wheelbarrow slam into a rocking chair submission and Maria taps.

Winner: Beth Phoenix

After the match
Melina gets in the ring and then she runs through the ring and goes after Beth and attacks her from behind. Melina chokes Beth but Beth slams Melina to the ramp. We see Beth look at Melina in the background as officials check on her.

We go to commercial.

We are back and so is Piper’s Pit. Speaking of Piper, Roddy showed up on Jimmy Kimmel Live. We see footage including Jimmy taking Buck’s side in the Royal/Royale debate.

Katie Lea is with Mickie James and Katie says that when she wins the Women’s Title, she will bring more class. Katie says that Mickie is sleeping her way to the top. Mickie says that she was out with John, her brother, and his girlfriend. Mickie says that John was a gentleman. Katie says that if Cena went out with her and her brother, they would be having more than just fun. Katie says that she knows what is going on.

William Regal is in his office and Shawn Michaels enters. Shawn says that he knows that Regal is busy and wishes him luck in his match against Ken Kennedy. Shawn says that he gets to sit back and watch. Regal says that Shawn will be wrestling at One Night Stand. Someone is going to get hurt because Shawn will wrestle the winner of the Jericho/Batista match in a Stretcher Match.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Jim Ross talks about the Golden Patriot Award that the WWE won at the GI Film Festival, which was accepted by Ric Flair.

Chris Jericho versus Batista in a Winner faces Shawn Michaels in a Stretcher Match at One Night Stand (and the loser probably faces Michaels next week on Raw Match

Jericho with forearms to Batista but Batista pushes Jericho out of the corner. Batista punches Jericho and follows that with shoulders. Batista charges into a boot from Jericho followed by forearms and punches. Batista pushes Jericho down again. Jericho with a kick to Batista but Batista tosses Jericho into the air and face first into the mat. Batista with a back elbow for a near fall. Batista with an Irish whip and running clothesline into the corner. Batista connects with another one. Batista chokes Jericho with his boot. Jericho appears to have tweaked his knee on an Irish whip and Batista is ready to call BS on that. The referee checks on Jericho as we go to commercial.

We are back and Batista with a hard Irish whip and a cover but Jericho has his foot on the ropes. Batista with a forearm and punches. Batista charges at Jericho but Jericho drops down and Batista has hurt his knee. Batista gingerly makes his way back into the ring and Jericho kicks Batista in the leg and connects with a clip. Jericho continues to work on the leg. Batista uses his leg strength to send Jericho out of the ring and Jericho pulls Batista to the mat. Batista kicks Jericho into the announce table. Batista with a big boot when Jericho returns to the ring and both men are down. Batista with forearms but Jericho with kicks to the leg. Batista with a spinebuster and then he sets for the Batista Bomb but Jericho with forearms to the knee. Jericho with a single leg crab but Batista finally makes it to the ropes. Jericho kicks Batista in the leg again but Batista pushes him off. Batista misses a clothesline and Jericho with another clip. Jericho misses a Lionsault when Batista moves. Batista tries for the Batista Bomb but Jericho holds on to the ropes. Jericho is sent to the apron and he kicks Batista. Jericho goes up top but Batista with a clothesline but Jericho kicks out. Jericho struggles to get up and Batista misses a charge into the corner. Jericho tries for the Codebreaker but Batista catches him and Batista hits a Batista Bomb for the three count.

Winner: Batista

After the match
the referee checks on Batista and Shawn Michaels comes out and he stares down Batista.

We go to commercial.

We are back and William Regal is getting ready for his match and Vince McMahon enters. Regal wants to know why Vince set up this match. Vince asks Regal if he is afraid of Kennedy. Ted DiBiase enters the office and Vince wants to do some business with Ted and he wants to use Regal’s office. Vince tells Ted to take a seat. Vince starts to talk about his investments and we go

TO THE ARENA and it is time for Piper’s Pit. Roddy looks very Italian tonight because it is Santino Marella dressed up like Rodney Piper. He introduces himself as Rodney the Piper and he talks about beating a fat transvestite in a retirement match at Wrestlemania 3. Santino continues to mock Piper and he says that he is sick of Rodney Piper. Santino shows us footage of Santino interrupting Cousin Sal’s birthday party and then get attacked by Roddy Piper.

Santino talks about Cousin Sal and how he is the cousin of Jiminy Kimmel, a man who wrote a song about humping Ben Affleck. Santino brings out Cousin Sal. Santino welcomes Sal to the Pit. According to Jiminy Camel, Sal idolized Rodney the Piper as a kid. Santino asks why he idolized Rodney. Sal says that the thing he admired the most was his ability to back up everything that he says. Sal mentions how Santino said that he would be a tag team champion, beat up Stone Cold Steve Austin, and sleep with a Playboy Cover Girl. Sal says that Maria says that is impossible because Santino is hung like a fourth grader. We see Ron Simmons for his DAMN moment. Santino says that he brought Sal here to give him an apology. Santino has an “I’m Sorry” cake and he tells Sal that Jiminy cannot save him. Santino holds the cake for Sal and Roddy appears behind Santino and Piper grabs Santino by the back of the neck and he tastes the cake. Sal pushes the cake into Santino’s face and Roddy throws Santino out of the ring.

Santino says that is funny, so why not have a match against him. Roddy accepts the match for Sal and Santino says that Christmas came early for him.

Ken Kennedy is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back with the WWE Rewind: Lance Cade turning on Trevor ‘WWE Idol’ Murdoch last week.

Jim Ross says that Cade and Murdoch are finished as a tag team. Lawler wonders if Cade does not like country music and Ross wonders if there is any other type of music.

Kennedy says that soon there will be no more tea and crumpets; fish and chips; or pompous windbags who will lose their family jewels to Ken Kennedy. . . Kennedy.

Ken Kennedy versus King General Manager William Regal in a Vince McMahon said that the loser will be FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHRED Match

They lock up and Regal backs Kennedy into the corner and connects with forearms. Kennedy with a kick and punches. Regal and Kennedy exchange punches and kicks. Kennedy with an Irish whip and back body drop for a near fall. Kennedy with a running boot to the head of Regal and Regal goes to the floor. Regal pulls Kennedy onto the apron and he hits his head. Regal takes advantage of the situation and connects with knees. Kennedy tries for a back slide but Regal holds on and then he gets a near fall. Regal with forearms to Kennedy in the corner followed by an Exploder suplex for a two count. Regal with an arm bar and crossface. Regal with an Irish whip but Regal charges into a knee. Kennedy with punches and he misses a kick but he connects with the second one and gets a two count. Regal with a knee that sends Kennedy out of the ring to the floor. Regal lets go of Kennedy and grabs the mic. Regal says that he is still general manager so this is a No Disqualification Match.

Regal takes brass knuckles from a production team member at ringside. Regal kicks Kennedy and then sends him into the ring steps. Regal rolls Kennedy into the ring and he still has his mic. Regal waits for Kennedy to get up and Kennedy with a low kick and Mic Check for the three count.

Winner: Ken Kennedy

After the match
it is time to serenade Regal. The crowd also chants ‘USA’ and Jim Duggan is not in the ring. Regal walks to the back and we go to commercial.

We are back and William Regal is trying to get into his office. The door opens and Regal has a shocked look on his face. Teddy Long walks out of the office and he asks Regal what is up playa. Then Teddy walks away.

Todd Grisham is with Triple Haitch. Todd congratulates Hunter on his victory last night. Todd asks if Orton and Bradshaw have the edge over Cena and Hunter tonight. Hunter says that whether him and Cena are friends is irrelevant because Orton and Bradshaw are not going out on lunch dates. Hunter says that he thinks they are the favorites. He does not care who he faces at One Night Stand. There are many changes going on, but there is one constant, that he is the best.

Randy Orton and JBL versus John Cena and Triple HHH

Cena and Orton start things off and they lock up with Cena applying a side head lock. Orton backs Cena into the corner and he punches Cena in the head. Can with an Irish whip and bulldog to Orton and Hunter is tagged in. Hunter punches Orton but he charges into an elbow and he punches Hunter. Orton with a kick but Hunter hits the high knee. Hunter knocks Bradshaw down on the apron and then Hunter Irish whips Orton and Cena pulls down the ropes and Orton goes over the top rope to the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and Bradshaw covers Hunter for a near fall. Bradshaw with a Cobra Clutch on Hunter and Hunter is going out but he gets his second wind. Orton tags in and he punches Hunter. Orton with kicks and punches. Orton with a kick to the chest and punches to the head. Orton tries for a drop kick but Hunter holds on to the ropes and both men are down. Cena tags in and he connects with a clothesline and flying shoulder followed by a Blue Thunder Bomb. Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Bradshaw hits Cena from behind. Hunter hits Bradshaw. Cena avoids the RKO and gets Orton up for the FU but Bradshaw with a boot to the face and Orton cannot get the three count because the referee is out of position. Orton punches Cena followed by an Irish whip but Cena and Orton collide and both men go down. Hunter and Bradshaw tag in and Hunter with punches. Hunter hits a flying clothesline followed by more punches and a face buster. Hunter follows that with a neck breaker for a near fall. Hunter with a spinebuster on Bradshaw and then he throws Orton out of the ring. Cena puts Bradshaw in the STFU and Orton hits a backbreaker on Hunter. Orton kicks Cena in the head and Orton punches Hunter while Bradshaw makes the cover and gets the three count.

Winners: Randy Orton and Bradshaw

After the match
Hunter sets for the Pedigree on Orton but Bradshaw with a clothesline. Bradshaw holds Hunter and then Orton hits the RKO.

Bradshaw gets on the mic and he tells Cena that they will be wrestling in a First Blood Match. Orton tells Hunter that they will be wrestling for the WWE Title the same way he won it from Hunter in the same way he won it from him, in a Last Man Standing Match. We go to credits.

05-20-2008, 01:22 AM
Announced for tonight's Monday Night Raw in Kansas City, Missouri:

*Batista vs. WWE Intercontinental champ Chris Jericho, with the winner facing Shawn Michaels at the One Night Stand PPV.

*The fallout of Triple H defeating Randy Orton last night.

Piper's Pit returns.

*The latest in Ken Kennedy vs. William Regal.

*What's next for the WWE Women's champ Mickie James.


Ill Will
05-20-2008, 03:03 AM
So did anyone see the "Owen Was Here" sign? I thought that was slightly distasteful.

Ill Will
05-20-2008, 03:20 AM
Big lol @ Santino being hung like a 4th grader.

...but I guess we're supposed to ignore that half of the audience ARE 4th graders.

05-20-2008, 04:12 AM
I have to say, this was a pretty good raw. Two VERY good matches (Batista-Y2J, Kennedy-Regal), two decent matches (Hardy-Umaga, main event), a hillarious pipers pit, and, best of all, NO MORE WILLIAM REGAL AS GM!!!!!

...although I fully expect him to become a full-time wrestler again.

Bad Boy
05-20-2008, 12:17 PM
seems like a good Raw... the Jeff/Umaga matches are getting boring... the Main Event seemed alright... always the same people... PIper's Pit sounded good... all in all, a watchable Raw

05-20-2008, 03:21 PM
Good to see they are starting to lead up to ONS early. Wonder if Long is the new Gm of RAW now.

05-20-2008, 07:36 PM
Good to see they are starting to lead up to ONS early. Wonder if Long is the new Gm of RAW now.

I wouldn't say early...I mean, there is only one more RAW before ONS...they really shouldn't have had the two ppvs so close together. On top of that, all four matches so far are rematches, with the only one making sense being HBK vs Batista.

Ill Will
05-20-2008, 08:55 PM
Good to see they are starting to lead up to ONS early. Wonder if Long is the new Gm of RAW now.

Yeah, the PPV is less than 2 weeks away. I'm not sure why you would consider this early.