View Full Version : Ashton's webbed feet to the rescue

05-19-2008, 01:59 PM
TO THE RESCUE: Ashton Kutcher's webbed feet could help save animals from being slaughtered after a plea by Peta.
Ashton Kutcher’s webbed feet could help save animals from being slaughtered.

The What Happens in Vegas star - who recently revealed some of his toes are joined together - has been contacted by animal rights organisation Peta who have asked him if he will allow his feet to be photographed for a campaign.

Peta special projects coordinator Michelle Cho wrote in a letter: "While you may have endured some painful ribbing as a kid, these birds endure the pain of having pipes shoved down their throats three times per day so that two pounds of grain can be pumped into their stomachs to produce the diseased 'fatty liver' dish known as foie gras.

"These poor animals spend their entire lives crammed in dirty, dark sheds, where they suffer from injury and disease and are deprived of everything that is natural and important to them.

"We ask if you would lend your feet for a photo shoot that would highlight the extreme suffering that goes into every ounce of foie gras."

Last month, Kutcher unveiled his webbed feet on a hit British talk show.

The Hollywood star - who is married to Demi Moore - took his socks and shoes off after outrageous host Jonathan Ross quizzed him on his duck-like digits.

He said: "I have slightly webbed toes. When everything else is this good-looking, something has to give!"

Bang Showbiz

05-20-2008, 12:12 AM
Interesting, I hope he does help them out.