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View Full Version : 6/3 NWA Anarchy TV Taping Report

06-05-2006, 07:51 AM
NWA Anarchy ran their bimonthly television taping at the NWA Arena in Cornelia last night.

Attendance was 170, which was a bigger crowd than Anarchy drew for the big show, “Excessive Force,” two weeks ago, and way up from the May 6 TV taping. Likely this was on the strength of the Anarchy Rulz match between Ace Rockwell and Shaun Tempers, a grudge match if there ever was one.

Ironically, the heat was better for the first half, peaking with the pop for Adryan Hawkins’ rags-to-riches TV title win in the Mega Rumble.

Eddie Rich opened the show with the announcement that NWA Anarchy would be debuting on local television with an 11 am Saturday slot on Alltel cable channel 4 (debuting June 17). Wrestling in Cornelia hasn’t been seen locally since the early days of NWA Wildside.

(1) Urban Assault Squad (Shadow Jackson & Nemesis) & Slim J beat the Texas Wrestling Academy All-Stars (Skitzo & Hector Navarro & Big Dogg) in 10:28. The crowd popped huge for the introduction of their beloved UAS and then popped huger when J came through the curtain to complete the trio. Jackson was channeling the American Dream with his offense, simple but highly effective. As Nemesis beat up on Navarro, he was calling for Devil’s Rejects, who still have the title belt blingage belonging to UAS. Dog and J tagged in and we had our David and Goliath moment of the evening. Dog pie-faced him and J went wild. The crowd followed suit. Dog finally caught J with a hiptoss, and the Texans went to work on J’s leg. J rolled out of the way of a Vader-style reverse splash by Dog. Jackson took the hot tag, and it was bionic elbows all around. Nemesis busted out the Mr. Wrestling II kneelift. Jackson followed with a lariat, and Navarro was toast. Hot opener. The Texas contingent has stepped it up a notch.

Postmatch, Devil’s Rejects (Azrael and Dominous) hit the ring at the command of Dan Wilson. UAS sent them packing. Anarchy owner Jerry Palmer came out and asked Wilson what happened. Palmer said Wilson had a manager’s license, so he had a right to be there, but the other two freaks were banned from the building for the Anarchy Rulz match. UAS and J congratulated Palmer on his brilliant decision.

(2) Adrian Hawkins won a 12 man Mega Rumble to become the new NWA Anarchy Television Champion in 18:35. Rinauro started it out with a newcomer named Austin Creed, who has a great look and a world of potential. Creed’s gimmick is straight out of the Rocky series except he’s got Carlito’s hair. It’s actually an update on the character that Mike Jones did a generation ago in Memphis as “Soul Train” Jones in his pre-Virgil days. Creed did the splits and landed a haymaker on Rinauro. Hawkins was contestant number three. He entered with a high crossbody. Moments later, Rinauro smoked Hawkins with a german suplex. For the duration of the match, Hawkins would periodically make unsuccessful attempts to reenter the fray. Rinauro eliminated Creed with a springboard dropkick. Brandon P (“he doesn’t even work here!”) hit the ring in street clothes and dumped Rinauro. P decked two security guys before he was collared and dragged out of the building. Rich announced that Rinauro was still in the match. Unfortunately for Rinauro, by the luck of draw *cough*, Adam Roberts and T. C. Carnage (Alabama Attitude) were the next two to enter. They doubled on Rinauro until Patrick Bentley’s entrance evened the odds. The Alabamians decimated Bentley and were about to do the same to Rinauro when Seth Delay rode to their rescue. Bentley and Delay eliminated Roberts with a tandem lariat. They did skin-the-cats in stereo and were instantly eliminated by a duel lariat from Carnage. Jason Blackman returned from the injured list as contestant number eight, and he determined to make up for lost time. Blackman destroyed Hawkins. Blackman and Carnage launched Rinauro into the lights on a backdrop. A slimmed down (-20lb) Henry Hoss was next. Hoss was clubberin’ away and the crowd went nuts for it. Rudy Boy Gonzalez entered. His superkick must have super powers, because it hit Hoss in the stomach and still sent him flying over the top. Brett Thunder suffered a beatdown at the hands of the Texas guys before he ever got to the ring. He was easy pickings for Gonzalez. Rinauro used an atomic drop on Gonzalez, who took an amazing bump to the floor. It was down to Rinauro, Blackman and Hawkins. Blackman planted Hawkins with a spinebuster, and hit a vicious fireman’s carry neckbreaker on Rinauro. Blackman got Rinauro up on his shoulder. But Hawkins was in the way and got decked for the umpteenth time in the match. Rinauro nailed Blackman with a picture perfect springboard Pele kick. Spot of the match. The finish saw Blackman and Rinauro trying to hang onto the top rope as they battled on the apron. Blackman dumped Rinauro and reacted like he had won. The forgotten man, Hawkins, then blindsided Blackman with a dropkick, sending him to the floor. The crowd let out an ear-splitter of a pop for the finish. The celebration that followed was awesome. Hawkins was elated, as he made his way through the entire crowd getting hugs and high fives.


(3) Chad Parham beat Onyx (with Jeff G. Bailey) to retain the NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Title in 12:22. Parham lorded it over Onyx that he was the champ, a fact that didn’t sit well with “The Genetic Specimen.” Parham was able to stay one step ahead of Onyx in the early minutes. The first key spot was Parham applying the Texas Cloverleaf. Onyx managed to power out of it and toss Parham out of the ring. Bailey got in some cheap shots on Parham at ringside. Onyx punished Parham’s back with a knockdown Irish whip and a stalling vertical suplex. Onyx then started working on the neck. Parham went up and over Onyx and connected beautifully with a flying roundhouse kick. Both men down. Parham hit the senton backsplash for a near fall. Parham tried to the top rope double stomp, but Onyx had it scouted. Onyx hit the Angry Man Slam, but didn’t get all of it and Parham rolled a shoulder at two. Onyx tried to end it with the Blackout. Parham countered with an inside cradle. Onyx came back with one of his own. It looked like Onyx was going for a powerbomb, and Parham rolled through to score the pinfall. It might have been an aborted huracanrana. Whatever it was, it was not a good finish.

Parham called for the mic. Parham said the man on top was a target. But he had beaten them all. Out came Bailey with Mikal Adryan. Bailey said if he didn’t already know Parham was retarded, he would think he was delusional. Bailey said Parham never beat Adryan, since he needed outside help both times. Bailey said Adryan was coming for his belt. Parham and Adryan went nose-to-nose. Out came Jeff Lewis to a mixed response. Lewis said if it wasn’t for Adryan’s tall, goofy ass, he would be the champion. The appearance of Kory Chavis got a terrific pop. Chavis reminded all of them that he was the former and first NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Champion AND he never got his rematch. Parham said enough. He was the champion and he had stuff to do, so they could call him when they were done. Palmer sanctioned an impromptu three-way to determine the number one contender.

(4) Kory Chavis beat Jeff Lewis and Mikal Adryan (with Jeff G. Bailey) to become the number one contender for the NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Title in 12:00. Chavis got off to an explosive start with a balls-to-the-wall flip dive onto Adryan and Lewis. But Lewis gave Chavis a hotshot, which set up a partial Assisted Suicide by Adryan. Lewis thwarted Adryan’s pin attempt. They argued. Adryan leveled Lewis with a lariat. Chavis broke up the pin. Chavis landed a high kick to Adryan’s grill and Lewis saved. Adryan suplexed Lewis into the turnbuckles and Chavis saved. Chavis caught Lewis with the lariat from hell and Adryan saved. And so on. The work was good, but the heat seemed to flag as the round robin of big moves and pin attempts wore on. Finally, Adryan and Lewis agreed to a double team. Chavis came back with a flying double lariat, and all three men were left on the canvas. Chavis caught fire with lariats, bodyslams and backdrops. Lewis blocked the Spinesplitta and hit a torture rack drop. Lewis had Chavis’ shoulder down for more than a three count, but Bailey kept the ref from seeing it. Adryan nailed Lewis with the Mafia kick. But before he could move in for the kill, Chavis hit the Spinesplitta on Lewis to score the pin.

Adryan was a very sore loser and decked Chavis. Lewis wasn’t sure what to do. Bailey convinced Lewis that it was Chavis that cost him the match. Lewis joined Adryan in putting the boots to Chavis. Parham ran out with a chair to clear the ring. A tag match was made for 6/17: Adryan and Lewis vs. Chavis and Parham.

(5) Shaun Tempers (with Dan Wilson & Iceberg) beat Ace Rockwell in an Anarchy Rulz Match (18:54). This was a violent, tormented hell of a match. The conclusion was shockingly vile. Despite the extremeness of it all, and maybe because of it, there were points were it lagged. It never reached the magical lev of the Texas Tornado match at Excessive Force. Once again, Rockwell got the loudest, longest entrance pop of any babyface on the card. Rule were fans bring the weapons and anything goes. There was a cart full of plunder at ringside, just in case. Rockwell and Tempers went nose-to-nose. Rockwell said he was going to f*** Tempers up. Iceberg set up a row of chairs along the ramp. The ring wasn’t going to hold this one. Rockwell took a major leap off the rail and blasted Tempers with his cast. They climbed up into the announcer’s booth and teetered on top of the desk. Rockwell took a six foot drop on the rail. Back inside, Rockwell had a chair and Tempers had a hammer. Rockwell used the chair to separate Tempers from the hammer. The look of panic on Tempers’ face was priceless. Rockwell waffled Tempers with the chair. Tempers was busted wide open. Rockwell beat on Tempers with the chair. Rockwell grabbed a barbed wire bat and used it like a cheese grater on Tempers’ groin. Tempers made a comeback. Wilson let out the first of many blood curdling screams. Wilson said no mercy. Rockwell rallied with a missile dropkick for a near fall. Fan chanted “MORE WEAPONS.” A shelf of some kind found its way into the ring. Tempers gave Rockwell a DDT on the shelf. Rockwell took a cannonball bump into the propped up shelf. Tempers dumped a bag of tacks into to the ring. Not Abyss level tacks mind you, but still. Tempers went for a Tiger Driver, but Rockwell reversed it and backdropped Tempers onto the tacks. Rockwell broke a cane over Tempers’ head and jabbed the jagged edge into his forehead. Tempers whipped Rockwell with a strand of barbed wire. Tempers blasted Rockwell’s gut and back with a chair. Tempers got a two count. The fans called for tables. Tempers tried to take Rockwell’s head off with a chair. Rockwell ducked and the chair rebounded off the ropes into Tempers’ face. Rockwell gave Tempers a spinebuster on the chair. Wilson pulled ref Speedy Nelson out of the ring. Rockwell wanted Wilson in the worst way, but Iceberg stepped in between them, and Tempers clocked Rockwell from behind. The action moved to the ramp. Tempers teased putting Rockwell through the row of chairs with a Tiger Driver. Rockwell escaped and speared Tempers through the curtain. I couldn’t see what caused it, but Rockwell went flying off the ramp through the casket of chairs. Iceberg picked up Rockwell’s limp body and deposited it back into the ring. Hammer in hand, Tempers sandwiched a chair around Rockwell’s good arm (Rejects did the other arm in a similar manner five weeks ago). Wilson wasn’t satisfied. “Put it on his f****** head.” Tempers followed orders. Tempers smashed the hammer into the chair that was covering Rockwell’s head. Wilson let out a soulless wail. It was over. 1-2-3. Iceberg stood over Rockwell. Blood was seeping out of Rockwell’s forehead. Tempers was ready to do it again, when UAS, J and Palmer hit the ring. Security and both announcers came into the ring to check on Rockwell. Fans were ordered to leave building, so Rockwell could receive medical attention.

NOTES: NWA Anarchy’s next big show will be Hostile Environment on 7/22 featuring the War Games…The local television show will be a 30 minutes version similar to the one that airs on Comcast cable systems in the Atlanta area. The show will start…Congratulations to Todd Sexton and his family on the birth of his first child, Alexander and to Jeremy V and family on the birth of his first, Jaden…Two titles changed hands at the Great Championship Wrestling show in Columbus last night. A. J. Steele and Scott Fantastic defeated Bad Company (Chris Stevens & Bobby Sanford) for the tag titles. Former Anarchy wrestler, Heath Miller defeated Scotty Beach to become the first Columbus Heavyweight Champion. The TV Title was renamed as the Columbus title since GCW does not have television at the present time…NFWA returns to action in Clayton, Georgia on 6/9…PWE is back at the National Guard Armory in Canton on 6/17 with Chavis vs Low Ki….MAXW has a show in Williamston, SC on 6/24.