View Full Version : ECW Full Results - 27th May 2008

05-28-2008, 06:18 AM
Welcome to tonight's ECW on Sci Fi coverage from Colorado.

The show opened with the announcement of Chavo Guerrero vs. CM Punk match # 7,564 and ECW champ Kane vs. WWE Tag Team champs The Miz & John Morrison in the 10,078th handicap match ever on ECW for Sci Fi announced for tonight.

The Big Show came to the ring as they showed footage of him laying out all of the former ECW champions at the end of last week's episode.

Tommy Dreamer vs. The Big Show

This is actually a rematch from the recent Championship Chase on Smackdown. Mike Adamle said, "It's hard not to like the Dreamer." At the bell, Dreamer tried to pepper Show with shots to the mid-section, but got caught and ate a few headbuts. Dreamer got punted in the gut. Show walked all over him, literally. Show whipped Dreamer into the corner but missed a charge. Dreamer went after his leg and attempted a DDT, but was caught and nailed into the corner. Dreamer attempted a clothesline out of the corner but was nailed with a clothesline in mid-air. Show chokeslammed Dreamer and it was over.

Your winner, the Big Show.

Match was pretty much designed as a squash to build Show.

They showed footage of Show's ECW title win over Rob Van Dam with Joey Styles commentating and Paul Heyman interfering. Insert my usual clichéd ECW rant here.

When they returned from commercial, Shelton Benjamin joined Tazz and Mike Adamle on commentary. Benjamin said he came out to last week's match over Kofi Kingston with a game plan and ended his undefeated streak. He said Kofi's luck ran out.

Kofi Kingston vs. Mike Knox

Kofi had pretty cool pyro for his entrance. He seemed a little too happy for a guy that lost his first match a week ago, but that's just me and things like that are secondary to the WWE pomp and circumstance sometimes.

Benjamin went for his leap into the corner but got caught. Knox went to powerbomb him but Kofi rolled through for a sunset flip attempt. Knox nailed him and took over control of the match. He suplexed Kofi out of the corner then cinched in a side chinlock. One thing I noticed during the chinlock was that Kofi's facials have really improved. He fought his way out, ducked a clothesline, then nailed a dropsault. Kofi used the ropes to nail an awesome upside down kick on Knox, opening a cut under Knox's eye. Seriously, that was phenomenal. Kofi hit a beautiful flying bodypress and a spinning kick to the head for the pin.

Your winner, Kofi Kingston!

Benjamin jumped Kofi and they started a spirited brawl inside the ring. Knox nailed Kofi from behind and hit his finisher. Knox looks like he'll need stitches under his eyebrow. Kingston was left laying.

Kofi is really something special. Knox is showing some promise, although I think he's better suited for a wilder, more maniacal brawler type role.

They showed clips of CM Punk winning the ECW title in that great bout with John Morrison last year.

We come back with footage of Chavo winning the ECW belt from Punk.

CM Punk vs. Chavo Guerrero (with Bam Neely)

Punk tried to grab the GTS early but Guerrero escaped and hit the floor. The building chanted that Chavo sucked. Punk caught him with an armdrag, then went for kicks and a back elbow. They went back and forth until Punk attempted a backslide. Guerrero caught Punk with a kick for a two count. He locked in a chinlock as they went to commercial.

Winnie from the Wonder Years and DB Sweeney, who was AWESOME as Goetz on Jericho are starring in a really bad Sci-Fi movie.

When they returned, Punk backdropped Chavo over the top to the floor. Bam Neely went to check on Chavo. Punk went for a running dive, but Neely held the ropes down and Punk tumbled to the floor. The referee, who missed it checking on Chavo, began counting Punk out. Chavo went to the floor to assault Punk, then tossed him back into the ring for a two count.

Punk nailed a spinning kick, but was caught with a boot to the face as he charged the corner. He powerslammed Chavo for a two count. Chavo locked in the Canadian Mapleleaf submission on Punk in the center of the ring. Punk reached for the ropes and tried to rally the crowd behind him, finally making it to the ropes for a break. Chavo did the Guerrero shimmy to entice the crowd but Punk caught him with a spinning backfirst combination for a two count.

Chavo cut off Punk and nailed the Three Amigos, but Punk escaped during the third attempt. Punk went for a GTS but Chavo turned it into a hurancanrana. Chavo grabbed Punk for a tornado DDT out of the corner but was shoved off. Chavo pulled himself up in the opposite corner. Punk went for his running kneelift smash into the corner but Chavo moved, then rolled Punk up, pulling him off the turnbuckles and hooked the tights for the pin.

Your winner, Chavo Guerrero!

Match was OK. The last minute was a lot of fun. Chavo needed the win going into the PPV given how many jobs he's done of late.

They showed clips of Tommy Dreamer's post-ECW title win speech from April 2000. It was wild to see the old gritty ECW. At the time, it was a really cool moment. All these years later, it still brings a smile to my face. Of everything the clips they've shown tonight, that was easily the most emotional, realistic thing, I guess because for Dreamer, that was a real moment.

They did a Raw Rebound on Vince McMahon giving away the money.

Lena Yada interviewed Colin Delaney. Colin said that WWE is all about the fans and he's happy he's getting the chance to live out his dreams. Colin said he hopes he doesn't get drafted because he wants to stay on ECW, but would love to see Armando Estrada drafted.

They showed clips of John Morrison winning the ECW title from CM Punk.

ECW champ Kane vs. WWE Tag Team champs John Morrison & The Miz - Handicap Match

Miz and Morrison worked over Kane in the corner, choking him against the ring ropes. Kane came back with punches and clotheslines. Kane nailed a running clothesline on Miz in the corner, then backdropped him. Kane knocked Morrison off the apron to the floor. Kane went to the top for a flying clothesline, then tried to chokeslam both Tag champs. They swarmed over him and started beating Kane. The referee disqualified them for working over Kane.

Your winner, Kane!

CM Punk saved Kane but Chavo hit the ring. Dreamer followed. All six brawled in the ring. Big Show's music hit and he made his way to the ring. He cleaned house until he and Kane faced off. Obviously, that's the direction they are going into. They stared at each other as they went off the air.


Black Widow
05-28-2008, 09:22 AM
thankyou for posting kellie :)

05-28-2008, 07:55 PM
Thanx Kellie. I was hoping that Vince may sy more but no, oh well, wait for next Monday I guess. Kane vs Big Show should be good ... again lol it will be better than Kane having to take on 2 or 3 at once as he seems to be doing lately.