View Full Version : Possible Draft Spoiler

Black Widow
05-30-2008, 10:49 PM
The partial lineup for the WWE tri-branded house show in Lubbock, TX on June 27th is

*WWE Championship Match: Triple H vs. Randy Orton.
*Smackdown Six-Man Tag-Team Match: Batista, Big Show
and Rey Mysterio vs. Edge, MVP and Mark Henry.
*U.S. Championship Match: Matt Hardy vs. Carlito.

So, while it is a tri-branded show, it could also mean that either Matt or Carlito will be switching brands. There had been talk of Carlito moving to Smackdown some time back.


05-31-2008, 03:18 AM
Carlito feuding with Hardy would be a pretty good match IMO.
Maybe it would do SD some good to have some "new" talent on it(even though Carlito started on SD.)
Only thing is that would leave MVP out of the U.S. Title "limelight" so to speak,and I seriously doubt that WWE is looking at him for a WHC push anytime soon.

05-31-2008, 05:55 AM
Carlito and Matt would be a good feud. But MVP would need a place to go, maybe feud with Jericho on RAW for the IC Title?