View Full Version : RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion Thread - 2nd June, 2008

06-02-2008, 12:33 PM

While the Superstars who participated in One Night Stand last night are licking their wounds from the most Extreme pay-per-view in WWE history, everyone else is eagerly awaiting more details on Mr. McMahon’s Million Dollar Mania. The WWE Chairman has promised to give more details on the giveaway on Monday Night Raw, including how you can win $1 million from Mr. McMahon himself. The Chairman has also scheduled a press conference for Tuesday afternoon, discussing the giveaway.

One person who is already a winner is Triple H, who successfully defended his WWE Championship against Randy Orton, but at great cost to their bodies. With both Superstars severely battered from their Last Man Standing Match, will the Legend Killer even be capable of rising again to compete against The Game?

Also at One Night Stand, John Cena defeated JBL in a First Blood Match, causing the Longhorn Loudmouth to bleed from the mouth after a brutal match. Will the self-made millionaire let his rivalry with Cena fall by the wayside after this defeat? While JBL had a bloody mouth to tend, Shawn Michaels was injured much more seriously, as he was literally unable to walk away from his Stretcher Match with Batista. HBK has been injured before, necessitating extended recovery time spent away from WWE. What, if anything, will we see from The Showstopper on Raw, and how will he react to having his show stopped by The Animal?

Santino Marella has an upcoming match with Jimmy Kimmel Live!’s Cousin Sal on SmackDown. But as explained exclusively on WWE Mobile on AT&T, the Braggadocios Italian Superstar has something special in store for Sal’s training partner, WWE Hall of Famer “Rowdy” Roddy Piper on Raw this week. What could Marella be planning for the living legend?

And in just three short weeks, on a special three-hour Monday Night Raw, the WWE Draft will take place. All Superstars, all Divas, and all announcers from all three brands will be eligible. Where will your favorite Superstars end up, and how will it affect Monday Night Raw?

For the answers to all these questions and the chance to win $1 million from the Chairman as part of Mr. McMahon’s Million Dollar Mania, be sure to tune in to WWE Monday Night Raw at 9/8 CT only on the USA Network.


Please feel free to discuss RAW here. No need to wait for updates!


RAW Results - 2nd June, 2008
Location - Bakersfield, CA
Announcers - Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler

Last night, the Raw brand was well represented on the One Night Stand pay per view. The biggest story coming out of the pay per view was not the apparent newest couple on camera, but the collarbone injury suffered by Randy Orton in the Last Man Standing Match. Shawn Michaels could not defeat Batista in the Stretcher Match despite Chris Jericho’s encouragement. Beth Phoenix was able to defeat Melina to become the early favorite to face Mickie James at Night of Champions in a little less than four weeks. Jeff Hardy was able to defeat Umaga in a Falls Count Anywhere Match that saw the match go outside the arena with Jeff Hardy hitting a swanton from the top of a tractor trailer. We also found out from Vince McMahon that a million dollars will be given away each week on Raw and we will get more details tonight. Will McMahon really give out one million dollars or the have the Million Dollar Man passed around from fan to fan each week? Who will face Triple H for the WWE Title at Night of Champions? What about the Intercontinental Title? Will we hear from the World Tag Team Champions? Will we find out anything more between Santino and Rodney the Piper? Will we see the GameHammer tonight or is he exclusive to pay per view?

We are live from Bakersfield, California and your announcers are Jim ‘Is that Jared Cheeseman in the crowd’ Ross and Jerry ‘When is the next RNN update’ Lawler.

The show starts with Triple H coming to the ring. We see footage of Randy Orton’s unfortunate landing on the floor followed by a GameHammer shot later in the night to finish off the challenger.

We get the GameFountain before Hunter enters the ring. The Age of Orton is over and it is as if it never existed. Both men know that they would not be the same going out as they came in. Randy Orton is watching tonight from a hospital room beaten and bruised and with a broken collarbone. Hunter says that it is a lot easier to walk out with the aches and pains when you can say that you are still the WWE Champion. Hunter says that he does not know who is next and he does not care.

Cue up the marching band because John Cena comes out to the ring. Cena says that he knows how Hunter feels because you don’t need to be Emmett Brown to know that the future is now. Cena says that they see eye to eye about a lot of things. One thing they don’t see eye to eye about is the WWE Championship. Cena says that Hunter has conquered them all except him. With the draft looming, this is a chance that might never happen again. Cena comes out with a question. He asks Hunter ‘Are you Ready?’ Cena compares it to all of the top rivalries. Cena asks Hunter if he is ready to fight.

Hunter tells Cena that a very big star in the industry once looked him dead in the eye and said to him, you want some . . . come get some.

Jeff Hardy’s music plays and he comes out with a limp. Jeff reminds Cena and Hunter that they are not the only ones to win a match last night who are on the Raw brand. Hardy points out that Cena won a First Blood Match against Bradshaw while he beat Umaga in a Falls Count Anywhere Match. Hunter says that he does not care who he beats so they can work it out amongst themselves because it does not matter to him. Hardy says that there are two things about Vince that he knows. Vince wants to give the fans what they want as well as ‘first time ever’ things. Hardy suggests that he face John Cena tonight for the first time ever.

We are interrupted by Vince McMahon on the HDTron. Vince says that he thinks everyone knows what they want. They want details on how Vince is going to give away one million dollars cash next week. Vince says that he likes Jeff’s idea. What if Triple H defends the title at Night of Champions and tonight the winner of the first time ever match faces Triple H. Vince announces John Cena versus Jeff Hardy.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see footage of Katie Lea confronting Ken Kennedy last week to distract Kennedy for a Paul Burchill attack.

Ken Kennedy addresses Paul Burchill and says that not only did he get his girlfriend William Regal fired, but he cried like a pansy going out the door. Now Burchill can follow in his footsteps because he will be crying after getting his ass whooped by Mr. Kennedy Kennedy

Paul Burchill says that he would love to face Kennedy tonight, but he needs to help his sister prepare for her first women’s match. He did find a suitable replacement.

Ken Kennedy vs Paul Burchill . . . playing the part of Paul Burchill is Umaga

Kennedy runs into a shoulder tackle and Umaga with a punch to Kennedy. Umaga with an Irish whip but he misses a charge and Kennedy with punches and kicks in the corner. Umaga pushes Kennedy down and hits a Samoan drop as Kennedy charges. Both men are down but Umaga gets up first. Umaga with the nerve hold. Kennedy punches Umaga in the ribs to get out of the hold. Umaga sends Kennedy to the apron and he connects with a Kane like uppercut that sends Kennedy off the apron to the floor. Umaga goes to the apron and he misses a splash and hits the announce table. Kennedy rolls into the ring while Umaga is down on the floor. Umaga is counted out.

Winner: Ken Kennedy by Count out

After the match
Paul Burchill clips Kennedy and hits a neck breaker.

There are a number of people walking in the back and one person is holding a clear case with a lot of money. They walk past some of the wrestlers and we hear a DAMN from Ron Simmons.

We go to commercial.

We are back and there is NO CHANCE that Vince McMahon is going to let his money get too far away from him. Vince welcomes everyone to Mr. McMahon’s Million Dollar Mania. Vince brings out the million dollars in cash. Vince pulls out the money and he puts it into another case and then he gets some help putting it in the other case. Vince says that he has security around the arena to protect the money. Vince says that until next week, it is all his; then he will give it away.

Vince says that he told us last week that he would give us the details. Vince says that it is no hoax. He says that he might give away $100,000. Maybe he will give away $125,000. He might give away $250,000; but by the end of the night, he will give away all one million dollars.

Vince says that it is easy to get the money. You need to register on wwe.com. You need to give you phone number and address. Vince says that you must be a United States resident, which might be a problem for some of the people in Bakersfield. Vince says that he is just kidding.

Vince asks why he would give away a million dollars away. Maybe he is eccentric, generous, or maybe he is trying to attract more people to watch Raw. He is inviting people who used to watch to come home. Maybe he will get some new viewers. There are some people who would not be caught dead watching Raw. Call them elitists, or call them snobs. They look down on this form of entertainment and the fans. The WWE fans are a cross section of Americana. Every race, profession, and income level is represented. They don’t understand that the fans come to enjoy themselves. Vince says that those people are part of a club that they are not a part of; and they are not invited to their party. The sign should read ‘No Snobs Allowed’. Vince says that he wants to give the snobs a look at what happens at a WWE show. Vince wishes everyone luck and next week it is all about the money.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we are told that Cousin Sal will face Santino Marella on Smackdown.

Non-Title Match
Santino Marella and Carlito vs World Tag Team Champions Bob Holly and Cody Rhodes

Before the match starts, Cody Rhodes says that the match cannot start until the special time keeper comes out. Roddy Piper comes to the ring to take his spot by the ring bell.

Rhodes and Carlito start things off and Santino distracts Cody to allow Carlito to attack Cody from behind. Santino tags in and he punches Cody followed by an Irish whip but Cody floats over and hits a cross body for a near fall. Santino takes Cody down and then he sends Cody into the turnbuckles. Carlito is tagged in and Cody blocks a punch and connects with a series of punches. Carlito with a sit out power bomb and Santino I tagged in. Santino misses a diving head butt when Rhodes moves out of the way. Holly is tagged in and he punches Santino. Holly with a back body drop to Santino and then he sets up for the kick to the solar plexus. Santino kicks Holly in the chest but Piper trips Santino. Holly sets for the Alabama Slam, but the referee deals with Piper so he misses Carlito kicking Holly and Santino with the sunset flip for the three count.

Winners: Carlito and Santino Marella

We go to commercial

We are back and Carlito and Santino talk about how they are wieners. Todd Grisham stops by and asks Santino if he is confident for his match on Friday. Santino talks about Rodney the Piper and Jiminy Kimmel. Santino has a top ten list and Todd says that is David Letterman. Santino then mentions headlines, and Todd reminds Santino that is Jay Leno. Santino talks about pooping on Sal’s family in the front row and Todd says that is Conan O’Brien.

Bob Holly wants to know from Cody why he wasn’t told about Piper being at ringside. Cody points out that is a non-title match. Holly says that if they lose, they might not be champions any more. Ted DiBiase enters and he says that DiBiases get what they want and he is about three weeks away from picking his tag team partner. The looks on their faces will be priceless.

Jim Ross talks about Batista’s victory over Shawn Michaels last night. Jim Ross talks about Chris Jericho and Chris is in the back. Jim Ross asks Jericho what he thought about Shawn Michaels being wheeled out of the arena. Chris says that he did everything to encourage Shawn to victory. Shawn has held a lot of titles. Chris Jericho says that he has not been defending the title as much as he wanted, but that changes tonight when he faces Bradshaw. Before we go to commercial, Jericho dedicates his match tonight to Shawn Michaels who is at home watching tonight’s show.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: Chris Jericho versus Shawn Michaels last week ending in a double count out; and Chris’s near use of the steel chair after the match.

Intercontinental Title
Chris Jericho vs JBL

Bradshaw with a side head lock and shoulder tackle but Jericho with an arm drag and he works on the arm. Jericho with an arm bar and he backs Bradshaw into the corner. Bradshaw punches Jericho and then he adds kicks. Bradshaw with a swinging neck breaker followed by elbow drops and Bradshaw gets a two count. Bradshaw with a full nelson but Jericho is able to power out of the hold and he connects with a forearm. Bradshaw with a shoulder that takes Jericho down. Bradshaw puts Jericho on the top turnbuckle. Jericho with a tornado DDT and both men are down. Jericho gets to his feet first and he punches the challenger. Jericho with a clothesline and shoulder tackle and then he tries for the Walls of Jericho but Bradshaw avoids the hold with a boot to the face. Jericho with a drop toe hold and then he hits a splash into the ropes. Jericho with a running clothesline into the corner followed by forearms. Bradshaw charges into an elbow and then Jericho goes to the second turnbuckles for a cross body. Bradshaw catches Jericho and hits a fallaway slam on Jericho. Bradshaw sets for the Clothesline from Wall Street, but Jericho avoids it and Jericho with a drop kick that sends Bradshaw to the apron. Jericho with a springboard drop kick that knocks Bradshaw to the floor. Jericho misses a baseball slide and Bradshaw connects with a big boot. Bradshaw grabs a steel chair and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Chris Jericho by disqualification

After the match
Jericho sends Bradshaw throat first into the chair. Jericho is about the use the chair on Bradshaw, but he cannot do it. Jericho throws the chair down and walks to the back with his title belt.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see the money watching the action. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler talk about the amount of money and how they have never seen that much.

We see footage from the I Quit Match between Melina and Beth Phoenix.

Diva Tag Team Match
Beth Phoenix and Katie Lea vs Melina and Mickie James

Katie and Mickie start things off and Katie tries to get an early advantage before the bell rings. Katie with a wrist lock but Mickie with a forearm. Mickie with a rana to Katie followed by a wrist lock. Melina looks catatonic and does not make the tag, allowing Katie to attack Mickie and she puts Mickie in an arm bar. Beth tags in and Mickie with a series of kicks and knees. Mickie with a drop kick and Melina demands the tag. Melina attacks Beth with a series of punches and they fight outside the ring. All four women fight on the floor until they are separated. Beth with a clothesline to Melina. Beth sends Melina into the apron and they finally return. Katie is tagged in and Katie kicks Melina in the midsection. Katie with a slam but she misses a snap elbow and Mickie tags in. Mickie with a series of flying clotheslines followed by a drop kick that knocks Beth off the apron. Mickie with a neck breaker and then she goes up top for a Thesz Press and punches. Katie kicks Mickie and then she knocks Melina off the apron. Mickie tries for the Impaler DDT but Katie avoids the hold. Beth hits Mickie from behind while the referee was not looking, allowing Katie to get the three count.

Winner: Katie Lea and Beth Phoenix

After the match
Paul Burchill comes out to show support for his sister. Kennedy attacks Burchill from behind and they go into the ring. Kennedy works over Burchill until Burchill gets to the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Cryme Tyme heads over to the money. Then they go to the back without any of the money.

We see Jerry Lawler try to register and we see that the website has crashed. Jim Ross says that you need to register before next Monday night.

Lance Cade vs Trevor Murdoch

Before the match, Trevor tells Lance that he embarrassed him in front of millions and now he wants to fight him. Trevor sings a few lines before the match begins.

Cade and Murdoch with forearms but then they go to the floor. Murdoch tries for a forearm, but Cade moves and Murdoch hits the post. Cade with a back body drop on the floor and then he hits a running knee that sends Murdoch’s head into the ring post. Cade returns to the ring and he works on Murdoch’s head. Cade with a neck vise on Murdoch but Murdoch with a jawbreaker. Cade charges into an elbow. Murdoch with a knee lift followed by a boot to Cade for a two count. Murdoch with crossfaces to Cade followed by a boot to the head. Murdoch goes up top but Cade with a punch to the midsection and then Cade hits a sit out spinebuster for the three count.

Winner: Lance Cade

Jeff Hardy is getting ready for his match with John Cena as we go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to take a look back at the World Heavyweight Title Match between Edge and Undertaker that saw Edge defeat Undertaker in a TLC Match. Due to the stipulation, the Undertaker is banished from the WWE.

Jim Ross says that it feels like they have lost a member of their family. Ross and Lawler talk about how hard it is to imagine Undertaker not being a part of the WWE

Mickie James is getting her neck iced and John Cena stops by. Cena wants to apologize for yesterday. Mickie says that you can’t be friends any more. Cena says that he wants to deal with the gossip. Cena tells Mickie that she left something last night. Cena gives Mickie her panties back. Mickie leaves and Cena drinks his Mamajuana.

Triple H sits in front of his monitor in his locker room and we go to commercial.

We are back and Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler mention that the website is back up. Jim Ross tells Jerry Lawler that employees aren’t eligible. Lawler threatens to quit to have a chance at the money.

Number One Contender Match
Jeff Hardy vs John Cena

Cena and Hardy shake hands before they lock up and Cena with a side head lock. Cena holds on when Hardy tries for an Irish whip. There is a brief interruption while Cena has Hardy in a side head lock take down. Cena and Hardy take a second to watch the distraction get taken away.

Hardy with a side head lock and take down. Cena gets to his feet and he hits a hip toss and slam. Cena with an elbow drop for a near fall. Cena with a reverse chin lock. Hardy with hip tosses and a suplex to Cena for a near fall. Hardy’s turn for the reverse chin lock. Cena with a belly-to-back suplex to get out of the hold. Cena with a drop toe hold and Hardy kicks Cena away. Hardy with a baseball slide and then he mocks Cena’s ‘You Can’t See Me’ and then he hits a pescado as we go to commercial.

We are back and Hardy with a kick and flying clothesline but he can only get a two count. Cena with an Irish whip and Cena with the fisherman’s suplex for a near fall. Cena misses a charge into the corner and Hardy with a flying clothesline for a near fall. Cena with the blockbuster and both men are down. Cena gets another near fall on Hardy. Hardy gets to the corner and Hardy with an Irish whip and gourdbuster driver as Hardy goes up top. Hardy tries for the Swanton but Cena moves out of the way and both men are down again. Cena with flying shoulder tackles followed by a Blue Thunder Bomb. Cena feels the love from the crowd as he sets for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena gets Hardy up for the FU but Hardy gets out of the hold. Hardy with a series of forearms and a mule kick that sends Cena into the corner. Hardy with a delay baseball slide and then he gets a two count. Cena with an Irish whip and Hardy hits Whisper in the Wind but Cena kicks out at the last moment. Hardy with a kick and he sets for the Twist of Fate but Cena blocks it. Cena tries for the FU but Hardy gets to the apron. Hardy with a kick to Cena. Hardy goes up top for a cross body but Cena rolls through and gets Hardy up for the FU and the three count.

Winner: John Cena

After the match
Triple H’s music plays and he comes out with his belt and his water. Cena walks to Triple H and gets in his face. Hunter tells Cena that it was a hell of a match, but he is not Jeff Hardy. Hunter holds the title belt over his head as we go to credits.

Black Widow
06-02-2008, 09:28 PM

Roddy Piper is backstage at the Raw taping.


06-03-2008, 12:22 AM
Yeah, he would be there kurt as that match is on tonight isnt it with Santino. Or atleast the drama will continue to unfold with this feud lol.

I will be interested to see what Orton has to say tonight.

06-03-2008, 02:42 AM
I'm suprised that they're putting Jeff in the title picture already. I figured it would have taken quite a long time.

06-03-2008, 02:47 AM
I'm suprised that they're putting Jeff in the title picture already. I figured it would have taken quite a long time.

Does not mean anything, I see Cena winning. I wonder what would have happened if Orton had not hurt himself, he would AGAIN be trying to win back the title.

06-03-2008, 03:23 AM
I really liked the divas match and the aftermath, I think I'm watching RAW for just the good divas and the Kennedy/Burchill feud. BTW, Mickie/Melina as a team was something I'd never have dreamed of lol.

06-03-2008, 03:32 AM
Atleast they did not go with that incest angle lol It is funny to see Melina siding with Mickie after all this time being enemies.

06-03-2008, 04:11 AM
Well, even though Jeff lost, I thought that was a pretty good match. Jeff got a LOT of offense in, and it seemed like he could win a few times, and for that to happen against Cena is saying something. This is also his first clean single's loss since losing the IC belt (granted, he was out for 60 days, but still...), so, I think it's safe to say that he's not gonna have to get held back that much after his screw up. I think that, after the Cena/Triple H fued has run it's (most likely very long) course, Jeff will be there for the next title shot. Unless he get's drafted that is...

06-03-2008, 06:12 AM
So the money was not given away? Anyway, pretty boring ending but the match was ok. I am wondering why they are pairing Mickie and Cena together, I must have missed some news or something.

06-03-2008, 07:23 AM
So, I guess Jericho's kinda-heel turn is over and he's back to being a babyface...

06-03-2008, 09:58 AM
So, I guess Jericho's kinda-heel turn is over and he's back to being a babyface...

The change happened pretty quick didn't it.

Bad Boy
06-03-2008, 12:50 PM
It was an alright Raw... not that great, too predicatable that Cena wud beat Jeff... but a Cena/HHH feud, let's see if WWE work it out right...

06-03-2008, 04:35 PM
DAMN! I hate Cena even more now...:no:

06-03-2008, 07:29 PM
DAMN! I hate Cena even more now...:no:

Because he put over Jeff as much as he could? I mean, Cena didn't say "I'm gonna win this!" He doesn't write the show, and he doesn't have that much behind-the-scenes sway. He didn't write the ending. What he DID do was put Jeff over insanely during that match. I mean, Jeff looked really good out there, to the point that you would believe that he could beat Cena. Cena sold all of Jeffs moves and made him look fantastic. Why hate him for that? It's not like he was given the choice of who was gonna win the match.