View Full Version : Details On Exactly What Wwe Is Giving Away In The Mcmahon Millions Mania Contest

Black Widow
06-03-2008, 11:19 AM

McMahon's Million Dollar Mania™
Official Rules


1. Eligibility: McMahon's Million Dollar Mania™ (the “Sweepstakes”) is open only to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia who are at least thirteen (13) years of age and have Internet access as of the start of the Sweepstakes on June 2, 2008. Void where prohibited. Employees, officers, directors or members of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. (“Sponsor”), ePrize, LLC (“Administrator”) NBC Universal, Inc. (“NBCU") and their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, promotion and advertising agencies, independent contractors, including, without limitation, with respect to WWE, performing talent, and entities controlling, controlled by or under common control with any of the above, and anyone involved in the development or execution of the Sweepstakes, as well as the immediate family (meaning spouse, parents, siblings, children and their respective spouses) and household members of each such employee, officer, director or member are not eligible. The Sweepstakes is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Participation in the Sweepstakes constitutes entrant’s full and unconditional agreement to these Official Rules and Sponsor’s and Administrator's decisions, which are final and binding in all matters related to the Sweepstakes. Winning a prize is contingent upon compliance with these Official Rules and fulfilling all requirements set forth herein.

2. Sponsor: World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc., 1241 East Main Street, Stamford, Connecticut 06902. Administrator: ePrize, LLC, One ePrize Drive, Pleasant Ridge, MI 48069.

3. Timing: The Sweepstakes begins on June 2, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time ("ET") and ends on June 9, 2008 at 11:15 p.m. ET (the "Promotion Period"). Administrator’s computer is the official time keeping device for the Sweepstakes. The Promotion Period is comprised of two (2) phases:
Phase Start Date/Time End Date/Time
Registration Phase June 2, 2008 at 7:00 pm ET June 9, 2008 at 10:45 pm ET
Event Phase June 9, 2008 at 9:00 pm ET June 9, 2008 at 11:15 pm ET

4. How to Enter:

To receive one (1) entry into the Sweepstakes, visit http://wwe.eprize.net/sweeps during the Registration Phase and follow the links and instructions to complete and submit the registration. The registration requires your name, date of birth, the address of your legal residence, e-mail address and a valid telephone or cell phone number. P.O. Boxes are not permitted. Limit: Each entrant may receive one (1) Sweepstakes entry per day during the Registration Phase. You must know the secret word, code or phrase (the "Secret Code") in order to win a prize. To learn the Secret Code, between 9:00 pm and 10:45 pm ET on June 9, 2008, either:

Watch Monday Night Raw live and the Secret Code will be shown on-screen at least once every thirty (30) minutes; or

Visit www.wwe.com and follow the on-screen instructions to learn the Secret Code.

Multiple entrants are not permitted to share the same email address. Any attempt by any participant to obtain more than the stated number of entries by using multiple/different email addresses, identities, registrations and logins, or any other methods will void that participant’s entries and that participant may be disqualified. Use of any automated system to participate is prohibited and will result in disqualification. In the event of a dispute as to any registration, the authorized account holder of the email address used to register will be deemed to be the entrant. The “authorized account holder” is the natural person assigned an email address by an Internet access provider, online service provider or other organization responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the submitted address. Each entrant may be required to show proof of age, identity and residence as well as proof that he/she is the authorized account holder of the email address associated with an entry.

Please carefully consider which telephone / cell phone number you provide during registration. The number you provide needs to be one that you can be reached on between 9:00 pm ET and 11:15 pm ET on June 9, 2008. Additionally, remember that between 9:00 pm ET and 10:45 pm ET on June 9, 2008, you also need to be able to view the Secret Code by watching the live broadcast of Monday Night Raw or visiting www.wwe.com on the Internet. Since calls to potential winners will be made throughout the live broadcast, it is best to watch for the code as soon as it becomes available!

5. Drawings: Administrator is an independent judging organization, whose decisions as to the administration and operation of the Sweepstakes, including, without limitation, the selection and confirmation of the potential winners, are final and binding. During the Event Phase, at specific times to be determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion, Sponsor will attempt to award eight (8) prizes by calling entrants that have been randomly selected by Administrator. Randomly selected entrants will be called at the telephone / cell phone number provided during registration and asked for the Secret Code. Calls may take place live on television during Monday Night Raw and an entrant’s voice may be broadcast, and first name, state and hometown disclosed, live on air. With respect to each prize, Administrator will randomly select potential Sweepstakes winners from all eligible entries received during the Registration Phase up to five (5) minutes prior to the time selected by Sponsor for awarding that particular prize (that prize’s “Prize Pool”). If a selected entrant cannot be reached, is unable to provide the Secret Code to Sponsor, or is found to be ineligible, that entrant will be disqualified for the prize in question and another randomly selected entrant from among the Prize Pool will be called and asked for the Secret Code. Entrants must be reachable by phone (at the number provided by entrant during registration) during the Event Phase. Only one (1) attempt will be made to reach an entrant with respect to any particular prize. Non-winning entries are eligible to win any prize that has yet to be awarded. All potential prize winners must be confirmed a winner in accordance with, and must meet all of the requirements of, these Official Rules in order to claim a prize. If a potential winner does not comply with any of the requirements of these Official Rules, even if such person’s name has already been announced on television, the prize will be forfeited and an alternate winner will be randomly selected and confirmed in accordance with these Official Rules. All potential winners will be required to sign and return to Sponsor, within ten (10) days of the date notice or attempted notice is sent, an Affidavit of Eligibility, Liability and, except where prohibited, a Publicity Release in order to claim his/her prize. If the winner is a minor in his/her place of residence, the winner’s parent or legal guardian must sign and return the Affidavit of Eligibility, Liability and Publicity Release and accept the prize on the minor’s behalf. If a potential winner cannot be personally contacted in accordance with these Official Rules, or fails to sign and return the Affidavit of Eligibility, Liability and Publicity Release within the required time period, potential winner forfeits prize. Potential winners must continue to comply with all terms and conditions of these Official Rules, and winning is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements. In the event that all eight (8) prizes are not awarded during the Event Phase, or in the event any potential winner forfeits a prize after the Event Phase, Sponsor will award the applicable prize to an alternate winner selected by random drawing and confirmed in accordance with these Official Rules. Use of any automated system to participate is prohibited and will result in disqualification. Sponsor is not responsible for lost, late, incomplete, invalid, unintelligible or misdirected registrations, which will be disqualified. Prizes will be delivered within eight (8) to ten (10) weeks following winner verification.

6. Prizes: ONE (1) GRAND PRIZE: Two-hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000 USD) to be awarded in the form of a check. TWO (2) FIRST PRIZES: Each consisting of two-hundred thousand dollars ($200,000 USD) to be awarded in the form of a check. ONE (1) SECOND PRIZE: One-hundred twenty five thousand dollars ($125,000 USD) to be awarded in the form of a check. ONE (1) THIRD PRIZE: Ninety-eight thousand dollars ($98,000 USD) to be awarded in the form of a check. ONE (1) FOURTH PRIZE: Seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000 USD) to be awarded in the form of a check. ONE (1) FIFTH PRIZE: Fifty-one thousand nine hundred ninety-eight dollars ($51,998 USD) to be awarded in the form of a check. ONE (1) SIXTH PRIZE: Two dollars ($2.00 USD) to be awarded in the form of a check. Prizes are non-transferable and no substitution will be made except as provided herein at the Sponsor’s sole discretion. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute the prize for one of equal or greater value if the designated prize should become unavailable for any reason. Winner is responsible for all taxes and fees associated with prize receipt and/or use. Total value of all prizes: $1,000,000 USD. Odds of winning any prize depend on the number of eligible entries received during the Registration Phase up to five (5) minutes prior to the time selected by Sponsor for awarding that particular prize (that prize’s “Prize Pool”). Limit: One (1) Prize per person. The order prizes are actually awarded during the Event Phase shall be determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion (for example, the Sixth Prize may be awarded first, and the Grand Prize awarded fourth).

7. Release: By entering the Sweepstakes, participants agree to release and hold harmless Sponsor, Administrator, NBCU, any promotional partners, each of their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates and related companies, representatives, promotion, advertising and online technology agencies, prize suppliers and all others associated with the development or execution of the Sweepstakes and each of their respective owners, shareholders, principals, officers, directors, employees, representatives, contractors and agents, including, with respect to Sponsor, Vincent K. McMahon (collectively the “Released Parties”) from and against any and all liability or injury, losses, damages of any kind, rights, claim or cause of action of any kind arising, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, out of participation in the Sweepstakes or resulting directly or indirectly, from acceptance, possession, use, or misuse of any prize awarded in connection with the Sweepstakes, including without limitation personal injury, death, and/or property damage, as well as claims based on publicity rights, defamation, and/or invasion of privacy, and from liability to any other persons relating to or resulting from entering or downloading materials or software in connection with the Sweepstakes. By participating in this Sweepstakes, each participant assumes all liability for any and all damages, losses or injury sustained, incurred, caused or claimed to be caused by or to the participant or any third party as a direct or indirect result of participation in the Sweepstakes and/or the acceptance, possession, use or misuse of a prize. The Released Parties do not make any warranty, representation or guarantee, express or implied, in fact or in law, relative to the use of any prize, including, without limitation, with respect to quality, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose. Further, no responsibilities are accepted for any additional expenses, omissions, delays, re-routing, or acts of any government or authority.

8. Publicity: Except where prohibited, participation in the Sweepstakes constitutes each participant’s consent to Sponsor’s and its designees’ use of participant’s name, likeness, photograph, voice, opinions and/or hometown and state for promotional purposes in any and all media, worldwide, including without limitation, on live television broadcasts, without further authorization, payment or consideration. Sponsor may also arrange to publicize any or all of a prize winner’s activities related to a prize awarded to him or her and each prize winner hereby consents and grants permission to Sponsor to permit any public relations firm, advertising agency, news or other information gathering agency or institution to be present, observe, make a record of and use and publish such activities.

9. General Conditions: Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, suspend and/or modify the Sweepstakes, or any part of it, in any way it deems necessary or appropriate in its sole discretion. In addition, Sponsor reserves the right to cancel or modify the Sweepstakes if any fraud, technical failures or any other factor impairs the integrity or proper functioning of the Sweepstakes, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual it finds to be tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Sweepstakes or to be acting in violation of these Official Rules or any other Promotion or in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner. Any attempt by any person to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of the Sweepstakes may be a violation of criminal and civil law, and, should such an attempt be made, Sponsor reserves the right to seek damages from any such person to the fullest extent permitted by law. Sponsor’s failure to enforce any term of these Official Rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision.

10. Limitations of Liability: The Released Parties are not responsible for: (1) any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by entrants, printing errors or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Sweepstakes; (2) technical failures of any kind, including, but not limited to malfunctions, interruptions, or disconnections in cellular transmissions, phone lines or network hardware or software; (3) unauthorized human intervention in any part of the entry process or the Sweepstakes; (4) technical or human error of any kind which may occur in the administration of the Sweepstakes or the processing of entries; (5) lost, late, incomplete, invalid, unintelligible or misdirected registrations, which will be disqualified; or (6) any injury or damage to persons or property which may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from entrant’s participation in the Sweepstakes or receipt or use or misuse of any prize. If for any reason an entrant's entry is confirmed to have been erroneously deleted, lost, or otherwise destroyed or corrupted, entrant’s sole remedy is another entry in the Sweepstakes, provided that Sponsor in its discretion has determined that it is reasonably possible to provide another entry. No more than the stated number of prizes will be awarded. In the event that production, technical, seeding, programming or any other reasons cause more than the stated number of prizes as set forth in these Official Rules to be available and/or claimed, Sponsor reserves the right to award only the stated number of prizes by a random drawing among all legitimate, un-awarded, eligible prize claims.

11. Disputes: Except where prohibited, entrant agrees that: (1) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Sweepstakes or any prize awarded shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan (Southern Division) or the appropriate Michigan State Court located in Oakland County, Michigan U.S.A.; (2) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering this Sweepstakes, but in no event attorneys’ fees; and (3) under no circumstances will entrant be permitted to obtain awards for, and entrant hereby waives all rights to claim, indirect, punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules, or the rights and obligations of the entrant and Sponsor in connection with the Sweepstakes, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Michigan, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules (whether of the State of Michigan or any other jurisdiction), which would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than the State of Michigan. If any provisions of these Rules are held to be invalid or unenforceable, all remaining provisions hereof will remain in full force and effect.

12. Entrant's Personal Information: Administrator collects personal information from you when you enter the Sweepstakes and shares it with Sponsor. To learn more about how Administrator and Sponsor use your information, please see Administrator’s privacy policy at http://www.eprize.com/privacy/privacypolicy.html and Sponsor’s privacy policy at www.wwe.com/help/generalfaq/privacypolicy.

13. Winner List: Winner List requests will only be accepted after the promotion end date (listed above) and no later than October 9, 2008. For the Winner List, send an email with subject line: "McMahon's Million Dollar ManiaTM, Winner List Request,” to WinListRequests@eprizefulfillment.com.

© 2008 ePrize, LLC. All rights reserved.


06-03-2008, 04:44 PM
Thanks for the info... guess I can't get the money:(

06-03-2008, 07:36 PM
Thanks for the info... guess I can't get the money:(

Why not?

Also, how much would it suck to get the 2 dollar one...

06-03-2008, 07:48 PM
^ I'm not in USA.