View Full Version : Abbas Challenges Hamas

06-06-2006, 10:14 AM
President wants Israel formally recognised
Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas is calling a referendum on Israel's right to exist.

The move is likely to bring a showdown with the Palestinian government now headed by militant group Hamas - which refuses to recognise Israel.

The referendum will be seen as a confidence vote in the two-month-old government and its anti-Israel stance, which has led the West to impose crippling sanctions on the Palestinian Authority.

The public vote is expected to be held in July.

Although Hamas convincingly beat Mr Abbas's Fatah group in January elections, opinion polls suggest most Palestinians may be tempted to back the president's stand.

Mr Abbas's office announced late on Monday that he would call the referendum after last-ditch talks with Hamas foundered.

Hamas has rejected the manifesto as it stands and said a referendum would be illegal so soon after the parliamentary election.

The Islamic militant group took office in March and have been locked in a power struggle with Mr Abbas ever since.

Mr Abbas, a moderate, stunned Hamas late last month by giving the group an ultimatum to back the proposal, written by Palestinian prisoners in an Israeli jail, or face a referendum.

Although opinion polls favour Mr Abbas, if the referendum does go against him, it would be seen as a vote against Fatah's policies of negotiation with Israel.