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View Full Version : Complete Smackdown Spoilers From San Jose, Ca - Airdate 6/20

Black Widow
06-09-2008, 10:22 AM

Smackdown results from San Jose - Airdate 6/20

MVP Lounge. Porter brags about being the best and being cool if he's drafted away from Smackdown. He says management overlooks talent because they either don't have an eye for talent or are to busy getting married. He can beat anyone, including La Familia. Vicky Guerrero comes out with Hawkins and Ryder. MVP says they had a deal that if he beat CM Punk last week, they would renegotiate his contract. Vicky says that was not the deal and she says if he wants competition then he's got it. Its MVP vs. Kane tonight.

*Matt Hardy over Bam Neely by Twist of Fate. Charles Robinson threw Chavo Guerrero out during the match.

*Vignette with Chavo complaining to Edge about being thrown out by Charles Robinson in Neeley's match. Edge promises him Robinson will be punished but Chavo must do him a favor and take care of Batista later in return. Edge will take care of Matt Hardy next week.

*Michelle McCool over Layla El as Natalya Neidhart watched on

*Backstage vignette: Vickie punishes Charles Robinson by telling him he will wrestle tonight.

*Vladimir Kozlov over Jamie Noble.

*Kane defeated MVP by countout. Mark Henry attacks Kane post match.

*Great Khali defeated Charles Robinson with the vice grip.

*Jesse and Festus defeated Deuce and Domino, who brawled before and after the bout.

*Finlay over The Miz.

*Chavo defeated Batista by countout. Edge was the special referee. Post match, La Familia attacked Batista.


Black Widow
06-10-2008, 09:29 AM

I'm a proud Elite member ever since 2005 (and a fan since day one) and I just wanted to help out with the results from the Smackdown/ECW show in San Jose last night. Chubby Nando did a good job but I just wanted to touch upon the stuff that he missed and/or didn't elaborate on.

The dark match was Elijah Burke defeating Funaki with a new finisher (claw into an STO... looks like Kenzo Suzuki's finisher when he was in the WWE). He went for the Elijah Express but Funaki got out of the way. Burke is sporting a new gimmick. I really don't know what it's about since he had no mic time. He came down in all black, holding a black diamond-encrusted goblet, with sunglasses with the Christian cross on each eye, with his long hair straightened. He came down to no music. I don't know where they were going with this. I don't know if it's a Blade vampire/goth thing they're going for (he was definitely holding the goblet like Gangrel used to hold his), or if it's some preacher gimmick or whatever... but he was definitely the heel here.

Hornswoggle d. Armando Estrada with the Tadpole Splash. It was purely comedy. Hornswoggle ran away, pulling out a squirt gun and spraying him with water. When he realized that didn't work, he ran with Armando chasing him. He pulled out a toy mallet and started hitting him with it. He lured him outside where Finlay was hiding underneath the ring with a huge Super Soaker and sprayed him. Finlay may have hit him after that because he rolled him into the ring knocked out so Hornswoggle could give him the Splash.

Layla danced for the crowd, only to stop as the crowd wasn't giving her any love, even though she dances WAY better than Kelly Kelly. She said that might be the last time they see her dance, and she hopes she gets traded to a brand where the fans could appreciate her.

Evan Bourne d. Matt Striker with the SSP (I'm surprised they brought back the Shooting Star, but it was nice to see it again.) After the Evan Bourne/Matt Striker match, Mike Knox ambushed Bourne and attacked him for "last week" (the night before???)

Kofi Kingston d. Mike Knox via DQ. Shelton was on the offense until he went for his patented screw kick, in which Kofi dodged and hit Mike Knox, who was coming from behind to help out. Knox and Benjamin argued as Kofi went up the ramp.

Like Nando said, Teddy Long gives Finlay and Hornswoggle the Tag Team title fight with Miz and Morrison at Night of the Champions with Finlay nailing him with the shillelagh after Miz asked if Long was serious about giving them the title shot.

CM Punk d. John Morrison with the GTS. As Punk was celebrating in the ring and Morrison was stumbling up the ramp, Miz comes by with an icepack over where Finlay hit him, and says Morrison is still one half of the Tag Team championship.

Teddy Long brings out Big Show and Kane for a "confrontation". Big Show said they were rivals and tag team partners but at Night of the Champions, he's going after he wants. Kane said Show knows him and that he'll do whatever it takes to keep the title, in which Show said he's a sick, sadistic freak. Mark Henry comes out and says he doesn't care who's the champ, after Night of the Champions, he's going after the champ. After Show and Kane double chokeslam Henry, they continue to argue until the show ends, as both leave to applause.

A couple of promotional videos later, the huge pyrotechnics show goes off and MVP is all ready in the ring/VIP Lounge. I don't want to repeat what Nando said a while ago, but I just want to point out that Vickie got a HUGE heel reaction from the crowd... maybe just as big as Edge did. I was kind of surprised myself, but then again, I haven't been watching Smackdown every week.

Hardy d. Bam with the Twist of Fate, after Chavo gets booted from ringside by Charles Robinson after Chavo had distracted Matt Hardy while he was on the top rope and allowed Bam Neely to slam him to the mat. A graphic for Matt Hardy vs Chavo Guerrero for the United States title at Night of the Champions flashed on the Jumbotron before the match.

Like Nando said, Chavo was backstage with Bam Neely and Edge, with Bam arguing with Bam about how he's disappointed that he lost.Edge pleaded with Chavo to fight Batista later that night and to "trust me."

McCool d. Layla with this cool heel hook submission. Natalya Neidhart was looking on from the top of the entranceway.

Backstage, Edge convinces Vickie that Chavo is enraged about the Robinson situation and how he wants a shot at Batista because of it. Charles Robinson comes into the office and Vickie tells Robinson that he hasn't been as "objective" as she would like and in that in the interest of objectivity, or something like that, Charles Robinson will feel how it's like to be a superstar and he will be in a match later that night.

Kozlov d. Noble in a squash, though Noble got some offense. Kozlov won with a headbutt to the stomach as Noble came off from the top rope.

Kane d. MVP via countout. MVP did not bother to get back in the ring to beat the ten count as he just took the countout loss, wanting no more from Kane. Mark Henry's music started to play, but Kane still went after MVP and laid him out at ringside before Henry attacked him, brought him in the ring and forward press slammed him, smiling at how he laid him out.

I don't know if this happened before or after the Kane/MVP match, but Charles Robinson was in the locker room and Chavo came by to say he wished him well in his match.

Charles Robinson came down to the ring. No one knew who was his opponent at this time. Mickie Henson (at least I think it was him) looked sympathetic as he was looking at Robinson awaiting his opponent, who turned out to be the Great Khali. I think Robinson sold like a champ here (or like a cartoon character, I don't know), as he threw him around, hit him with a chop to the head, and ended it with the Vice Grip. Later, Robinson was put in a neck brace and rolled out on a stretcher.

Jesse and Festus d. Deuce and Domino. Festus went crazy at the bell, knocking one of the greasers into the other, causing both of them to fight outside. Domino (I think) tore Deuce's shirt as the two were brawling. Deuce got mad and tossed him into the ring, to where Festus dominated and got the pin. Jesse didn't even wrestle. As they left, Deuce (or Domino... not quite sure) sat up Domino and went for a running Yakuza kick, and it looked like he whiffed it, which is probably why they set up for a second kick, which connected... kinda curious if the first kick makes it in the final edit. I don't know if this is a regular thing for them, but it looked like it was the end of the tag team, but I don't know their storyline.

Finlay d. The Miz with the Celtic Cross. Morrison was in the announcing booth as the match was going on. He got distracted by Hornswoggle as he was trying to bring him out from under the ring. Finlay swiped at Morrison, Miz tried to attack him, but Finlay was ready for him and a couple of seconds later, nailed him with the Celtic Cross.

Batista comes down to the ring for his match with Chavo, but he comes down with Vickie and some members of La Familia. I couldn't quite here what Vickie was saying since the crowd was really booing her, but I'm pretty sure she said that since Charles Robinson was the initial referee for the match, she was going to put in a special referee for this match, and of course it was Edge, but not in a Smackdown referee shirt... but the traditional RAW black and white stripes shirt... something I thought was funny for some weird reason. Edge does the usual heel referee moves... counting slow for Batista but fast for Chavo. As Batista was distracted at ringside by La Familia, Edge did a quick countout to give the win to Chavo. Batista came into the ring to get revenge, but La Familia started to attack him and laid him out, with Chavo getting the Frog Splash and Edge getting in the Spear. Vickie stood up to give them a round of applause. They were about to leave but decided to go back to add insult to injury, only for Matt Hardy to make the save as the two faces cleaned house and end the show with Matt and Batista celebrating with the fans.

No aftershow dark match as Justin Roberts thanked us for coming.
