View Full Version : News On The $2 Winner From Monday's WWE RAW Giveaway

06-10-2008, 09:10 PM
Knowing that a single phone call from Vince McMahon can earn one hundreds of thousands of dollars is certainly a great thrill. But little in the pro wrestling industry can rival the disappointment that would come with receiving that call, only to learn that the prize earned is a mere $2.

That is what happened to Keller, Texas' Sara Fuhrmann, who earned the $2 prize on last night's RAW and was what WWE.com described as, "a little disappointed."

But WWE made an effort to curb the disappointment. While she will not receive the $250,000, $200,000 or even $75,000 totals that were distributed Monday night, she will win a free trip to New York City.

"I still think [the sweepstakes] is an awesome idea," Fuhrmann, who will travel for free to New York with her husband and daughter, told WWE.com.

Source: Wrestlezone

Black Widow
06-10-2008, 09:24 PM
how fucking cheap if i won $2 id give it back.. call me back vince when its an actual prize

Ill Will
06-10-2008, 09:59 PM
I would have hung up on Vince.

06-10-2008, 11:01 PM
wouldnt it cost more to send the 2 dollars through the mail then the actual 2 dollars not to mention taxes if its a check lol

06-11-2008, 05:50 AM
Atleast she gets a free trip

The Lost Soul 13
06-11-2008, 06:03 AM
She will likely end up fairly well compensated. Firstly, the trip to New York City and the initial $ 2 spending money ( lol ) will add up to roughly $ 6000. Secondly, she will probably get recognition on Raw, which has its own undetermined value. Thirdly, she and her family will meet the superstars if Vince is going out of his way to take care of it. Lastly, Vince is not cheap enough to give $ 2 and end it at that, so she will probably end up getting a fair amount of cash ( $ 5000 to $ 10 000 seems reasonable ) and not have to spend a dime while she is in NYC. Overall, I say she ends up with a monetary value of at least $ 18 to 20, 000 along with the benefit of meeting Vince and the superstars she watches every week.

Ill Will
06-11-2008, 03:53 PM
wouldnt it cost more to send the 2 dollars through the mail then the actual 2 dollars not to mention taxes if its a check lol

...how would it cost more than 2 dollars just to send an envelope with a piece of paper in it through the mail? Stamps are 42 cents...

06-11-2008, 06:58 PM
She will likely end up fairly well compensated. Firstly, the trip to New York City and the initial $ 2 spending money ( lol ) will add up to roughly $ 6000. Secondly, she will probably get recognition on Raw, which has its own undetermined value. Thirdly, she and her family will meet the superstars if Vince is going out of his way to take care of it. Lastly, Vince is not cheap enough to give $ 2 and end it at that, so she will probably end up getting a fair amount of cash ( $ 5000 to $ 10 000 seems reasonable ) and not have to spend a dime while she is in NYC. Overall, I say she ends up with a monetary value of at least $ 18 to 20, 000 along with the benefit of meeting Vince and the superstars she watches every week.

I have to agree and maybe PPV tickets etc, some more things to add on. I would still be a little pissed at the time if they offered me the $2 lol