View Full Version : SmackDown!/ECW House Show Results: Adelaide, Australia, Saturday June 14

Black Widow
06-15-2008, 09:36 AM
Adelaide Entertainment Centre
Saturday June 14
SmackDown!/ECW House Show Results

The show played out very much like it did in Melbourne with a few variations.

The show opened with Justin Roberts telling us that the McMahons have allowed Undertaker to wrestle as a 'Farewell Tour'. Huge pop for this.

First match was Kofi Kingston vs. Shelton Benjamin. Several 'Kofi' chants as well as several 'You suck' chants for Shelton. Kofi had the offensive for the first quarter of the match until Shelton got the upper hand and dominated for the remainder of the match until Kofi hit the Bird Of Paradise.

Tag Team Championship: The Miz & John Morrison vs. (Jimmy Wang Yang substitute) Jamie Noble and Shannon Moore. Miz and Morrison playing to the crowd throughout the entire match. Miz was disturbingly gyrating his hips throughout the match. One spot where Morrison was hang up on the ropes with his head buried in Miz crotch. He was there for a long time too unnecessarily. Lots of back and forth with this match and a lot of tagging from both teams. Moore had a nice over the tope rope splash on Morrison to the outside. Match ended with Morrison hitting the Sunset Drive for the win.

Next we had Chavo Guerrero w/ Bam Neely vs. CM Punk. Huge response for Punk. Match finished when Punk reversed Chavo's 3 Amigos into the GTS. Punk ran around the ring afterwards letting one kid hold the Money In The Bank briefcase.

Victoria and Natalya vs. Michelle McCool and Kelly Kelly. Victoria and Natalya got jealous from McCool and Kelly's reaction from the crowd that they then went up on the turnbuckles which was obviously met with a heel response. Then McCool and Kelly went back up to get face response. Then the heels went back up on the opposite turnbuckles again followed by the faces. Natalya in first against Kelly who dominated and controlled the majority of the match. Nice hurricanrana form Kelly. After tags from both teams, Victoria went to hit the Widows Peak on McCool who was interrupted with a kick to the stomach by Kelly who was taken to the outside by Natalya. Natalya and Kelly were on the floor until McCool won with the ankle lock on Victoria. As soon as the bell rung, Kelly immediately got up and didn't seem injured anymore.

Finlay w/ Horny vs. Khali. JR is right that TV doesn't do these monsters justice. He is huge. Khali was met with a huge 'You Can't Wrestle' chant. He seemed shocked by it and then got out of the ring and taunted some fans threatening to snap them in half. Khali got in the ring only to go out again on the other side threatening other fans. He may not be able to wrestle but he's still not someone I would want to piss off. Khali controlled most of the match. Horny squirted Khali with a water pistol and through him into the ring. Don't remember where Horny got the tennis balls from but he started juggling in front of Khali who just tossed Horny aside. Khali took the padding off the turnbuckle which got the referee distracted for a low blow from Horny and then a shillelagh to the head by Finlay for the win. Khali stuck his finger up at a fan on his way out.

15min Intermission

US Championship: 'Slash' Palumbo rode in on his custom made bike to no response as most people where still coming back in from intermission and those who where in the arena, didn't care. Huge pop for Matt Hardy. Matt took his shirt off and went to throw it to the crowd until Palumbo took the shirt from Hardy and throw it on the floor. Hardy chants throughout the match as Palumbo dominated the match. Matt hit the Side effect for a 2 1/2 count who followed up with a Twist Of Fate for the win.

Funaki vs. Vladimir Kozlov. Funaki ran around the ring twice and then was out of breath when he got in the ring. A complete squash match with Kozlov winning who immediately left. You wouldn't have even known this match happened it was so quick.

MVP & Mark Henry vs. Kane and Undertaker. Kane started out against Henry with a lot of back and forth. Taker got a bottle of water and wet his face even before he got in the ring. Taker went to go Old School on MVP only to be reversed. In fact Kane and Taker sold a lot for the first half of the match for MVP and Henry. MVP got chokeslammed before a double chokeslam on Henry followed by a huge tombstone on MVP for the win.

Main Event: Batista vs. Edge. Huge pop for Batista. Edge took a long time to get down the entrance ramp who was taunting fans, grabbing fans signs and ripping them up and blowing his nose on it. Edge gets the microphone and told one guy he to keep his mouth closed because he needs a dentist, told a woman she was ugly and that that was a running theme in the arena. Edge then used Jericho's line from Global Warning in 2001 saying that he didn't know what a 'wanker' is but that he wasn't one. Edge then pointed at a fan and told him that he was a wanker and the ran around the ring saying "You, you, you, you, you, you are alllllllllllll wankers."

He eventually got in the ring and as soon as Batista went from him, Edge jumped out of the ring and ran all the way to the top of the entrance ramp. Batista gets on the mic and says he agrees with the audience and that he was a wanker but also a "worldwide, bonafide chickens***" which got the whole crowd chanting chickens***. It was a good 10min before the match started as Edge kept jumping out of the ring until Batista chased Edge around the ring. When Batista went to get in, Edge went to elbow drop Batista but missed. A lot of back and forth. Edge threatened to use the belt which was taken off of him. Edge got the belt back and was powerbombed who was holding the belt in his hand but didn't use it for some reason and was almost pinned when Chavo and Neely interfered. Batista knocked them both out of the ring and after a spear on Edge almost had the 3 count until Neely pulled Batista off of Edge resulting in Edge being DQ.

Chavo and Neely hit the ring and held Batista for Edge who was gearing up for a spear when Taker's bell hit and enter the Dead Man who was tapping up his wrist reading for action. Taker step forward threatening Chavo and Neely like Taker does to the refs. Chavo and Neely left fighting amongst themselves. Edge was left in facing Taker who didn't realize that Batista was behind him til Edge turned around. Batista and Taker hit Edge once each and then Taker tombstone Edge. Taker left with Edge laid out and Batista's theme hit to end the night.
