View Full Version : News On McMahon's Injury, Triple H, More

06-24-2008, 05:04 AM
The "tragic accident" as described on WWE.com that closed tonight's Raw is an angle. It would appear to me that it is a re-visiting of the Vince McMahon death angle from last year, with McMahon now being disabled instead of killed. That's just my guess as I haven't heard anything yet about where the angle is heading. The McMahon death angle was shot almost exactly a year ago and was to continue over the entire summer last year before the angle was dropped after the Chris Benoit tragedy.

The angle gave WWE an out with the 'McMahon Million Dollar Mania' contest, as they almost immediately announced on their website following Raw that the contest has been suspended for the foreseeable future. The contest was supposed to help turn around ratings for WWE, which are at a 10 year low, however ended up being a flop.

This year's draft allowed champions to bring their titles to whichever show they were drafted. In last year's draft, Bobby Lashley was immediately stripped of his ECW title when he was drafted from ECW to Raw. (Thanks to John)

Triple H was drafted to Smackdown tonight, which would be the first time he would be a member of that brand since the brand extension happened. Triple H was drafted to Smackdown in 2004, however never appeared on Smackdown as by the time the next episode of Smackdown aired, Triple H was traded back to Raw in exchange for Booker T and the Dudley Boyz to go to Smackdown.

Source: Wrestlezone

Kenpachi Zaraki
06-24-2008, 06:47 AM
so sd has 2 world titles then???

Ill Will
06-24-2008, 07:18 AM
so sd has 2 world titles then???

It won't after the PPV.

06-24-2008, 07:48 AM
But, the question becomes, will Triple H retain and Edge will lose, or will Batista bring the World Heavyweight back to RAW while Triple H keeps the WWE and goes to Smackdown.

The ECW Championship is interesting, as now it is being contested between a RAW member and a Smackdown member.

The United States title will stay on ECW regardless, since both Matt and Chavo are ECW stars.

06-24-2008, 04:05 PM
I wouldn't mind to see Edge lose his world champion =)!
But I don't see it happening, for he has Vicky on his side, along with "La Familia"