View Full Version : Backstage Notes from Last Night's Raw

06-24-2008, 07:36 PM
In case you are wondering, yes the show-ending angle with Vince McMahon from last night's Raw was done to put an end to the Million Dollar giveaway.

The overall feeling backstage among management was upbeat, with the feeling among those in charge that they delivered a strong show. They should feel that way because they did. For the first time in a while the "anything can happen" feeling was back on Raw. You could make the argument that it's easy for it to be that way when you are moving major players around, for sure. I just hope that all of the new faces in new places signal the start of a new era in creative.

With that said, it's fair to say that if you questioned them alone outside of a WWE function, there are definitely some people in the company wish the draft never happened. We are working on the story of one person that is said to be extremely upset with the move. We will have more on that shortly.

There are also definitely some people that hope Triple H doesn't get "traded back" to Raw too. The feeling is that if he stays away, it will open up opportunities for others to break through on the show while as long as he is there, he will always be in the top storylines and will block the path of advancement for young guys to break through since he is the most over, not to mention powerful, guy in the company.

The other announcers were having fun slagging on Mike Adamle last night, liberally busting his chops about his frequent mistakes and miscues. While you would think that at this point he has to be working the mistakes he constantly makes as part of his character, everyone I have asked about it tells me that is not the case. Adamle is messing up all on his own and people don't have any problem mocking him about it on the air.

Source: PWI