View Full Version : Breaking News: WWE Supplemental Draft Tomorrow

06-25-2008, 03:30 AM
The WWE Supplemental Draft will begin tomorrow at noon ET on WWE.com.

Source: Rolled across the screen during ECW.

06-25-2008, 07:03 AM
Sweet. What I want:

Leaving Raw for better places: Send away Carlito! Bring London and Kendrick back to smackdown as contenders (unless it was trips that was holding them down, then leave them on raw)

Leaving ECW for better places: Get Elijah Burke on a bigger show and give him a mid-card push! Kelly Kelly to raw. Other than that, ECW needs more talent I think, and those there should stay for now.

Leaving Smackdown for better places: I dont' watch SD much, so I dont' know who is being underused at the moment...