View Full Version : Natalya by Nature, Naughty by Choice

07-03-2008, 09:59 PM
So, I am now a member of WWE Fan Nation! I can't believe how many people we touch through this site. It is cool to interact with people that share my same passion from all over the world. It sounds so cliche to say that I find inspiration through the fans, but it's the truth. I think all of us Diva's and Superstars in WWE do. We just get such an amazing rush performing for them, and really feeling their energy and their support on a worldwide level.

I, personally, care a lot about what the fans think. That is one of the reasons why I want to interact with them as much as I can, especially through WWE Fan Nation. My whole family believed that wrestling was more than just a sport. It is an art form to us, and the ring is our canvas in which we paint our masterpieces. The fans, the people who believe in us, help contribute to our priceless paintings in the ring and out. In many ways, this drives me to be the very best...or should I say, "The Elegance of Execution!"

Ask me as many questions as you would like. I appreciate the support, and for accepting me for who I am. One of the best feelings for me is that you all have embraced Natalya for my originality. Thanks for letting me "color outside the lines!"

Source: WWE.Com