View Full Version : EWR Discussion Thread

That Rob
07-06-2008, 03:35 AM
Okay, i can't believe nobody has created one of these threads yet here, judging by how popular the game seems to be on the site here. Anyways here are some things you can discuss in here.

-Your cards, PPV results, any incidents that occur

-Any updated rosters or data can go in here I've been told that is ok.

-Any questions you might have about the game itself.

These are just a few things that you can discuss but really anything EWR related can be discussed in here. Have fun.

I'll post my Summerslam card/results as soon as I finish it up.

07-06-2008, 05:04 AM
Nice idea, I'm working on getting my LOW Fed together so I'll post cards and results of that in here when it gets up and running.

That Rob
07-06-2008, 06:55 AM
I'm really looking forward to seeing Rage with he World title again :shifty:

Anyways here is my Summerslam card:
OK so my TNA promotion recently went under...Kurt left for the WWE, Sting retired, I fired Homicide because of his drug addiction, same with Joe, Nash retired and no big names wanted to give my show a try...needless to say by July of 2009 TNA folded. Buyt now I've moved on to a WWE EWR, current and am working towards Summerslam here is the card and what I plan to have happen:

World title
Edge(c) vs. John Cena-I'm having Edge win here and continuing this match for about a month before i move both guys onto a new feud.

WWE Title
HHH(c) vs. RvD- Triple H as a champ doesn't seem to be working out for me...but RVD is still not ready for the title just yet. For this month Trips is going to keep the title.

ECW Title
Kane(c) vs. The Miz- So I need to move Kane off the ECW roster as I want this to be my breeding ground. The Miz is on my list of future World champs and having him win the ECW title will defiantly put him in the fast lean there. The Miz to win.

US title
CM Punk(c) vs. Marcus Cor Von- On my first show I had Punk defeat Matt hardy for the title...and a good thing I did, Matt got injured soon after. Marcus Cor Von is extremely over after non title victories over Punk with Armando as the guest ref and then a backstage ambush with Armando as well. I want Punk to move onto Smackdown after this PPV, and right now I'm torn as to whether keep the title on him and move him to Smackdown and create a secondary title for ECW, or have Cor Von win the title and create a new title on Smackdown. I'm leaning more towards Punk winning, I'm hoping to have him headline Wrestlemania 25,so I need to keep him strong.

IC title match
Jeff Hardy(c) vs. Randy Orton vs. JBL vs. Mr. Kennedy-Jeff just won the title and I'm not ready to have him lose it.

battle of the Bulls
Batista vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley- Fans have really resented Brock, and I'm wondering if it was a good idea to bring him back in...and as a full time wrestler at that. The fans have welcomed Lashley back and he seems to be a good choice to win here...but I have plans for Brock and as much as it might hurt my rating in this match I think he's getting the win.

Chris Jericho vs. Undetaker- I haven't really done anything with this feud and it just got a kick off this past Smackdown with Jericho assaulting Taker in his locker room. To me this match doesn't work on my card so either or would be a good choice for a winner, Undertaker probally will get the win, he might win my World title around No Mercy time.

Tommy Legend vs. Shawn Michaels- So as you can probably tell Legend is a created guy and a heel. His gimmick is Troublemaker and thats what he is backstage. HBK seems to voice his opinion on this guy more then anybody else so this is sort of a playoff of what he's saying behind the scenes. Tommy has yet to debut in ring but has appeared on screen and he's getting the win in this match.

So there you have it...and BTW less then a month into this and I already have 3 people injured(William Regal,. Matt Hardy and Natalya) and one person in rehab (Ric Flair). Also note that I have 2 weeks of shows left to do before this event so I can change my mind at any time as to what I'll do.

07-06-2008, 08:52 AM
This is MY TNA roster on EWR, I took out the Knockout Division because they were bringing down ratings and I brought in a TNA United States Championship which is held by James Storm. I also Made Eric Young quit by releasing Traci Brooks but brought in Colt Cabana very recently to replace EY.

The Numbers inside the brackets is the Overness rating of each wrestler

TNA Roster –

Main Event:

Christian Cage (Heel, 100)
Kurt Angle (Heel, 95)
AJ Styles (Face, 91)
Sting (Face, 98)
Rhino (Heel, 100)
Booker T (Heel, 94)
Samoa Joe (Face, TNA World Heavyweight Champion, 94)
Rob Van Dam (Face, 93)

Upper Midcard:

Jay Lethal (Face, 87)
Alex Shelley (Face, 86)
Chris Sabin (Face, 88)
Abyss (Heel, 90)
Jay Briscoe (Heel, 84)
Mark Briscoe (Heel, 84)
Kaz (Injured) (Face, 81)
Tomko (Heel, 78)
Homicide (Face, TNA Tag Team Champion, 86)
Bryan Danielson (Face, 88)
Scott Steiner (Heel, 87)


Hernandez (Face, TNA Tag Team Champion, 79)
James Storm (Face, TNA United States Champion, 80)
Brother Ray (Heel, 84)
Brother Devon (Heel, 83)
BG James (Tweener, 80)
Kip James (Heel, 80)
Petey Williams (Heel, X Division Champion, 77)
Robert Roode (Heel, 73)

Lower Midcard:

Lance Hoyt (Heel, 54)
Colt Cabana (Face, 57)
Jimmy Rave (Heel, 60)
Johnny Devine (Heel, 58)
Matt Sydal (Face, 66)
Nakuri Doi (Heel, 52)
Masato Yoshino (Heel, 68)
Sonjay Dutt (Face, 69)
Shinsuke Nakamura (Heel, 62)


Yoshitsune (Heel, 27)
Consequences Creed (Heel, 47)

All the Japanese Wrestlers (Nakuri Doi, Masato Yoshino, Yoshitsune, Nakamura) are all apart of an Anti-USA group called Team Japan (Cant think of a better name) so they are quickly getting over with the fans, though Yoshitsune has a low Overness he started with an overness of near nothing

Comments appreciated

Last PPV Card: (85% Rating Overall)

Hard Justice –

Dark Match:
Team 3D Def. The Motor City Machine Guns and Speed Muscle (Doi and Yoshino) (73%)

Opening Match:
X Division Title: Petey Williams Def. Matt Sydal and Jay Lethal to retain (75%)

TNA Tag Team Titles: LAX Def. The Briscoe Brothers (93%)

Submission Match:
Robert Roode Def. Bryan Danielson due to Interference from Scott D’Amore (84%)

Hardcore Match:
Christian Cage Def. Rob Van Dam (90%)

Booker T Def. Sting (93%)

Kurt Angle Def. AJ Styles (86%)

Steel Cage:
TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Samoa Joe Def. Rhino to retain (88%)

I am planning on having the Briscoes win then move them onto a feud with the Motor City Machine Guns and I have Petey Williams lose the X division title to Matt Sydal who could after the feud go on to feud with Sonjay Dutt and Williams can start moving towards the United States Championship, I will have Joe retain in the Feud ender between him and Rhino and have Samoa Joe face Christian Cage who will eventually win it and defeat Joe again to retain then have him feud with AJ, Danielson etc.

That Rob
07-06-2008, 04:30 PM
Hmm off the top of my head why not call your Japanese stable Kabukimono? Its a rebel group in Japan from the 1700's.

And BTW great card there, you have some nice feuds building...for a jobber :shifty:

That Rob
07-06-2008, 07:22 PM
Well my Summerslam came and went and got an overall rating of 88%. Here is the results and ratings:

Preshow Charlie Haas and Lance Cade def. Cryme Tyme, Cantino and The Hooligans to retain the tag team titles. Rating 74%-This tag team really seems to be clicking, and when they had tag matches on Raw against Cryme Tyme they drew ****ratings, I'm thinking because Unforgiven is going to be a Raw only PPV these two teams are getting onto the show.

Main Show

Undertaker def. Chris Jericho Rating 90%-I really just threw this feud together because I didn't have anything for either of them. But after they pulled off a 90% rating with little to no build up I'm going to continue this feud AFTER Taker wins the WWE title from Triple H at No Mercy...for now RVD and Jericho will enter a feud over the coming months and like I said Taker and Trips will feud as well.

CM Punk def. Marcus Cor Von to retain US title Rating 80%-I didn't expect that high of a rating for this match but was surprised it got an 80. That said this feud has been ended and Punk is moving to Smackdown, ECW will be getting a second title in the coming weeks, and I'm thinking that either Marcus Cor Von or Cody Rhodes will be the first champ...I think I'll go with Cor Von.

Brock Lesnar def.. Batista and Bobby Lashley Rating 76%-So I was rihgt having Brock win hurt this rating. This was actually my lowest rating on the whole show...and it had 2 main eventers and an upper mid carder. Right now I don't know what I'm going to do with these three, but I'm thinking that Brock wasn't a good idea to bring back. He may be released in the coming weeks.

Jeff Hardy def. JBL, Mr. Kennedy and Randy Orton to retain IC title. Rating 82%-I don't know what to say about this match, I want to eventually move Jeff up to the main event scene, but these three are also up there as far as pushes go...this match was a surprise as I was expecting around an 85 rating...82 isn't bad though.

Tommy Legend def. Shawn Michaels in a Hell in a Cell Rating 95%- The crowd was hot for this match getting a 100% there but their styles didn't match so the quality dropped it down. I'm ending this feud and having Legend run into a feud with Edge leading into Unforgiven where I'm going to give him the title. The crowd loves him...despite what the wrestlers say on a weekly basis.

The Miz def Kane to capture the ECW title Rating 79%-There styles didn't match well, Miz has gained overness being now around the 85 over mark. I had to end this feud and neither one wanted it to end but with me redoing the ECW roster moving some people there to help them get over and releasing a few others The Miz as my champ is my long term plan.

Edge def. John Cena rating 93%- This feud seems to be money but I want Legend with my title, moving Cena into a feud with Randy Orton might be good for him though. This crowd reaction like my Legend/HBK match was rated 100% but again the quality brought it down.

Triple H def. RVD Rating 94%-I'll admit when I'm wrong and I know that I said this feud wasn't working and that RVD wasn't ready but with them pulling in a 94 rating I'm going back on my word and running this feud a little longer. Undertaker is going to have to take a back seat for a few months...might even be left off TV as well. I'm torn whether to continue this or go with my orginal plan...maybe even a four way coming around.

So there you have it...a decent show, I was surprised with a few of the ratings...ECW I might put a few main eventers there but right now I'm thinking that it will remain just a training ground.

07-07-2008, 03:29 PM
>.> DCW is just about to go bankrupt again. after the first month was over HBO dropped DCW due to bad ratings. I have a total of 48 shows so far. i fired just about everyone. 28 workers and my top draw is Lodi(heel) and my top face.....Carly colon. I even Fired Myself(Marcus the wrestler). Two months ago(in the game) i was losing over 7 million dollars. Current month so far. lost over 1 million. Still have to see how that goes and see if i get an offer like the last time to run a differant comapny right before the Show is closed.
Here's a logo(till i get a better one)
I know Alicia Keys has nothing to do with DCW or wrestling but i just went with it. <,< and it looks alot better in the game. it's resized and way smaller.
Here's the top 100 Wrestlers on 08 from the last DCW saved game
Low Ki and Tajiri. :faint: didn't see that coming.
Only at the age of 19 I got 22.
Last of the top 100
Triple H. <.<

I was playing WCW again since DCW was going under. Finished the Sting/Shelton fued. One week before Scott Hall Made his debut saving Sting from Shelton. The begining of the Next Show Scott Hall Said he had Stings back. The end of the night, He Stiener made Shelton lose due to interferance and Hall made the save. One night before the Body Harvest PPV, Hall was held back from attacking Shelton and later that night, Shelton won and Hall attacked Shelton. The main event had "I quit Match" for the American Belt. Hall made sure Shelton won the belt and shook hands. The Next night on Nitro. Hall is now and offical Member of the four Horsemen and now manages Chris Nowitski. Here are the new fueds for WCW.

The Haas/O'Haire vs Sting/Jordan hasn't even started. Haas and O'Haire wean't in fueds. They wrestled once and the chemisty was very good from a Raod agent report. i put them together and they work well with each other and both are heels. always have been in WCW. They've been having matches With a combination of Sabu/Spike dudley, Dudley/Sick Nick Mondo, and Mondo/Sabu, i wasn't doing much with New age Hardcore at the time.

The next night after the PPV, Haas and Jordan(85 overness) had a backstage Confratation, the next show. Haas and O'Haire ambushed Jordan. i havn't gone far after that. This fued will Move Jordan to the main event(hopfully) Haas is already a main eventer(94 overness), Ohaire was a main eventer in the starting and is on his way back(87 overness). Sting has an overness of 94.

The dudleys vs Punk/Jeff is just about over. Then i can make the Nowitski/Hurricane fued to main event status.

I have alot of midcarder and very little Main eventers.
The Dudleys
Johnny Stamboli

BG James

Jeff Hardy
Scott Steiner
Shelton Benjamin

Upper midcarders
Orlando Jordan
Sick Nick Mondo
CM Punk
Juvi Guerrera(Rehab)
Sean O'haire

17 midcarders, 11 main eventers, and 9 uppermidcarders.....and 7 others.
WCW top Faces and Heels and Top Draw. BG. :bow: and yeah. i did edit his charisma to 100. <,< Nowitcki and BG had alot of Insult trading and Bret Hart/Randy Savage host segments. It's Like Jay Leno vs Jerry Springer.