View Full Version : What Reptile Are You?

07-06-2008, 03:39 AM
You Are a Snake
You have extraordinarily sharp senses.
You sense what's going on almost before it happens.

You connect with the world. People instantly feel close to you.
You are a natural protector. You take good care of your friends.

You are an ambitious person. Your ambitious drives you.
But while you are ambitious, you are also humble. You are thankful for everything you have.

What Reptile Are You?

07-07-2008, 12:19 PM
You Are a Turtle


You are wise, grounded, and focused.
You also have an extreme energy... an energy rare for someone so serious.

You respect the earth and truly love nature.
You wish that everyone was able to live in harmony.

The only thing you have to remember in life is to slow down and pace yourself.
You can get wound up easily over things that really don't matter much.